Along with the Whitewoman at the Swimming Pool in 2015.
The Starbucks Incident here in Philadelphia a few months ago.
All of these incidents and a laundry list more that I did not mention including but not limited to;
Sandra Bland's Murderously Unnecessary Traffic Stop;
It is most important to remember that this HISPANIC Nazi-Cop.
Made sure to take Ms. Bland OUT OF THE VIEW OF HIS DASH CAM!
Which was not by accident!
I wonder has Pantaleo been sent to Jail Yet, oh that's right, no.
He hasn't.
This is how other Nazi-Cops responded to Eric Garner's death and try to remember that Eric Garner had literally broken up a fight!
So His Reward for doing the Right Thing was to then get murdered!
Buttttttttttttttt, White People and Others are always saying Why Don't Blackmen do more in Their Communities. Blackmen need to police Our Own Communities.
Meanwhile, here are some kind words by other Nazi-Cops;
An Indiana police officer sold T-shirts saying "Breathe Easy. Don't Break the Law."[ A veteran San Jose Police Officer, Phillip White, tweeted: "Threaten me or my family and I will use my God given and law appointed right and duty to kill you. #CopsLivesMatter", which sparked controversy.
John Crawford the III's Fatal Walmart Shooting in Open Carry Ohio;
Check out this embedded Video on Youtube itself.
Go read the fuckin comments and then tell Me again how Me living in the Real World was stupid!
John Crawford the III?
Probably saw the World the Way Stacey did.
He probably thought that since He is in an Open-Carry State, Ohio.
And He's walking around in the store and its a BB-gun, what could go wrong.
Meanwhile as You watch the Video and listen to the Dirt-Bag Whiteman, who is lying at any and every turn.
He has intentionally lied to get Mr. Crawford murdered.
Knowing that since He's White.
Nothing is going to happen to Him.
There isn't going to be any kind of punishment.
For His Lies.
Understand that the woman You hear screaming is Mr. Crawford's Fiancee.
She died in a car crash not long after where even that is suspicious, never mind She was not driving the car. Ironically though, on the day that Mr. Crawford was murdered, Ms. Thomas was ruthlessly interrogated with zero concern or compassion about the Fact that Her Fiancee had just been brutally murdered.
The Whiteman 911-caller, to My Knowledge, is still unknown.
But I'm sure if I gathered together 10 of My Closest Black-American Friends and did a fuckin flash mob at 30th Street Amtrack Station, what could possibly go wrong, right Stacey...?
And Tamir Rice's Fatal Drive by Shooting by Nazi-Cops also in Open Carry Ohio;
See it's easy to talk shit when all You've ever done is just roll over and take whatever bullshit somebody tosses at You.
It's hard though when You've actually stood up for Yourself and Others and You begin to see real fuckin quick that those ATTACKING YOU...?
They fuckin know that They're attacking You.
It isn't some fuckin accident.
It isn't "Your Imagination".
There is no way OUT of what They're doing.
Because They're doing this fucked up shit to You on purpose.
It's always amazing, which quickly turns insulting.
When cowards and quitters and bullshit artist try to convince You that "If You just stop resisting. If you just go along. To get along...? Then shit will work out better for You".
You know...?
Like it's going for the Scumbag telling You this silly shit.
You have to stick to what You Know is Right....
Years ago.
That Black-Americans cannot do shit like "Flash Mob Dance Routines" without getting Ourselves murdered.
But You fuckin Scoffed at Me and then had the fuckin ovaries to fuckin claim I Was Bitter and Angry. All the While Cheating at the Same Time.
But within all of that?
You honestly believed I was supposed to still Marry You...?
Behold the World now, Fool.Behold Nazi-America in alllllllllllllllllll of Its Bullshit-Ass Glory.
Dr. Boyce Watkins posted a video of being shocked to find a A MASSIVE MONUMENT to Jefferson Davis and the Confederacy in Texas on some White-American College of Supposed Higher Learning.
This type of stupidity.
By Our So-called Educated Blacks.
Is why We are on the Bottom Everywhere where We are Found!
Because We have Educated Idiots who think because They cracked open a few fuckin books it means something.
A Jackass with No Core Principles.
Absorbing Material from those who've always sought Their Destruction.
Is Useless.
It's like a Gun with No Bullets.
And then nobody has the knowledge of how to make bullets for THAT TYPE OF GUN!
The Entire World as We ALL KNOW IT TODAY!
And I remember the first time I made that point in High School.
The White-students were mortified.
Because it meant nothing had changed except the Times in which We were all living in.
Nothing More.
Nothing Less.
When I type out shit like this I get a hard look in the Mirror at Myself.
And I'm shown the Fact that it isn't about whether I Like the Way Shit Is.
It's about the Fuckin Fact that This is the Way Shit Is.
And now what Am I Gonna Do About It!?
For White-Americans?
They can stand on the corners anywhere selling Lemonade without permits.
It's a-okay!
Not so much!
But You have it so bad in South Africa, do You...?
Your Children are not arrested onsight for No Reason.
And You along with Your Children and Family appear to have no inkling of what it means to be targeted by Whites for any and all reasons until They are able to either kill or arrest some of You. Be it Wrong or Right.
This Video...?
And this silly shit going on right now by White-Americans, where I use the term silly-shit simply because to Me it was easily predictable.
But being surrounded by Jackasses who think like You it becomes damn near impossible to even prepare for basic-bullshit being thrown at Us by Whites.
Because We have so many cowards and con-artists and opportunist!
Among Our Ranks.
I problem that will have to be solved.
With Their Deaths.
But that's still a few more years down the Road.
Here is Mr. Superboy's Video, enjoy;
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