Monday, July 27, 2015

My Battle With Bullshitting White-Jewishwoman PART-0

Good Evening from Upper Darby!

I told you the other day that I was involved in a battle with this White-Jewishwoman and I said I would get back to you about that. Well? Let's GET RIGHT TO IT!

As you all know I am a subscriber to Lashid4u's youtube page. She is very thorough and insightful with her videos and she's honest, which is rare. So she posted a video entitles WHY was Sandra Bland so irritated? Responding to the coons and racists...

So THIS IS WHAT I POSTED and THIS is what ultimately brings this White-Jewishwoman to my proverbial doorstep;
I figured you would see that this Nazi-Cop made sure to keep taking her OUT OF THE VIEW OF THE DASHCAM. He clearly shows that he knows what he is doing and makes it CLEAR he DOES NOT want whatever he is about to do, to be seen on his dashcam. I brought this up the very first time I saw the video and I've YET to hear any White and/or White-Jewish media-mediums come close to bringing this up. Hang in there sister! AND STAY SAFE!

So far what I have typed in her comment-section of this video is actually RIGHT ON POINT. So lemme delve into THIS OPENING COMMENT I LEFT THERE. You have fools and fuck-up's who can sit there and say that Ms. Bland was wrong for mouthing off and all this other shit. I will actually give them THAT POINT. And why? Because I NEED TO MAKE AND WIN A BIGGER POINT, which is;

Fuck is this fool constantly keeping her out of view of his dashcam for? When? The very first time I saw the video? From the very start Brian Encinia uses one of the many techniques that NAZI-COPS ARE TAUGHT! To be able to CAUSE JUSTIFICATION FOR THEM STOPPING SOMEONE OR CITING THEM. Nazi-Cop Encinia runs up behind Ms. Bland where he LITERALLY uses the natural instinct of people to CAUSE THEM TO CREATE A  VIOLATION WHERE HE THEN GAINS JUSTIFICATION TO DO AS HE WISHES. By running up behind Ms. Bland, as if his pussy-ass has anyplace TO REALLY GET TO. And think about that. Seriously think about this;
How much crime do you think is REALLY GOING ON in that area?

And instead of ENJOYING THE PEACE AND TRANQUILITY OF THE AREA, assholes are encouraged to engage in bullshit tactics to CREATE CONFRONTATIONS. Where in actuality? What good are Nazi-Cops in some place that has a low to NO crime rate? How do you JUSTIFY the existence of a police department, eating up taxpayer dollars and really just... well!? BEING THERE. They're just, THERE. So over time BOREDOM is going to set in at some point, but most importantly, LEGITIMIZING THE EXISTENCE OF THE POLICE DEPARTMENT IS ALSO SOMETHING THAT I HIGHLY DOUBT ANYONE HAS LOOKED AT YET.

So since this is MY BLOGSITE, for all that THAT is worth. Then I can delve into that and this whole topic where I remember my high school days when I used to debate AND AGITATE White and White-Jewish Teachers when I asked them "Why do Whites always try to monetize everything? And why are Whites obsessed with weaponizing everything they get their hands on?" the answers were ALWAYS AN UNCOMFORTABLE LOOK FIRST-N-FOREMOST. Because Whites and White-Jews ARE NOT ACCUSTOMED TO HAVING BLACK PEOPLE OBSERVE AND ASK THEM "Who are you? And why do you do the things you do?"

When Whites and White-Jews philosophize about THEMSELVES, then shit is cool. But I have repeatedly noticed that when Black People become philosophical with Whites ABOUT THEMSELVES? -_- It doesn't take long before the White Person becomes hostile and uncomfortable and it is because of THE NATURE OF OUR RELATIONSHIP. Whites have been able to do whatever they have wanted to us and we have not IN RECENT TIMES been in any position to dictate and do the same. So when the dynamics are FLIPPED, watch how Whites become nervous and uncomfortable. Eventually they try to end the conversation, for the most part, most of them are NOT ACCUSTOMED TO BEING QUESTIONED BY US. Where it isn't about YOU'RE WHITE SO YOU'RE EVIL! It's about "Define YOURSELF TO ME, SO I BETTER UNDERSTAND YOU."

Because of the nature of our relationship with Whites in particular, they do not feel, for the most part, OBLIGATED. To DEFINE OR EXPLAIN THEMSELVES AND WHO THEY ARE, TO US. Now? For me? Ay, I'm not gonna sit around waiting to FIGURE OUT what the fuck you're up to. If you won't explain YOURSELF, then I SHALL EXPLAIN YOUR ACTIONS FOR MYSELF AND ACT ACCORDINGLY. This frame of mind, even my own mother has said, is ABNORMAL FOR US AS BLACK PEOPLE, which UNFORTUNATELY, I agree with her on. Most Black People will SAY SHIT LIKE "I don't pay White People any mind. I don't pay White-Jews any mind." and MY FIRST RESPONSE IS "That's why we're all fucked up." and their response is "Hold up, how can you say that!?" and then I usually close it with the fact that "If this were a sport and they are The White Team or White-Jewish Team, would you NOT PAY THEM ANY ATTENTION THEN?" and all of a sudden their whole mind-set changes and they GET IT! We are in a competition to REGAIN OUR LOST STATUS AND POWER. Just like in any other competition, if you don't know what your competitors are doing, then how can you prepare yourself to face and defeat them? It makes no sense. You are, WE ARE, willfully acting like OUR RETURN TO POWER AND RESPECTABILITY, SELF-SUFFICIENCY, IS GOOD FOR THESE OTHER RACES-N-PLACES WHEN ALL INFORMATION KEENLY SHOWS THAT THIS IS NOT THE CASE.

Fuck does all of this have to do with this White-Jewish-Bitch?
I have just shown YOU my mentality. But because Blacks like myself spend more time HIDING FROM WHITES, NOT OTHER BLACKS. I have never had ANY BLACK PERSON say to me I'M ACTING WHITE. Because My Parents raised me to understand that PEOPLE WILL KNOW HOW SMART OR INTELLIGENT YOU ARE BASED ON HOW YOU CONDUCT YOURSELF. Not how well you can use big words and talk shit. All that will do is turn people against you. They then went on to EXPLAIN that Whites are NOTORIOUS for talking with big-words and whatnot, but then THEIR ACTUAL WORD CAN NEVER BE TRUSTED. And is never kept. This means that THEIR ACTUAL RACIAL CONTENT OF CHARACTER IS UNTRUSTWORTHY. At least when weighed against THEIR INTERACTION WITH US AS BLACKS.
I've been posting this video of Canibus's Channel Zero a lot lately and why? Because what he says along with the beat created allows me to think. His lyrics in this song, when listened to, force the listener to either THINK or SIMPLY TUNE OUT AND GO LISTEN TO SOMETHING ELSE. This song in particular, got NO AIR-PLAY. He is not saying kill yourself. Love hot coco. Fuck hoes. Fuck Yourself. Fuck Fuckin. He is questioning the world around us, which is why rap and hip-hop itself have been corrupted. Because this is what it was and has always been about. It has been about talking about things and getting Black People to think and that is something many people keep forgetting. The FOUNDATION of Rap and Hip-Hop is ROOTED IN BLACKS COMING TOGETHER WITH OTHER BLACKS TO TALK AND SOLVE PROBLEMS WITHOUT VIOLENCE AND FOOLISHNESS.

Again? What does this have to do with the White-Jewishwoman and I, battling it out? And again, EVERYTHING. When your mentality is CORRECT. Then you don't fall for bullshit. You're not concerned about sweet words and silly-nonsense. It is about what has happened and what is happening and what will happen. Then looking at THE FACTORS THAT HAS CAUSED THE PAST EVENTS TO TAKE PLACE, SETTING THE STAGE FOR THE PRESENT WE LIVE IN, CREATING A CERTAIN NUMBER OF PATHS FOR POTENTIAL FUTURES. Again? Because who we are as Black People where we gave up OUR MEDIA-MEDIUMS under the false guise of integration. We are now, ONCE AGAIN, being SOLELY DEFINED BY EVERYONE BUT US. So a White person reading THIS, may think I am some sort of anomaly or aberration among Our People, when I am NOT.

When I was sitting in George W. Hill Prison over my WILLFUL REFUSAL TO PAY CHILD SUPPORT. I was debating with this White DUI Lawyer about whether or not a PEOPLE, PLACE OR RACE, CAN BE DE-EVOLVED. Everyone within our cell was listening to us go back and forth, but I pointed out to HIM the fact that he is a Fallen Legal Attorney, yet he has already ADMITTED that he has ANOTHER COMPANY TIED IN TO THE GOVERNMENT, how? Why? Who in their right-mind would give HIM access to GOVERNMENT CONTRACTS WITH HIS TRACK RECORD? He didn't take it personal, but I then told him, now look around at all of us looking crazy at the fact of what I just said. And of course all of the Blackmen there were NOT. HAPPY. Because all of us know that forget being Black-or-White, what FOOL! Would let A DRUNKARD GET A GOVERNMENT CONTRACT WHEN HE CAN'T CONTROL HIS DRINKING!

Now factor in that this is TYPICAL BEHAVIOR amongst Whites. But when ANY Black person is EVEN SNIFFED, THINKING SOMETHING SUICIDAL LIKE THIS? Whites and White-Jews put us ALLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL OVER THEIR MEDIA-MEDIUMS TO HIGHLIGHT THE FACT THAT, THIS IS WHY THE BLACKS WERE SLAVES. Because we do stupid shit like give government contracts to drunkards who lost their attorney license and privileges because they couldn't control themselves. The reason WHY Whites and White-Jews PUT US OUT THERE LIKE THAT, IS TO JUSTIFY THEIR EXPLOITATION AND LACK OF RESPECT TOWARDS US.

So now with all of this at my disposal, this is why I have said I have made major changes to my life to return BACK to who I WAS. Knowing UP from DOWN in times like these are what help or hinder any place or race under siege. When the Right Minded of any race or place decide to run for the hills and hide, then that means that the place or race that they've willfully abandoned, has lost yet another potential person that could contribute in the safety and stabilization of said race and/or place. When people who know better refuse to fight for their own race-n-place, then the odds of that race-n-place failing and falling, increases. I will cut this here and continue in Part-1, please join me there....

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