Saturday, January 23, 2016

Plowing Ahead with Resolve....


Yesterday someone I was talking to, young, Black, still learning and just really starting to live life. But they were asking me how do I feel and am I upset that I'm not going anywhere with Williams Works? And I found it interesting that they would ask and the way they put it, where really they were FISHING for answers FOR THEMSELVES. About something they clearly DIDN'T WANT TO DISCUSS WITH ME, but knew/know that I have my own thing going with Williams Works and they are questioning THEMSELVES on whether they should ATTEMPT WHATEVER THEY'RE THINKING ABOUT FOR THEMSELVES.


They said this;
"Isn't it risky trying to make a living off of your creativity and artwork and stuff? What if you fail? You haven't really made any money yet and you workin here and stuff."
Now of course the language makes it easy to see that they're young. And stuff. So? For me the main issue is not for me to crush their spirit, nor handle them with kid-gloves either. So I let'em know that for the amount of time I put in here and then the subsequent rewards I supposedly get out of it?

At the end of it all NONE OF THIS IS MINE. It is SOMEONE ELSE'S. At THEIR LEISURE, they can do what they're doing now. Cut my hours. They can do what they're telling us now, sending us home early. MEANWHILE? What is the hourly rate of pay to begin with? So when you take all of this into account, and then correctly direct it AT YOUR OWN BUSINESS IDEAS, ETC!? In the long-run? You end up FAR BETTER OFF, EVEN IF YOU FAIL, EVEN IF I FAIL!?

I will have the experience under my belt of what worked and WHAT DIDN'T. Then it is just the process of PICKING MYSELF UP and GOING BACK AT IT AGAIN AND USING MY PREVIOUS FAILURE TO HELP ME NOT MAKE THE SAME MISTAKES AND MISSTEPS AS THE LAST TIME.

So they thought about what I said and then I reminded them to REMEMBER that the plantation-station started off as JUST ONE PLANTATION-STATION. And I'm sure that bills piled up and how am I gonna do this-n-this and what-about that-n-that, THIS IS THE NATURE OF THE BEAST. This is THE NORMAL COURSE OF GETTING OUT HERE IN THE WORLD AND PLOWING AHEAD ON YOUR OWN. You see who you can talk to in order to get advice. You look at others and how they've succeeded and/or failed and see if you can add anything OF THOSE EXPERIENCES TO YOUR OWN, BUT IN THE END!?

YOU DECIDE what to do, HOW TO DO IT, WHY, ETC! It is THE ULTIMATE TEST OF WHO YOU ARE AS A PERSON. You can be nervous about it, BUT YOU CAN'T BE IN FEAR OF IT. Because it may be normal to have DOUBTS AND FEARS, if you let THOSE control you, then? You'll always have SOME EXCUSE FOR WHY YOU DON'T APPLY YOURSELF. And that's not what you want.

Once I told'em that!? They definitely felt confident and thanked me and headed off to get back to work. Meanwhile? I remembered I have THIS and it FITS;
 And of course THIS FITS EVEN MORE;

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