Wednesday, December 28, 2016

A Walk & Talk with One of the Young Guns

So today was very interesting because of the post I made this morning before leaving out. Long story short, I walked in to work with one of the Young Guns who was also late too. Now, this is one of the prime reasons why I have done what I have done. Because some people think it is cute and funny to be phony and a liar and as long as they can get away with it then it's all good and great and just.

Long as nobody blabs about what really has gone on and why and how!?
Then it's all good.

So he says to me "Can't you step in? For real. Stacey went ran deleted her twitter cuz you compared your progress to hers. Then ran and deleted her google+ account cuz you pulled her card and reminded her of what was really going on with her ex, yo? Doesn't that actually means she actually acts and reacts to what you type, can't? Can't you just call her or something and just say enough of this bullshit. This is how it's gone be and fall in line!"
He pretty much gave up after that.
Because I reminded him "You do remember how all of this went south in the first place, right?"
And he originally said "But can't you just give her a chance? You know, take control of the situation and just pick up the phone or something and just, oh wait...?"
"Oh...? Wait...?"
I continued to buy breakfast while it was sinking in on his part till he said "Aww, wait? She fuckin cheated. That's? That's right. She lied and claimed she wasn't messin with the other guy no more and then came here and lied to your face the whole time."

That kind of puts a damper on being merciful and making the first moves and all that and being kinder and gentler and cuddlier and some other shit.
And then he was like "Yo? Why, why would she do that shit man. Yo?"
And I simply pointed it out for him "I know what you're gonna say. She took a huge risk in more ways than one when she decided to do that."

Someone who is this reckless with Their Own Safety and Security?
And I told him "This all happened because long before I ever met her, some fucked up shit happened where it was Her Parents jobs to fuckin protect Her. And they fucked it up! And when they failed to do their fuckin jobs then it set Stacey up for a fuckin lifetime of fuckin failure. If they would have done their fuckin jobs? Then she wouldn't be all warped and fucked up today, but fools love to try to trim the timeline of events in a person's life so that it makes shit easier to sell to other people in public opinion contests and pilfering fools of their fuckin money!"

And he was like "You're pissed! But that's what's weird about you. You, I'm not really getting that I'm pissed because this bitch is rotten and fucked me over. I'm gettin that I'm pissed because this bitch knows better and insist on trying to continue to be ignorant and stupid!"

And I told him "More or less. The shit that went down well before I ever knew Stacey, set up a foundation built for failure. Then she talks about her family, all these useless fucks were there. All of them did nothing. So then they made it clear to Her. You wanna stay in the good graces of this family then you hear no evil speak no evil see no evil and the shit that happens to you and happened to you falls underneath evil. So you wanna continue to be a part of this family, then you shut yer mouth and pretend like nothing fuckin happened!"

And that is where it was a wrap for Her and anyone else who would listen to and side with and stay with anybody who will THREATEN YOU TO KEEP QUIET ABOUT BEING ABUSED! This shit has become a fuckin joke now. Abuse, is now this twisted PUNCH-LINE! That people use as a catch-all TO COVER THEIR ASSES WHEN THEY'RE MADE TO REMEMBER THAT THEIR SHIT REALLY DOES STINK!
So in Stacey's instance she was actually a victim of her own family's cowardice.
They then made it clear to her that if she wanted to stay connected and a part of Their Family, then you keep your fuckin mouth shut!

And once she did that?
It was over for Her.
Just like it is over FOR ANYONE who WILLINGLY SIDES WITH HORRIFIC PEOPLE who will tell you to lie and carry around the trauma and sins of someone that they should have been THE FIRST ONES TO STEP UP AND PUT A STOP TO!

And he looked at me "How do you let your own child go through that?"
And I told him "Because that...?"


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