Saturday, January 23, 2016

A Video That BEST DEPICTS the Plantation-Station and its Leadership/Management....

So here it is first thing in the morning and I GOTTA TELL YA!? This is the FIRST TIME LONG TIME since I've HONESTLY BEEN AWOKE AT THIS HOUR! And it is because My Shifts of work don't require me to wake up at NORMAL 9 - to -5 FIRST SHIFT hours. So everything feels bizarre and weird to be UP at this hour.

And shout out to those who have noticed that YES. My artwork IS SIMPLISTIC in nature but has subtle details that show WHO IS HUMAN and who isn't. Take Yuki for instance in the pic above? She has eyelashes. While the non-Human characters don't. Simple. And subtle.
UNLIKE the Plantation-Station. To say I'm happy to finally be getting out of there means nothing. Even with the confirmation of an impending qualifying offer, I'm not psyched up. Pumped up. Ripped! OR JACKED!
And I typed things that way because I was remembering an old bodybuilder commercial from back in the day when I was a kid and I was like "Uhhhhhhhhhh? Whu, whut? You don't even look human anymore." this was of course because the "supplement" at that time was anabolic steroids and they hadn't been proven to destroy you yet. So the announcer was like "Tired of lifting weights with no results...? Don't you wanna get PUMPED! RIPPED! AND JACKED!"

And I was like...?
I'm a kid...
I don't want to get punked.
Ripped on (teased).
And JACKED UP! (Beaten up)

SEE!? You can live in the same country and something can seem like it should be understood and then region and references can turn it into a WHOLE 'NOTHER LANGUAGE!
There was a point in there somewhere. You're smart, you'll figure it out, cuz lord knows I'm not trying to. Fuck was I typing again!?
Here ARE SOME videos of how the plantation-station is run by management, ENJOY!

1st some music, note the bizarre, ominous and very evil echo in the background talking about CANDY...!? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHA! If the Boondocks cartoon did ONE THING RIGHT!? They had GREAT MUSIC! This song I've been told was actually sampled from or had something to do with the song Rush Rush from the movie Scarface;
The Plantation-Station's...
Management Training Video;

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