Monday, September 17, 2018

Middle Brother Just Checked In as Safe! After His Job Just Got Robbed...!

And there You Go, just like that.
I'm here puttin up this posting spree.
I get an instant-message from Middle Brother from Facebook.
Two Clowns tried to snatch-n-grab robbery at His Job.

It's the End of the Shift.
Any Money that Was There Isn't.
There are drop-safes and such so that the registers never hold but so much.
Just desperate and dumb.
Face is all up on the Camera.

And for What?
See this, that...?!
Was Nigga-Mentality.
The Environment is completely against ANY FORM OF BLACK-CRIMINALITY;
So now...?
These two Nigger-Traitors will be caught quite easily.
Grand total of Money They stole;
Lucky if it was $200 at best.

They have now shown that They Believe Their Freedom and Their Lives was worth....

At Best.

You see this is the type of stupidity that I have not only always been against, but!?
Have actually stopped.
When I was at the Slumhouse I didn't have any problems talking to the local street-thugs and drug-dealers when They spoke to Me.
Which is why the Slumlord kept being shocked that They hadn't attempted to mug or rob or harm or kill Me.
When I told Him "How quickly would You run up on someone who is wearing a heavy-trench coat and has tinted glasses and roams around in the midnight-hours...?"

And He said "Good point."
When the situation went south with the Slumlord-n-Lady at the Slumhouse. One of Their Tenants saw first hand that I'm not someone who panics or goes crazy at the sight of lots of blood. She started freaking out when She saw how calmly I handled myself after having to break the pane glass window to get in with My Hand, which wasn't smart. And that was what She was really freaking out over.

She understood, because She was in on locking Me Out.
That I clearly became so angry with Being Locked Out Illegally.
I Used My Fist, but She saw after awhile that I had NO MARKS ON MY FINGERS OR HANDS THEMSELVES.
And it is because I used the Palms of My Hands.
To Literally Apply Pressure to the pane glass until I PUSHED THROUGH IT!

She asked Me what would happen if I struck someone with My Open Palms.
And I told Her "When I used to TRAIN. Then it was a PROBLEM. I have not PRACTICED. In DECADES. And I am NO LONGER IN SHAPE, which is why it took Me so much time and effort to break through the Window."
What actually cut Me up was having to CLIMB THROUGH THE WINDOW AT AN AWKWARD ANGLE.
And as I typed to You AT THIS TIME LAST YEAR, and You Do.
See that, Right.
What a Difference a Year Makes.
Last Year this Time, I was at the Slumhouse, honestly paying $600 a month FOR A ROOM.

Now I am typing to You from My Apartment.
Paying the same amount of money.
And let Me be SPECIFIC.
I could have gotten a 1-bedroom apartment, and I DECIDED NOT TO.

I'm not gonna listen to bullshit when I have been typing to all of You and You have literally watched Me as a MIDDLE-AGED MAN go from starting up Williams Works and making no money and having to open a GoFund Me to try to save My Old Apartment.
Because while I was working at the Wendy's up the street, LITERALLY, from My Apartment.
The Whiteman running it, like all other Fast Food Managers and Owners.

Let that sink in.
Two jobs.
Not one.
But TWO.
That required a vehicle.
$32K to start.
My Mother would NOT let Me Borrow Her Car WHILE SHE WAS OUT OF TOWN FOR AN ENTIRE.
Where She made it clear "I know You're a good driver, but...? You haven't driven in a while. And...?"
She knew if She lent Me the car, by the end of the Month?
I would have had more than enough to go to any one of the Car Auctions and at the very least buy a lemon that ONLY NEEDS TO WORK FOR ANOTHER MONTH.
I could finance a car.
If not finance one that first month.
In the End, eventually.
She admitted She thought it was a better idea for Me to do as SHE'D SAID, which was;
Apply for Section-8.
But Cynthia G pretends like She doesn't know that too many of Our Own Women.
Like seeing and having Their Own Sons, Husbands and Fathers, beggin, bowing and scraping for scaps.
And understand something I place the Fault where it belongs.
On the Shoulders.
Of Whites.
Because Whites have spent since Slavery deluding and misleading Our Women.

I am typing to You Now.
Because of Whitewomen-Feminist who worked/work, for Domestic Abuse Project of Delaware County.
Who proudly. And Vainly.
Accepted My Now Ex-Wife's Lies.
And as the Truth Came Out, what did They Do...?
Did They FIX.
Did They REFUSE TO CONTINUE TO SUPPORT HER, when They KNEW, She was Lying.
Instead, They looked out FOR THEMSELVES.
They Ran.
They Hid.
And They could Care Less about the Fact that They'd literally helped a Liar, damn near destroy My Reputation.

Our Women have been given this same nonsensical cause as Whitewomen, that They need Power at ANY AND ALL COSTS.
And when the Truth Comes Out, regardless of whatever...?
Deny It.
Run, if You Have To.
And what that means is.
You are literally watching Me.
Rebuild from The Ground.
I have Zero-Tolerance.
For Fools like the two Niggers who just robbed where My Middle Brother Works at.
Because if I can work at a Wendy's?
So can They.
If I can have two decent paying jobs slip through My Fingers and Not Get the Family-Support I Should have and Then NOT go off on some Robbing.
Mass-Shooting Spree?

Then You clearly Know I'm not going to listen to anything about anyone else not having self-control and self-discipline enough to not lash out at Others due to shitty-circumstances on a personal-level.
It's just not gonna happen.
I'm not even gonna Type about the Bullshit currently going on at the Dayjob.
At least...? 
Not in any Details.
Crime Happens.
But this is precisely why I Type to You that We Must Get Back to Self-Sufficiency. On a MASS-SCALE. We don't even have the ability to offer jobs of ANY KIND TO ONE ANOTHER. 
And I typed that part for a Reason and that Reason is for the Yvette Carnell-types and those who follow that delusional-dysfunction.

As for the two fools who just threw away Their Lives for $200...?
The Nazi-Cops will find Them soon enough.
And They'll have to Ask Themselves if $200 was reallllllllllllllllly worth what happens to Them next....

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