Saturday, February 20, 2016


I'ma keep it BRIEF! Like the title says I tried to do TOO MUCH TODAY and I paid for it! Shout out to Mylen for giving me a ride back to the area otherwise I'd have been IN TROUBLE! I left out today wayyyyyyyyyyy too early trying to get myself in order and pay bills and get ready for the support hearing on tuesday where my feet and knees GAVE OUT around about 6pm!

Never mind that I woke up TOO EARLY and of course I'm JUST GETTING HOME NOW! So I was up at 6am and doing work for Williams Works where my site visitor amount PER WEEK is now approaching 450+ PER WEEK. I'm still trying to get people to BUY STUFF but it used to be that my site visits per week were nowhere near 450 per week!
I've still got a lot to tinker around with and figure out but the steady amount of visits per week is better than NO AMOUNT OF VISITS per week!
Not gonna yap any further. My feet and knees have been torturing me for the last 5 hours! So I'm gonna climb in this BED and call it a NIGHT!

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