Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Chimdi Mbonu and the Last 5 Days....

These last five days have been filled with paperwork. Prismacolor markers. Drawing, writing, typing and trying to close out moving on to a job that will produce enough income for me to start putting money towards other personal business and business endeavors that will give me MORE OPPORTUNITIES TO MAKE MORE MONEY.

TV. Radio. Internet. Etc.
Make it seem easy to go from nothing to "supposed" something.
From Broke, poor, pissed-off, homeless, indigent or whatever.

To solvent and stable.
Over the last 5 days the plantation-station has shown me how so many of My People literally turn to drugs and drinking. Turn to hopelessness and despair. Before finally turning to violence and crime and finally becoming an actual statistic to fuel the prison industrial complex and the phony crime state index numbers that Whites and nigger-traitors use to justify their own cowardly acts and attacks.

As you have seen. My daily posting has been low and slow and that is because of the last 5 days of me watching, observing, and making my own moves to secure my own escape and deal with the walls closing in around me as my limited plantation-station funds power MY NECESSARY OVERHEAD. 
And I skimp and/or do without for other things. I had to borrow money from my sworn brother Art in order to buy food last week.

The great thing about having gotten back to keeping the company of those who honestly support me is the fact that he pointed out that RIGHT. NOW. Right now is when things are going to get ridiculously TIGHT. Transfering from one poor paying job to at least a decent paying one is when the necessary expenses that couldn't be covered with the poor paying job, now become needed for the better paying job. So his point was to be prepared for pressure to replace things that weren't needed for the plantation-station. But will now be NEEDED for the new job, like actual transportation money. I can't possibly walk to where this new job is located at, too far. But also!?

Things like the orthodics that I need for my feet, so I can FINALLY DEAL WITH this plantar faciitis problem. Just to do the molds for them is $350. That my friends is pretty much an entire check for the plantation-station. LITERALLY that is 50+ of my manpower hours just to be able to BUY what I need, the inserts for my shoes, sneakers, whatever. Molded to the pattern of my flexible flat-feet. So that they can start to actually heal up ON A PERMANENT BASIS WITHOUT SURGERY OR?
More foot injections.

At $350 for the orthodics?
That means that I had to be at work for at least 8 - to - 9 hours per day at $8 per hour, not including the fact that it takes me 20 minutes to walk there and back ON MOST DAYS. Then regarding my schedule it is in the hands of a Whiteman who has made it clear that he ENJOYS watching Black People scurry around and beg him for hours and bicker and act petty, as he laughs about it all. Like it is funny, as he gets in his very nice Tahoe truck and drives to his very nice home in New Jersey. From a job that he routinely does not give out enough days or hours to the people he has, nor enough pay. Which is also a job with no sick days. No vacation time. No personal days. No medical benefits. No dental benefits. Yet fools wonder why welfare has so many people on it while jobs like this one literally rake in $1,000's of dollars per HOUR, where, remember...?

I handle those dollars and THE RECEIPTS. ^_^ So I actually KNOW how much is being made by the place that I am at. The attempts to dodge local, state and federal laws, where I have pointed out before that Whites will blatantly ignore the rules, laws, for supposed businesses, etc. But when Black businesses engage in the same things, the hammer drops heavy and the business and the Blacks who own it are obliterated, on purpose.
On purpose.

I was up late last night reading. Reading about the business license for PA. Looking at the fact that I need to get that done ASAP because the fee is small enough to pay with the new income I'm about to get. Right now, one of the Black tenants in this house is talking to her uncle and pointing out how HER WHITE EMPLOYERS undercut her from getting her retirement package for 15 years of service by firing her at 13.5. Because she still had the original retirement package for whatever place she used to work at, THAT? Is why SHE IS IN THIS HOUSE. Renting a room. Her uncle is pissed and it appears she never told him the full story of what'd happened. So mind you, as I am typing this IN MY ROOM. A Blackwoman who lives in this house LITERALLY just ended up revealing outside my door that she was undercut by Whites simply because she'd been SMART ENOUGH to keep the original retirement package her White employers USED TO HAVE. Where they clearly thought she wouldn't reach 15 years of working for them. Then? When she got TOO CLOSE...?

They fired her.
Thank you.
If you are BLACK, and said, THIS IS NORMAL?

You have fucked up.
Because it means YOUR MIND has now become Whitewashed and you believe that you should be FUCKED OVER FOR YOUR HARD WORK, LOYALTY, DELIGENCE, DEDICATION AND SERVITUDE AS AN EMPLOYEE.
I would wrap this entire post up and tie it all together, but not today. It's wrapped up enough. It is 3:30pm EST. Time for me to get my PERSONAL BUSINESS done.

This post is dedicated to Chimdi Mbonu.
Thank You for EVERYTHING, Big Brother.
"Shawn, look...? You have... TREMENDOUS TALENT. You can't stay in this little corner trying to make Noni happy. She loves you, brother. But she doesn't think she can keep up if you grow beyond where you are now. She's barely keeping up as it is. It's GREAT that you love her so much that you're willing to do what you're doing, but? Brother? You're miserable. And you got too much talent. At some point or another, you know how you are. You know WHO you are. You're gonna just start going and doing what you need to do and then she's gonna panic when she sees you aren't listening to her anymore and you know how her temper gets when you don't listen to her...."

If I'd have listened to you BEFORE I married Noni, then Shawn would have had a mother who wouldn't stoop to such treacherous tactics. But I didn't. And now RIGHT WHEN I'M ON THE MOVE AGAIN!? Your time has run out. And yet another Blackman of worth is gone from this world without nearly enough people knowing how many lives you touched and transformed for the better. Including mine. 
Over and over I have wasted my time talking to fools and fuck-up's about what it TRULY MEANS TO BE HUMAN! You don't GET. FOREVER! You GET A SLIM. NARROW! SLIVER OF TIME TO DO SOMETHING WITH YOUR LIFE AND THEN YOU DIE!
Fools have reduced that FACT to something that isn't to be worried about UNTIL DEATH is STARING THEM IN THE FACE!
I needed to be able to stand in front of you Big Brother and SHARE MY SUCCESS WITH YOU! But all of us have been robbed with your untimely death. I don't fail to see the irony that the most MORALLY UPRIGHT OF OUR NUMBER, would be the one to die without warning during these HIGHLY IMMORAL times. I should have listened way back in 2000, because everything you said Noni would do, the way she would do it AND THE REASONS FOR HER ACTIONS, everything you said "Love can be a selfish emotion, Shawn. And men like you tend to evoke powerful emotions from the women you get involved with. Brother...? She's not gonna just let you walk away from her. Be careful, man. Because you've been everything for her, especially? At the cost of yourself...."
Rest In Peace, Big Brother.

Roll intro collage....


  1. You know... Ive been reading your blogs for awhile now and it's slowly showing me life gets tough. You don't always get babied. If you cry you cry by yourself. But to know that it's possible to make it fills me with immense determination. And for that i thank you. I'll remember these blogs during my toughest times.
    Also, r.i.p. Chimdi.
    If you dont mind me asking how'd he die

    1. Heart attack. He was trying too hard to be there for everyone and he wasn't keeping his health up. Ironically it was a warning he gave me and he was right. I'm still not where I NEED TO BE, but as you've read I've cut back on dealing with and being around certain people and certain TYPES of people.

      But Chimdi became physically ill-looking and by then it was too late. I don't know how much stress he was under either, because he kept his problems or issues close to his vest and focused on everyone else instead. Clear cut sign that none of us were paying enough attention to him and I'm just as guilty of that as anyone else.

      People have told me that I am putting too much personal information out there, out HERE. On this blog. I always remind them that with the Patriot Act and all the other nonsense out here the only way you can keep yourself "private" is by not having a computer at all and limiting your contact with computerized everything. If this blog has helped you, then I've done what I set out to do. Lord knows I wouldn't want anyone regardless of race to go through what I've gone through regarding My Son and Our Forced Separation....
