Sunday, April 5, 2020

Professor Blacktruth - Tom Hanks and The Whitewashing of the Coronavirus

Here is, once again, Professor Blacktruth.
Making sure that We understand that everything is interconnected.
Now, for Me...?

I don't watch TV for the most part.

This is something that both My Former-Fiancee and Ex-Wife can attest to, as well as My Friends-n-Family.

So Tom Hanks and his son Chet Hanks?
I knew nothing about Chet Hanks running around calling people niggers and whatever. For Me? I expect it and move on to more important matters for Me.

Because there will be more than enough Black-American exposure to that issue and whatever is going on, however...?

Don't be Fooled.
Professor Blacktruth connects the Dots.
So while what I typed appears to be straight-forward and pretty simplistic?

It is much more detail-driven and deeper than that.
Here is the video and he can explain himself far better than I can;

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