Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Michelle Rodriguez, when Slaves Attack...!

Good Evening from Rainy-Philadelphia!

Okay, in my last post I fired shots at Michelle Rodriguez and now I will reveal why by posting the nonsense that she said on February 28th 2015

 LOS ANGELES — Actor Michelle Rodriguez challenged racial minorities in Hollywood to “develop their own mythology” and tell their own stories instead of recasting traditionally white characters as different races.
“It’s not about taking Catwoman or Superman or Green Lantern or whatever these characters are and trying to make them fit to whatever cultural background you are,” the “Fast and Furious” star said in a video posted on Facebook.
“I think that people should stop being lazy and that people should make an effort in Hollywood to develop their own mythology.” 
(Shawn says; This woman thinks that Non-Whites are sitting around BEGGING Whites & White Jews to include us in Their Mythologies. When the facts of the matter are that Black Americans HAVE BEEN AND CONTINUE to create Our Own Mythologies and have constantly had to fend off outright attempts and successful attacks against Our Characters, Creations and the Business Vehicles we've built, companies we've created, to house, distribute and promote them! One thing became crystal-clear to me that there is of course the natural level of competition when businesses collide and the status quo, established businesses, corporations, etc! Seek to keep their status, power, influence and dominance over whatever market they are a part of. Taking out the competition is nothing new, however? When people begin to physically burn down the competition, like Whites have done over the centuries towards any Black-owned anything that truly was Black-owned and all about Black-Empowerment and economic-opportunity. Then this is when you go from competition to outright Race Wars and jury-rigging socioeconomic along with political laws and standards to make sure that we as Black People cannot actually compete due to these jury-rigged standards set up ON PURPOSE by Whites, FOR WHITES, TO KEEP BLACK COMPETITION STAGNANT AND OUT OF THE WAY. People like Rodriguez usually have done NO RESEARCH and have invested NO TIME into finding out what is going on with why Hollywood and White Dominated Media-Mediums continue to thrive, but then the natural order of necessity being the mother of all invention, never APPEARS TO TAKE PLACE. 
   When I say the mother of all invention it is in regards to the phrase that NECESSITY is the Mother of All Inventions. Which means that when something is needed a person or people or the place or race they belong to, will CREATE WHAT IS NEEDED to facilitate and meet that NEED. This is CRITICALLY IMPORTANT because Whites make their bones off of constantly pushing that Black People are lazy and stupid and as such, how can a lazy and stupid people ever meet the ability of CREATING OUT OF NECESSITY. But then when you actually do ANY RESEARCH you start finding out that we are FAR FROM STUPID OR LAZY. This is why knowing where you come from and knowing YOUR HISTORY IS IMPORTANT. It'a also become a MASSIVE PROBLEM FOR WHITES because they are finding out more-&-more that the history that they were led to believe is more of a slanted construction based off of HALF-TRUTHS AND COVER-UP'S where many Non-White Lives were INTENTIONALLY DESTROYED to give them the status and power they now enjoy)  
The comments come after Rodriguez was caught on camera saying that minorities should stop “stealing” “white people’s superheroes.” Rodriguez, who identifies as Puerto Rican and Dominican, was walking to her car when TMZ asked her about rumors that she might be cast in the traditionally male role of superhero Green Lantern, last played by Ryan Reynolds.
She dismissed the rumor as “the dumbest thing I’ve ever heard.” She followed it up with, “It’s so stupid, it’s like, ‘Stop stealing all the white people’s superheroes’ … make up your own. You know what I’m saying?”
Apparently, not everyone felt what she was saying, prompting her to post a Facebook video captioned “About that whole superhero thing.”
“I have a tendency to speak without a filter. Sorry about that,” she began the video.
“What I really meant was ultimately, at the end of the day, there’s a language, and the language that you speak in Hollywood is successful franchise,” she said. “I think that there are many cultures in Hollywood that are not white that can come up with their own mythology.
“Instead of trying to turn a girl character into a guy or instead of trying to turn a white character into a black character or a Latin character, I think that people should stop being lazy and that people should make an effort in Hollywood to develop their own mythology.”
Rodriguez said she intends to take up her challenge as she ponders upcoming projects.
“It’s time to stop, stop trying to take what’s already there and try to fit a culture into it. I think it’s time for us to write our own mythology and our own story.” (Shawn says; I'll get further into this crappy comment too, but for right now? I have to go workout! I'm not gonna mess up my routines and break from my schedules anymore for the sake of stupidity. Especially stupid comments from a stupid person. Later!)

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