I woke up at 5am EST.
My Sleep was choppy Last Night, regardless of Me going to Bed ON.
I also see that I made My Point.
In Regards to You, Stacey.
Because You've Run Up from Off of Here Directly.
And You're Hiding doing Android-Google-Searches to see what I type next.
Looking at Mr.Superboy222's Video regarding Permit Patty and then remembering the silly and stupid shit You said to Me, actually pissed Me Off.
The Fact that You were doing Your Best to disarm Me.
And convince Me of some fairy tale bullshit!
While all You've ever done with Your Life was kiss Up and Go Along with Rapists, Molesters, Abusers and Bullshitters!
All the Way Around.
Then You Yourself tried to fuckin get over on Me and then thought You were gonna fuckin mouth-off to Me.
Because Women like You after You've spent Your Whole Life getting the shit kicked out of You!
You then decide You need to Be Disrespectful of the Man who honestly does want to Be with You.
This kind of stupidity.
Has become rampant among Women in general.
Then when the Women who HAVE SENSE, tell Women like You to KNOCK IT OFF!
You intentionally ignore good advice to try to get revenge on the Man who is Actually In Your Corner!
Because You're too much of a fuckin pussy to settle accounts with those who actually have fucked You over!
It's fuckin cowardly.
And watching those videos yesterday reminded Me that when a Blackman listens to a woman of ANY RACE.
Telling Him some ole BULLSHIT!
Because Her Ass wishes shit was different!
She's not doing a fuckin thing to make shit different!?
That bitch is USELESS!
And should be gotten rid of IMMEDIATELY!
When I posted the Fact that all of those Black People had been murdered.
While carrying out everyday activities.
And nobody has gone to jail yet for any of Their Murders.
But You were talking about some bullshit about Flash Mobs and worrying about muthafuckin DANCING!?
Meanwhile shit is fuckin dangerous out here!?
Fuckin, Dancing...?
And see this is another reality that I've had to come to accept.
Something that I already knew.
But I let bullshittin-ass bitches convince Me that I was being too serious;
People are out here Murdering Blackmen and losing zero-sleep over it.
Notice I did not type White-People.
I typed; People
Which means anybody and everybody.
Walking around with signs isn't doing shit.
Walking around stopping traffic isn't doing shit.
I see on a regular basis, White People saying; Long as Ya'll Protest Peacefully, that's fine.
So My Life is on the Line.
Where the Intent is to Murder and Cower as Many Blackmen as Possible.
So that the Blackwomen and Black-Children can in turn be murdered.
Which is exactly what is happening by the Way.
And some random White-People are saying;
It's okay for You to protest the Fact that We're intentionally murdering You.
...But only for as long as You do so the Way We Say Is Acceptable.
This Video.
Sums Up Perfectly where We are supposed to be as BLACKMEN.
And how We're Supposed to Respond to Whites trying to Tell Us "the Proper Way" to Deal with THEIR BRUTALITY AND ABUSE AND MURDERS AGAINST US AND OUR PEOPLE....
This Post.
Has taken Me a long time to put together.
But It conveys exactly what I need it to convey.
When I saw that bullshit with the White Barbeque-Bitch.
Where She called the Nazi-Cops on Black People having a cookout?!
If Memory Serves it is called Braying in South Africa.
How many fuckin times have You and Your Family.
Had the Fuckin South African Police called on You for having a fuckin cookout!
But I can tell You about when I was little.
And We used to go to Fairmount Park.
And We always had to be mindful of where Whites were at in the Park.
Meanwhile it was fuckin 1980.
So this is the shit that White-Americans have to put up with?
Going to a PUBLIC PARK.
But They need to be careful of where Black People are, because Black People can call the fuckin cops ON THEM AND GET THEM FUCKIN BEATEN UP AND MURDERED!
Ask Me again why I don't give a fuck about fuckin cookouts!
And I can tell You, because Whites ruined that shit.
While My Parents and Their Friends accepted this bullshit!?
I learned how to fuckin "enjoy" going to Fairmount Park for cookouts and family gatherings while keeping one eye the fuck open for any Whites that were close to where We were!
This type of invisible-caged upbringing is part of the reason why Black-Americans are always on edge!
Because simple everyday things can get Us murdered by Whites and Their Slaves.
When I think back to how You tried to disarm Me and say I was being too serious. And making comments like "There You go, doom and gloom!"
This is the Reason why Women like You are not helped by Men.
Because the Man doesn't know when You'll try to turn traitor on Him!
And that's why I made sure to Deconstruct Your Ass using My Blog.
I've typed what I needed to type.
And it felt good to get that shit off My Chest!
Lemme get down to some actual fuckin work now.
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