Wednesday, July 22, 2015

The Murder of Sandra Bland....

I have kept silent about Ms. Sandra Bland, because? I wanted some more time for things to develop and for more information to come out. The traffic-stop video is already being exposed as doctored and edited. Please bear with me because in all honesty it is hard for me to type about this. Because we have all of this work being done to protect and ensure gay rights and I never read anything about horror stories like this for Illegal Immigrants, yet?
The moment I saw that Nazi-Cop take her OUT OF THE VIEW OF THE DASH CAMERA.
He did that on purpose. It was no accident.
He took her off the view of the dash camera.
And he probably beat the shit out of her.
He used that as justification to slam her to the ground and injure her.

It's part of the reason why I had failed to realize that the video footage was looping at certain points where the same cars kept coming down the road.
I tried to explain the seriousness of what it TRULY MEANS to live here in Nazi-America to Stacey... and she just didn't get it. She just never understood that.
It isn't safe here.
For us.

So then to have to explain to her family if something would have happened to her? She never understood how dangerous it truly is here for Black People. You don't even have to actually be Black, someone simply has to SAY you are Black. And that's it. You had an Indian man, an ELDERLY INDIAN MAN FROM INDIA! Get his HIP AND PELVIS BROKEN! Simply because some random White Person claimed he was a "Blackman looking into people's houses".

Only a FOOL, could mistake an Elderly Indian Man FROM INDIA, for a Blackman. And then to see what they did to that man. They didn't care that he was old. They didn't care that he couldn't speak English. They simply demanded HE COMPLY, didn't even give him ANY CHANCE TO DO ANYTHING. Then when he even APPEARED TO BE DOING SOMETHING THEY DIDN'T LIKE. They took him down like he was HONESTLY GOING TO BE ABLE TO DO SOMETHING TO THEM!

And when I think about THAT FACT.
I can only imagine what horrible things they did to Ms. Bland before they MURDERED HER.
They killed this woman.
Because that Nazi-Cop INTENTIONALLY ran up behind her, sped up! And when she tried to move aside he used that as a means to pull her over.

He intentionally keeps her away from the view of his dashcam. All of his moves are methodical, from the fake "concern" of giving her a warning. Where she points out that she only switched lanes because he ran up on her and she switched lanes to let him race by. So we need to pass that on to ALL BLACK DRIVERS. That Nazi-Cops will intentionally GUN THEIR CAR AND RACE UP BEHIND YOU TO SUCKER YOU INTO CHANGING LANES WITHOUT TURNING ON YOUR TURN-SIGNAL, WHERE THEY WILL THEN PULL YOU OVER. Look at all the INTRICATE PRECISION THAT WHITES HAVE TIME FOR WHEN THEY WANT TO DO SOMETHING. This is FURTHER PROOF, that there is NO ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION PROBLEM, LIKE I SAID.

The Whites have ALLOWED Illegal Immigrants to come into this country and they are allowed to come in FOR A SPECIFIC PURPOSE AND PLAN THAT WHITES HAVE. Look at how this Nazi-Cop, just like the Nazi-Cops who killed Eric Garner, they DO NOT CARE ABOUT CAMERAS. THEY DON'T CARE ABOUT VIDEO EVIDENCE. AND NONE OF THAT WILL BRING MS. BLAND OR MR. GARNER BACK TO LIFE! The money from the lawsuits, NEVER REPLACES the loved one who was killed over something senselessly UNNECESSARY.

He beat Ms. Bland off-camera, he did SOMETHING! He had no business doing, which is why he kept her AWAY FROM THE VIEW OF HIS DASHCAM. And ONCE AGAIN, ANOTHER BLACK NAZI-COP COVERS FOR THE WHITES. -_- And it has since been revealed that Ms. Bland was a Black Community Activist who campaigned against... police brutality. They killed Her. And this particular county had someone else "kill themselves" while in Their Custody. It looks like Roof is going to get his wish....

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