Saturday, December 24, 2022

Currently Listening to THIS while doing WE3-Work ON THESE:

So I have NOT BEEN POSTING ANY WE3-WORK, which is DELIBERATE, but as I always add:
Because I am NOT POSTING IT, doesn't mean I am NOT WORKING ON IT.

So right now I am redoing this drawing of two-basic Nuvo-Troop Types where the Nuvo have successfully revolted & taken the entire eastern-province of Sumarpanga for themselves. The Nuvo, which is literally an abbreviation for Nu-Voltage Hammer, are the descendants of what is now called Old-Voltage Hammer, where Their Previous-Gen had warred with Mun-Da & His Sumarpanga as a satellite-state of the now long since defeated-&-destroyed 6-Dens of Tokeyo.

Mun-Da's successful defeat-&-destruction of 6-Dens, quickly caused Old-Voltage Hammer to surrender, as They were a Tribal-State of Feral Beast-Type Bitches. That stood no chance without the aid of Their Sun-Mahtsiri empire of Tokeyo's 6-Dens...!
Old-Voltage Hammer...? 
Was then absorbed INTO Sumarpanga & became its eastern-province, where Mun-Da then led them to defeat-&-destroy any Old-Voltage Hammer bitches who refused to surrender! And then march beyond the boundaries of Their ORIGINAL Tribal-borders to attack & conquer any-&-all other Feral Beast-Type Bitches, until Mun-Da ended the campaign at what used to be called the Inland-Sea.

Mun-Da then began advancing Old-Voltage Hammer & actually instituting UPGRADING THEM from Ferals-to-Domestics, where he taught Them how to use advanced med-sci technology. 
And 1st-Priest techniques in everything from agriculture to architecture and various biotech-applications...!!!!!

In the End...?

The Children of Old-Voltage Hammer wanted more than THEY'D EARNED & eventually began plotting with the revolting DEEP-Southern States of Sumarpanga, while not letting Their Mothers know a thing about THEIR DESIRE TO REPLACE THEM. Because heaven-forbid They continue to be a bunch of subservient Pick-Me's of Prosperity to a Beastmaster-"boy" who'd successfully restored order in the entire region THAT USED TO BE RULED OVER BY MEMBERS OF THE EMPIRE HE DESCENDS FROM...!

So I've been working on getting artwork UP TO DATE, while continuing to flesh out-&-fill out storylines & actually WRITE STORIES. But I'm still NOT DONE, so this is what I am working on LITERALLY RIGHT NOW, because this drawing needs to be UPDATED, INKED, COLORED-COMPLETED:


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