Understand something.
Feel free to chase shadows and the holy ghost all you like.
However for My Black Readers in particular.
I post this because it took me all of TWO SECONDS TO RECOGNIZE John Bevere's STYLE.
So of course I then started doing research.
As a backdrop, Dan used to get upset with me just like My Mother used to when she would see me watching Televangelist.
Both of them used to ask me why I was watching and one time Brother Shimmell was visiting while I was over My Mother's house and he told her "Religion has been a massive weakness of Ours. He's studying to see what methods are being used to trick people by these con-artists claiming to be God-fearing."
My Mother is aware that I despise phony-religious people.
One guess who started that dislike.
It is part of the reason why My Mother doesn't bullshit around with me when it comes to religion.
So why was I not surprised when the moment I saw the Youtube with this Bevere-bullshitter. That I saw the same style as BENNY HINN.
Claiming to be a MAN OF GOD.
Here is something I then suspected but had to do digging on. Since I saw that Bevere-Bullshitter's Youtube video had the same look and feel of Benny Hinn-Bullshitter.
I saw the fact that Bevere-Bullshitter LEARNED from His Teachers mistakes and keeps his profile LIMITED ON ALL FRONTS. So unlike some of the more FLAMBOYANT RELIGIOUS CON-ARTISTS LIKE TD JAKES, CREFLO DOLLAR, PAT ROBERTS ETC ETC!
This guy keeps his information close to the vest and LIMITED for public access and on any portals that can be PUBLICLY VIEWED, HOWEVER!?
I did find that some had been digging around and got this tidbit and THIS IS EXTREMELY IMPORTANT FOR BLACK PEOPLE;
"What Do You Know About John Bevere?"
UK Apologetics ReplyWe were asked what we know about John Bevere, and whether he is "genuine"? Well, ultimately God alone knows what is written in a person's heart and there we obviously cannot judge.John Bevere is the head of Messenger International which is not a specific church but it is a para-church organisation which sends teaching tools out to churches. Messenger International was apparently founded in 1990 by John and Lisa Bevere in Orlando, Florida. In 2001, the ministry moved to Colorado Springs, Colorado, USA. We understand that John Bevere also, very occasionally, preaches in the States upon request.In our honest opinion, some of the CD series which this ministry offers are very expensive. When I looked at the Messenger International website I was surprised, and a little disappointed, to discover that very little is mentioned about John and his wife Lisa. That being so, it is especially difficult to fairly evaluate this man, or where he stands on Christian doctrine. But I recently heard John speak in a filmed message and his message was generally very biblical although I did have some reservations about one or two of his comments; my impression, overall, was that he places law on a pedestal and says rather little about faith and grace, although it is possible that the message which I heard was not entirely typical. Bevere appears to suggest that modern evangelicalism needs to get back to stressing the law. We would profoundly disagree on that: Christianity needs to get back to stressing Jesus Christ and putting Christ alone at the centre of all it's endeavours! Legalism has always been an enemy of Christianity, just as the legalistic Pharisees were always an enemy of Jesus when He walked this earth.The group's website does offer a 12-point 'Statement of Faith,' which suggests that their theology is Dispensationalist/Darbyist with specific mention of a literal millenium. More worryingly, the ninth point of their faith statement is called, 'Abundance in Christ,' and four areas of 'abundance' are mentioned: Spiritual, Mental, Physical and (especially revealingly) 'Financial.' The few accompanying words in that section do suggest that this is a 'Word of Faith' (prosperity gospel) operation, although maybe a milder version of it than one often finds. This is interesting because it has been claimed that Bevere once worked with Benny Hinn (which would immediately arouse terrible suspicions in many of us), but that he now separates himself from the Word of Faith message. That could be a promising sign. If that is so, perhaps he needs to revisit his website's 'Statement of Faith' page and make a clarification. Another concern is that, according to it's FAQs page, this group has a "close relationship" with Hillsong Church, Sydney, Australia. Hillsong pastor Brian Houston is probably the leading prosperity gospel man operating in that country. This association is obviously a concern.The website, while saying very little about Bevere's core beliefs does offer the following on it's 'About Ministry International' page:
Messenger International, founded by John and Lisa Bevere, inspires godliness while imparting freedom through uncompromised messages releasing people into their fulfilled life in Christ."
"Guiding Principles
Integrity."Overall, this approach appears very vague and very questionable for one who apparently sets himself up as an evangelist. The general feeling would be that this is hardly a very clear approach, and possibly influenced by New Age. Yet, in fairness, as a preacher, John comes across as a man very well-versed in Holy Scripture. The message which UK Apologetics recently heard was certainly scripturally-knowledgeable although possibly containing tinges of legalism. At this stage, these comments are all that we can offer on John Bevere and his Ministry International.
Robin A. Brace, July 28th, 2009.
So understand.
This was the first thing I found because everything else is locked behind paywalls!
You see, THIS!?
Is the reason why I'm still alive and breathing and others are not.
I have no trouble doing research.
And I also don't pretend like I don't recognize patterns.
This is one reason why I type to you all and let you see that MY MAIN PROBLEM HAS BEEN KNOWING WHEN TO CUT A WOMAN OFF.
And I'm learning that lesson now and stumbling my way through it.
Annnnnnnnnnd sorry, Gena.
This is why I was and still don't listen to you when you tell me to just FORGIVE STACEY.
Forgiveness IS EARNED, just like Youngest Brother Hasan said when we talked earlier.
You actually HARM.
When you don't know how to PROPERLY GAUGE situations and circumstances in daily life, chances are you'll probably be pretty shitty in knowing WHO TO FORGIVE AND WHY, WHEN, ETC-ETC!
Bottom line is this!?
I also found THIS;
Definition of False Teacher: One who presumes to teach in the Name of the Lord when God has not sent him.
False Teacher - John Bevere
“The Bait of Satan”
From the beginning, Satan tempted man with determining his spiritual status. That’s how he lured Eve into eating from the Tree of Knowledge. “And the serpent said to the woman, ‘You shall not surely die, for God knows that in the day you eat of it, then your eyes shall be opened, and you shall be as God, knowing good and evil’” (Genesis 3:4-5 MKJV). John Bevere, one of Satan’s minions, brings a new look to the oldest of temptations.
We hear back from a correspondent at The Path of Truth:
hi I am looking at your website. What is your opinion on John Bevere is a teacher. he has books like The bait of Satan and driven by Eternity
We reply:
Hi Stephen,
It’s been going on two years since we last heard from you. How are things? Where are you at spiritually? Did you find work?
We never heard of John Bevere before. Do you want our opinion or the Word of the Lord? Only the latter is worthy.
John is well presented and professional, as are many of this world. I looked at his website, but couldn’t find much about what he teaches, because it’s only for sale. That tells us everything we need to know right there. Do servants of the Lord sell the truth?
“Freely you have received, freely give” (Matthew 10:8 EMTV).
(See Money Solicitation and others of The True Marks of a Cult.)
I also watched a couple-minute preview of a series of sermons for sale, in which John said:
“You are the one that determines the level of your relationship with God.”
Well, if that doesn’t sound like “the bait of Satan.”
Isaiah 14:12-14 MKJV
(12) How you are fallen from the heavens, O shining star, son of the morning! How you are cut down to the ground, you who weakened the nations!
(13) For you have said in your heart, “I will go up to the heavens, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God; I will also sit on the mount of the congregation, in the sides of the north.
(14) I will go up above the heights of the clouds; I will be like the Most High.”
(12) How you are fallen from the heavens, O shining star, son of the morning! How you are cut down to the ground, you who weakened the nations!
(13) For you have said in your heart, “I will go up to the heavens, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God; I will also sit on the mount of the congregation, in the sides of the north.
(14) I will go up above the heights of the clouds; I will be like the Most High.”
Where does it say in the Bible that men determine the level of their relationship with God? Satan twists the Scriptures to make it sound this way, but we know full well this isn’t what God says or does. He has shown us Who is the Potter and who is the clay. We know that He determines the relationship we have with Him. He draws us to the Son and assigns us our positions in His Body.
1 Corinthians 12:13-25 MKJV
(13) For also by one Spirit we are all baptized into one Body, whether Jews or Greeks, whether bond or free, even all were made to drink into one Spirit.
(14) For the Body is not one member, but many.
(15) If the foot shall say, “Because I am not the hand, I am not of the body”; is it therefore not of the body?
(16) And if the ear shall say, “Because I am not the eye, I am not of the body”; is it therefore not of the body?
(17) If all the body were an eye, where would be the hearing? If all hearing, where would be the smelling?
(18) But now God has set the members, each one of them, in the Body as it has pleased Him.
(19) And if they were all one member, where would be the Body?
(20) But now indeed many are the members, yet only one Body.
(21) And the eye cannot say to the hand, “I have no need of you”; nor again the head to the feet, “I have no need of you.”
(22) But much rather the members of the body seeming to be weaker are necessary.
(23) And those members of the body which we think to be less honorable, on these we put more abundant honor around them. And our unpresentable members have more abundant propriety.
(24) For our presentable members have no need, but God tempered the Body together, giving more abundant honor to the member having need;
(25) that there not be division in the Body, but that the members should have the same care for one another.
(13) For also by one Spirit we are all baptized into one Body, whether Jews or Greeks, whether bond or free, even all were made to drink into one Spirit.
(14) For the Body is not one member, but many.
(15) If the foot shall say, “Because I am not the hand, I am not of the body”; is it therefore not of the body?
(16) And if the ear shall say, “Because I am not the eye, I am not of the body”; is it therefore not of the body?
(17) If all the body were an eye, where would be the hearing? If all hearing, where would be the smelling?
(18) But now God has set the members, each one of them, in the Body as it has pleased Him.
(19) And if they were all one member, where would be the Body?
(20) But now indeed many are the members, yet only one Body.
(21) And the eye cannot say to the hand, “I have no need of you”; nor again the head to the feet, “I have no need of you.”
(22) But much rather the members of the body seeming to be weaker are necessary.
(23) And those members of the body which we think to be less honorable, on these we put more abundant honor around them. And our unpresentable members have more abundant propriety.
(24) For our presentable members have no need, but God tempered the Body together, giving more abundant honor to the member having need;
(25) that there not be division in the Body, but that the members should have the same care for one another.
We’re called to be faithful in what we’ve been given, fulfilling His mission, but first it must be given to us – all by the grace of God. “He Who has begun a good work in you will perform it until the Day of Jesus Christ” (Philippians 1:6 MKJV).
“But as many as received Him, to them gave He power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on His Name: Which were born, not of blood, nor of the will of the flesh, nor of the will of man, but of God” (John 1:12-13 KJV).
John Bevere speaks smooth words that men love to hear, because they cater to their fleshly works of self-willed ambition to be like God – even to the taking of His place.
2 Thessalonians 2:3-4 MKJV
(3) Let not anyone deceive you by any means. For that Day shall not come unless there first comes a falling away, and the man of sin shall be revealed, the son of perdition,
(4) who opposes and exalts himself above all that is called God, or that is worshiped, so that he sits as God in the Temple of God, setting himself forth, that he is God.
(3) Let not anyone deceive you by any means. For that Day shall not come unless there first comes a falling away, and the man of sin shall be revealed, the son of perdition,
(4) who opposes and exalts himself above all that is called God, or that is worshiped, so that he sits as God in the Temple of God, setting himself forth, that he is God.
What is lacking in any false teachers you bring us, Stephen, is the application of the cross. The only way you’ll truly know this is when you take up the cross yourself. See The Cross - Only the Death Sentence Will Avail.
Paul Cohen and Victor Hafichuk
The moment Stacey recommended this man as a must read I knew this man is full of shit.
Because Stacey doesn't actually read anything.
And that is not meant as a diss, it is a FACT.
If it is something that caters to her desire to be proven right.
Then she will be RIGHT THERE!
Till something else floats her fancy or flits by that may be more appealing.
Never mind that Stacey doesn't correctly read nor judge people and situations properly.
This was something that has always been a big worry for her.
And both of Us reached the same correct conclusion that SHE GOT LUCKY IN COMING ACROSS ME.
Nothing more.
And nothing less.
Normally, I would have ignored her.
Because I'd specifically stated what I was doing and why.
That within itself, is also further indication of her personality.
If she FEELS LIKE she should do it.
Then the minute she ends up eyeball deep in dumb-shit...?
Screams and cries for help which until I came into her life, never comes or comes with a price tag from so-called family that really says "Once I get outta this, I'M OUTTA HERE! Cuz you want me to do what because I needed help FOR WHATEVER REASON."
Irony was and still is.
And it is tied to what I typed above.
I didn't want her bragging nor boasting about me to her family.
And for the record I DID NOT tell her that.
I simply told her to stop it because of the fact that it was setting up what ended up happening anyway.
Her doing dumb shit.
Knowing they'd just blame me anyway.
I'm about to turn 45 on the 22nd.
I was in my late 30's along with Stacey.
Correct me if I'm wrong but isn't it HIGHLY RETARDED.
For me to type that HIGH SCHOOLISH SHIT.
Isn't that way too high schoolish.
At LATE 30's.
I don't want yo family to blame me for yo behavior.
Either way.
That's what I found on Mr. Bait of Satan.
And here is the thing.
If you're a Black Person who is following Christianity, good luck with that.
This is why Roland Martin GOT DESTROYED by Richard Spencer.
And that is why Roland then fell back on thee, I'm The Real Christians bullshit.
And remember.
I've posted on here about Praying Indians.
And Praying Towns.
No sane person is going to IGNORE THAT.
This is part of the reason why when the Whites showed up in Japan and tried to use their Christian-crap they got a VERY RUDE AWAKENING when the Emperor TOLD THEM that he'd been watching them for some time and KNEW AND SAW HOW THEY USED THEIR RELIGIONS TO TRICK PEOPLE INTO LETTING THEM INTO THEIR COUNTRIES AND THEN CONQUERED THEM WITH IT!
Are always going to be GULLIBLE-SUCKERS TO GET GOTTEN.
That's just the way that the world works.
Here is something else too;
-1 Star: FALSE TEACHER: Lisa Bevere's "Be Angry But Don't Blow It!"
Readers should know who the author is before they read the book, so they can know what to expect and be cautious when discerning the truth. Lisa Bevere is the wife of John Bevere, a prosperity gospel member of the Word Faith "denomination" or what I would call "cult". I do not use the term "cult" or "heresy" or "false teacher" lightly. I use these terms to describe someone who I believe knows full well that they are teaching falsehood and still teach it for riches. After reading John Bevere's outrageously false book "Relentless", I am certain the three terms fit the Beveres. Still, with an open mind, looking for any benefit this book might have, I read this book. I mean, even false teachers might get something right, right? I have seen Sheila Walsh write one good book after a lifetime of false teachings, but sadly, this Lisa Bevere book is filled with the same errors her and her husband have tricked people with for years. I hope after reading my review, you will understand how this book "sounds good" on the surface, but if you discern carefully, you will see the errors.
Ch 1: Lisa Bevere throws a plate at her husbands head in anger and blames him for making her mad. She writes, "Anger in and of itself is not wrong, but rage and fury escalate it into the dimention of the destructive."
=== TRUTH: Godly anger is not wrong, but selfish humanistic prideful anger is always wrong. In the greek language, Godly anger is a different word from selfish anger. In the original Greek, the Bible is very clear: only godly anger or righteous anger is ever considered good. Selfish anger is always wrong. Lisa should have clarified, because her teaching will lead readers to believe all anger is okay, as long as you don't let it turn into rage. Clearly, throwing a plate at John's head had nothing to do with "godly anger" or "righteous anger" and even Lisa admits this on page 5, when she writes, "I fell asleep under the blanket of self-justification and righteousness. Gone was my repentance."
Ch 2: Lisa Bevere quotes Ephesians 4:26 as a command to "Be angry" and she even puts it in italics, giving readers free reign to sin in anger as much as they like. She writes "God gives us permission to be angry. He knows and understands man's inborn capacity for anger." "Anger is as valid a human emotion as joy, sorrow, faith, and fear. God tells us, "Be angry", because it is okay to be upset. Even God gets angry... as a matter of fact, quite frequently." "There is a fine line between anger and sin." Bevere alludes to the idea that "age, personality, position and place" help determine sin. Her examples: The older you are or the more authority you have, the more responsible you are and the more you should know better. TRUTH: A sin is a sin, no matter who does it. Pg 9, she explains that when she was younger, that she would honk and curse people while driving, but when her "little ones were copying [her], [she] no longer enjoyed the priviledge of yelling at strangers." Wow. That's scary. Her only reason for stopping was that her children were mimicking her. It had nothing to do with repentance and acknowledging the error of her sinful ways or obedience to God or Christ-likeness or living a life to glorify God.
Pg 10, Bevere uses dictionary definitions for anger to show us that anger is okay and not sinful. She determins that "Anger by definition should be brief and transitory, not drawn out and dangerous." She even has the nerve to falsely teach, "God models the healthy type of anger for us: "For His anger lasts only a moment" (Ps 30:5). The rest of the chapter is spent showing us how "short-term anger" is good, but "long-term" anger is wrong, when it turns into "bitterness." Bevere even uses Eph 4:26 out of context to justify her claims, declaring that "letting the sun go down on anger" shows that holding anger for a long period can "progress toward the destructive ledge of being angry and sinning." Bevere's teaching that short-term angry is not sinning is completely false. All selfish anger is sin. Only righteous anger can be good.
Ch 3: Bevere tells how she used to punish her husband in anger until he had earned his way out of punishment. This chapter is spent telling readers to make sure not to carry anger past nighttime in accordance with "Don't let the sun go down while you are still angry" or you will carry that anger into the next day and the next and the next until you have a weeks worth of anger.
Ch 4: This chapter is about "the progression from anger to sin, or the progression of anger to rage to fury." Again, Bevere is teaching falsely that anger is natural, normal, healthy and not a sin. She calls "rage and fury" the sin. But she justifies "anger" as normal and good because it is "short-term". Bevere quotes Neil Clark Warren's book, "Make Anger Your Ally", "anger is described as a completely natural, perfectly legitimate. It is that internal happening which prepares us to cope with hurtful, frustrating, and fearful experiences." And "anger is simple a state of physical readiness." She uses the horrific analogy of holding a gun and claims "Of course, there is nothing wrong with being ready, willing and able to respond, or should we say to shoot. No harm has yet been done, we are just booting up for what might lie ahead." In describing rage as not yet sinning, she writes, "Aiming [the gun] doesn't necessarily come with a commitment to shoot." Then she begins to add the last part, "Rage continue to progress to fury as our temperature rises, and at this point we are committed to shoot." So only when we are COMMITTED TO PULLING the trigger we are sinning? This is completely false! Didn't Jesus say Mt 5:22 But I tell you that anyone who is angry with a brother or sister, will be subject to judgment. Jesus does not separate anger and rage and say these are okay and only fury is wrong. According to Bevere, fury is where you pull the trigger. That is the point where you physically act out. Jesus' entire point is that the inner man counts, not just the outward physical demonstration. Bevere caps off her false teaching, "We [just] watched as the natural response of "anger" was escalated to the dangerous final and regrettable stage of fury. This example illustrates the dividing line between constructive anger and destructive fury." FALSE. This internal anger is not constructive to say the least. In other words, Lisa Bevere is teaching that in chapter 1, her anger towards her husband was "constructive" all the way up until she threw the china at his head. And this would also mean that in chapter 2, where she spends a great deal of time telling how she would punish and make her husband "pay" in her mind, that all this anger was "constructive" because she "didn't pull the trigger" yet? Wow. What a false teaching.
I could not read any more of this book. But I read this review to show those open enough to read my review that the Beveres are false teachers and to warn them that these "wolves" will devour those who do not discern wisely.
Ch 1: Lisa Bevere throws a plate at her husbands head in anger and blames him for making her mad. She writes, "Anger in and of itself is not wrong, but rage and fury escalate it into the dimention of the destructive."
=== TRUTH: Godly anger is not wrong, but selfish humanistic prideful anger is always wrong. In the greek language, Godly anger is a different word from selfish anger. In the original Greek, the Bible is very clear: only godly anger or righteous anger is ever considered good. Selfish anger is always wrong. Lisa should have clarified, because her teaching will lead readers to believe all anger is okay, as long as you don't let it turn into rage. Clearly, throwing a plate at John's head had nothing to do with "godly anger" or "righteous anger" and even Lisa admits this on page 5, when she writes, "I fell asleep under the blanket of self-justification and righteousness. Gone was my repentance."
Ch 2: Lisa Bevere quotes Ephesians 4:26 as a command to "Be angry" and she even puts it in italics, giving readers free reign to sin in anger as much as they like. She writes "God gives us permission to be angry. He knows and understands man's inborn capacity for anger." "Anger is as valid a human emotion as joy, sorrow, faith, and fear. God tells us, "Be angry", because it is okay to be upset. Even God gets angry... as a matter of fact, quite frequently." "There is a fine line between anger and sin." Bevere alludes to the idea that "age, personality, position and place" help determine sin. Her examples: The older you are or the more authority you have, the more responsible you are and the more you should know better. TRUTH: A sin is a sin, no matter who does it. Pg 9, she explains that when she was younger, that she would honk and curse people while driving, but when her "little ones were copying [her], [she] no longer enjoyed the priviledge of yelling at strangers." Wow. That's scary. Her only reason for stopping was that her children were mimicking her. It had nothing to do with repentance and acknowledging the error of her sinful ways or obedience to God or Christ-likeness or living a life to glorify God.
Pg 10, Bevere uses dictionary definitions for anger to show us that anger is okay and not sinful. She determins that "Anger by definition should be brief and transitory, not drawn out and dangerous." She even has the nerve to falsely teach, "God models the healthy type of anger for us: "For His anger lasts only a moment" (Ps 30:5). The rest of the chapter is spent showing us how "short-term anger" is good, but "long-term" anger is wrong, when it turns into "bitterness." Bevere even uses Eph 4:26 out of context to justify her claims, declaring that "letting the sun go down on anger" shows that holding anger for a long period can "progress toward the destructive ledge of being angry and sinning." Bevere's teaching that short-term angry is not sinning is completely false. All selfish anger is sin. Only righteous anger can be good.
Ch 3: Bevere tells how she used to punish her husband in anger until he had earned his way out of punishment. This chapter is spent telling readers to make sure not to carry anger past nighttime in accordance with "Don't let the sun go down while you are still angry" or you will carry that anger into the next day and the next and the next until you have a weeks worth of anger.
Ch 4: This chapter is about "the progression from anger to sin, or the progression of anger to rage to fury." Again, Bevere is teaching falsely that anger is natural, normal, healthy and not a sin. She calls "rage and fury" the sin. But she justifies "anger" as normal and good because it is "short-term". Bevere quotes Neil Clark Warren's book, "Make Anger Your Ally", "anger is described as a completely natural, perfectly legitimate. It is that internal happening which prepares us to cope with hurtful, frustrating, and fearful experiences." And "anger is simple a state of physical readiness." She uses the horrific analogy of holding a gun and claims "Of course, there is nothing wrong with being ready, willing and able to respond, or should we say to shoot. No harm has yet been done, we are just booting up for what might lie ahead." In describing rage as not yet sinning, she writes, "Aiming [the gun] doesn't necessarily come with a commitment to shoot." Then she begins to add the last part, "Rage continue to progress to fury as our temperature rises, and at this point we are committed to shoot." So only when we are COMMITTED TO PULLING the trigger we are sinning? This is completely false! Didn't Jesus say Mt 5:22 But I tell you that anyone who is angry with a brother or sister, will be subject to judgment. Jesus does not separate anger and rage and say these are okay and only fury is wrong. According to Bevere, fury is where you pull the trigger. That is the point where you physically act out. Jesus' entire point is that the inner man counts, not just the outward physical demonstration. Bevere caps off her false teaching, "We [just] watched as the natural response of "anger" was escalated to the dangerous final and regrettable stage of fury. This example illustrates the dividing line between constructive anger and destructive fury." FALSE. This internal anger is not constructive to say the least. In other words, Lisa Bevere is teaching that in chapter 1, her anger towards her husband was "constructive" all the way up until she threw the china at his head. And this would also mean that in chapter 2, where she spends a great deal of time telling how she would punish and make her husband "pay" in her mind, that all this anger was "constructive" because she "didn't pull the trigger" yet? Wow. What a false teaching.
I could not read any more of this book. But I read this review to show those open enough to read my review that the Beveres are false teachers and to warn them that these "wolves" will devour those who do not discern wisely.
Again, I could post the comments that came afterwards.
People were shouting this review down and calling this Whitewoman all kinds of whatever's!
She left their comments up.
And I understood exactly why she did so.
And again, understand this as a Black Person.
All of that bullshit about what Jesus said and God this, Bible that.
No reparations for Slavery.
Killing of Blackwomen, Black children. Miseducation of Black people and children.
But these people are spitting bible versus and all this other bullshit.
Whites are THEE LAST PEOPLE to offer any words of anything.
Because even in that last posting.
It was other White people that came at that Whitewoman's neck for the review she gave to John Bevere's wife's book.
Before I go, cuz it is LATE!
Here is ONE MORE where the comments?
I didn't include them but I DID READ THROUGH THEM just like the one above.
But unlike the attacks against the Whitewoman's review above which was from 2012. The following is from 2015;
John Bevere & the legalistic spirit!
John Bevere is a teacher based in Colorado Springs but a dangerous teacher that leads people into bondage, not freedom. I have long considered John to be a heretic.
It might have been while he was an associate pastor for Benny Hinn at World Outreach Center in Orlando, that Bevere got some of this odd ideas. However, some of them I do not think that even Benny would agree on. Alot of control and blind loyalty to man.
Latter Rains as a ministry is focused on freedom in the Holy Spirit, personally, regionally and nationally.
John Bevere wants you under cover
You remember Bob Mumford, Derek Prince, Charles Simpson, and Don Basham, along with Ern Baxter? There were the leaders in what became known as the Sheperding Movement. It was also condemned as heresy by anyone and everyone in the Body of Christ too. Pat Robertson, Kathryn Kuhlman, Demos Shakarian, Dennis Bennett, Ken Sumrall, Thomas F. Zimmerman, and David duPlessis all condemned it. Pat Robertson even said the only difference between it and Jonestown was the Kool-Aid.
Now, John Bevere is trying to raise the doctrine back to the forefront with his Under Cover doctrine. It takes relationships between pastors and the members of their church to a whole level. You exist to serve your pastor. Your vision is inferior to the vision of your pastor. You are simply there to support him building his ministry.
Sadly, little leadership has come out to say much because either they are eating it up because it empowers them or they just assume there is so much heresy out there; what is one more?
Bevere said in part,
If those under authority take the yoke of judgment upon themselves as judges over their established leaders, they no longer are submitted to established authority, but have elevated themselves as judges over their leaders. Their hearts are lifted up in pride above the ones God placed over them. They have exalted themselves over the ordinance and counsel of God.
There is alot of problems with this thinking. The Holy Spirit is the only established authority in the Body of Christ. Pastors are only there to point to the Holy Spirit. They exist to lead us into liberty. If they are not moving us to more freedom in the Holy Spirit; they are setting themselves against the Word.
A pastor’s role is more of a coach or a cheerleader than it is a Drill Sergeant. The pastor exist to help the people fulfill their dreams, not them exist to fulfill his. Any teaching that does not empower the people to give their God-given dreams out must be fully rejected as heresy and false teaching.
John Bevere is Honor’s reward?
His book Honor’s reward, he takes his covering teaching even more past biblical limits. He goes to tell people what jobs they are in might against the mission of the church and therefore, sin against God.
Are you a doctor? Well, God might have wanted you to be a trashman so you have wronged God and wronged the church. Are you a nurse? How do you know that God didn’t call you to be a professor of history at the University?
This type of self-inspection that leads to guilt and condemnation is not from the Holy Spirit. There is now no condemnation to those who are in Christ Jesus. May we never forget that!
Anything that does not lead up to freedom and liberty is not from the Spirit of the Lord. Revival is about setting the captive free; not putting them in more bondage. When I see people putting people into religious bondage, I speak up. I did about Steve Gray and now I will about John Bevere.
Jesus was not a Calvinist. The will of God is pretty open. The desires of your heart are there for you to make decisions. You do not have to worry every five minutes if you are out of the will of God. Don’t know if you should be a doctor or an evangelist? Pick one and do the stuff of the gospel. You have been set free for a reason. Don’t go back!
Trust the Holy Spirit, not men
So much of this could be gone if people would just learn to trust only in the Holy Spirit’s leadership. Men are just that: men. They will fail you, wound you, hurt you, and betray you. Only the leadership of the Holy Spirit can lead you into all truth.
If you are in a church that you are being led to a man or to a ministry; run. Seriously, run as fast as you can. You are to follow the Spirit of the Living God alone. Your pastor did not die for you. He was not beaten for you. He did not raise from the dead for you. All that “Man of God” teaching is heresy and based on outdated Old Testament ideals. Jesus fulfilled the law so quit living under it.
Should you be part of a local fellowship? That is a choice you will need to make for yourself. If I was to answer it, I would be encourage the same bondage as John Bevere. Listen to the Spirit of God for yourself. He might tell you to go to a local church in your city or He might tell you to follow a ministry across the country over the internet. Just listen to the Holy Spirit and He will lead you into all truth.
As for me, the moment a pastor tries to put a leash on me and control me for his purposes; I am running for the closest door!
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