Saturday, July 25, 2015

Sandra Bland's Last Video

Good Evening from Upper Darby!

Here is the alleged Last Video from Ms. Sandra Bland from off her facebook for her series, Sandra Speaks. I say alleged because I wasn't able to confirm it myself. I DISAGREE STRONGLY with certain things she said in this, BUT!? The fact that she'd seen how wrong she was earlier in life and was clearly ON HER WAY to TRULY UNDERSTANDING HERSELF. AND OUR PEOPLES NEEDS, it is something where we see all throughout RECENT-history.


Time is a critical component that can help determine the success or failure of anyone and anything. When time is cut-short then of course pressure is created for whomever time has been cut-short for or against. The bottom line is that time is a critical component for growth, as well as to get an accurate assessment of whether someone or something is succeeding, failing, growing, maturing, etc-etc. Ms. Bland's time was tragically cut-short while she was still in the midst of her journey and clearly was learning and growing to love herself. And? All of us as Her People.

Here is the video and note the fear by Whites who have come running at her to try to force her NOT TO TALK ABOUT EMPOWERING US OR OUR PEOPLE. While Whites sit on a MOUNTAIN of ill-gotten gains, goods, human resources, advantages and opportunities! That they are desperately trying to guard like Smaug guarding his gold in the Hobbit;
Rest in Peace, Sister....

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