Thursday, August 3, 2017

No Stacey... It Is Not Sad....

I've typed and retyped and deleted and saved, My Response.
To what You have CHOSEN to say by way of Meme.
Where even as I type this, at 12:04am EST.
With Youngest Brother on the line, I'm LITERALLY sitting here typing this with the phone up to My Ear and He and I have been talking for hours.

Understand something reader, and You too Stacey.
When anyone claims it is SAD to Tell The Truth.
Not some slanted version of events, but to tell the whole story.
How on earth am I claiming perfection when I have typed on here the fact that I was willing to LET YOU carry on Your Affair/Relationship with Baby Dave Evans IF YOU WOULD TAKE RESPONSIBILITY FOR IT AND IN EXCHANGE ADHERE TO WHAT I WANTED IN RETURN.

This is the reason why You, like Monika9422, are walking the same path.
Where You Stacey, can thank Monika9422, for leading Youngest Brother and I to Your Instagram while following up on Hers and Her New York Times Post where this Russian Whitewoman, is now quite dead, Stacey.

Because she attempted to live the same type of Lie that You are now living.
Instagram and Likes and enablers and trifling people canNOT and never will replace those who have had an honest and permanent impact FOR THE BETTER, on Your Life. Where now, You are DEVOID OF THAT PERSON.

You posted this meme, where Youngest Brother said immediately "What is the odds that she would POST THIS. DIRECTLY AFTER You posted what You posted on August 1st regarding what Nicole Michelle said and HOW IT PERTAINED TO HER." to You, Stacey.

It is NOT SAD, when I tell the truth and it makes You Feel "some kind of Way".
I'm not in the business of babying You anymore.
Because I never should have been doing that in the first place.
And this meme here that You posted;
When You have THE COURAGE TO TELL PEOPLE THE TRUTH about You and Baby Dave Evans IN NAME AND FULL-DETAILS, then You can post this kind of childish nonsense. The Fact that You would claim I am painting a "Dark Picture" while You stood by and let Your Daughter continue to date a Young Man who was BEATING HER! Where I'd warned You long before it happened that it would happen, because YOUR DAUGHTER was trying to MANIPULATE HIM. And it WAS NOT. NECESSARY. Never mind SHE WAS NOT GOOD AT IT!

More importantly...?

A Dark Picture of You?
I have been KIND on this blog to You in comparison to what I COULD ACTUALLY TYPE AND THEN PROVIDE THE PROOF OF.
You insist on trying to make Your Lies, The Truth.
And I warned You well in advance that I am NOT someone to Lie to.
You had no problems lying.
So then have no problems with being held accountable for YOUR ACTIONS UNTIL YOU CORRECT YOUR MISTAKES.

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