Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Saved a Stacey Post....

My Son?
Is My Son.
He is My Flesh.
And Blood.
Everyday I miss him.
Everyday I wonder if he is all right.
Everyday I am forced to live with the fact that My Own Incompetence is why We are apart.
A few people have told me that the real reason why I look as old as I do is because of everything that has happened between My Ex-Wife and I, over My Son.
And note.
I do not type, Our Son.

Because all he is for Her, is a tool to be used against Me.
Nothing more.
And nothing less.
This is another reason why I am loving the Black Gender War going on all around me.
Because I know what needs to be done to end it.
And I will.
My Son is a part of Me.
I still cannot fathom how any man can willingly abandon His Child or Children.
Had I not been stupid enough to listen to Noni when we were married I'd have had the money needed to defend myself and the business I've started now would have been done back then.
It is painful to type about the fact that neither of Us had any degrees but We still made it through.
And the fact that We made it through thanks to my planning agitates me.
Because the reality is that I should have left her to rot when I had the chances.

And that within itself, is something I don't like either.
I don't like having to be so guarded in a relationship to the point where it really is pointless to even bother. Disgusting fools want Us to be so jaded and guarded that We can't actually connect and function anymore in Our Relationships.
And Noni.
With her self-destructive, petty-little ass.
Gave me plenty of chances to avoid what ended up happening.
Now she has gone back to her Ms. Christian-bullshit, which ought to be a crime against humanity.
It's always the heathens and liars and frauds who claim Christ the loudest.
Public stoning's need to be brought back so that they can be pelted to death with rocks so that their constant lying can be made an example to everyone else on what not to do.

What really grates on My Nerves is and was her useless parents. She came from a Married Black Couple. Father used to be Pro-Black and active. Mother was always a crazy-bitch and ultimately drove him to the loony farm too. Noni hid from me, as well as Her Useless Father, and Her Brother. That their Mother had to take medication to control herself. I don't know if she was bipolar or whatever but without her meds the bitch was apt to say and do anything at some point or another.

As I type this I find interesting that I have had other Sworn Brothers verify to me that those among Us who have parents and relatives with mental illnesses, they told their wives BEFORE THEY GOT TOO FAR ALONG IN DATING. While Their Wives...?

Kept their fuckin mouths shut about Their Parents having any mental problems or inability to control themselves without medication. What good does lying do about something so serious. It's going to come out at some point or another. Be it by the parents eventual behavior or even the woman herself or worse? When any children are brought into the world and the child inherits the grandparents or parents mental-disorder.
Secrets such as these are deal-breakers in relationships.
But rarely talked about.

What then, does this have to do with You, Stacey?
It is because You.
Are broken.
And it is not like it's much of a secret either.
I typed up a post.
Because when I got home I was literally about to just go to bed.
When I, it literally hit me that same connection that I've always had with You.
Where I knew that I should or could call you or do something.

I ignored it.
Ate my dinner.
And it kept gnawing and nagging me.
I tried to type up a post for Williams Works.
Tried to do some writing.
Tried to do some READING!
My first thought was why am I feeling this way now?
Then I realized.
Why wouldn't I feel this way now.
I am aware of what day is approaching and that is when I realized why I was feeling this way, or, so I thought.

I really wish you would have just done the right thing.
I warned you that there was nothing there between you and Baby Dave Evans.
But you are greedy and arrogant.
I even gave you the opportunity to have what you needed.
And for the reader, no.
What she needed wasn't the ability to fuck some other man.
What she needed was someone she knew she could simply bullshit with and then leave and come home to me.

Some of You.
Will poke your lips out.
Think and say silly shit to yourselves.
Until I remind you that We all see and hear it and SOME OF YOU HAVE DONE IT where you have CHEATED on Your Wife/Husband and all it was was the fact of the thrill and being able to bullshit with this supposedly exciting and new and fresh person.
At the end of it all.
You didn't actually want to be with that person every single day.
Then it would be like your actual relationship, EXCEPT.
It would be EMPTY.
Because this other person IS JUST A MEANS OF ESCAPE.
Nothing more.
And nothing less.
Again, it is ironic that Whites yammer on THE MOST about Monogamy WHILE THEY ARE THE LEAST FUCKIN MONOGAMOUS.

But since they've conquered the world they have PUSHED THIS BULLSHIT on EVERY FUCKIN BODY ELSE. To the point OR POINTLESSNESS.
I already knew that there was nothing more than escapism there for Stacey. The Proof of this is the fact that as many and any of you can see. Baby Dave Evans is clearly no longer in her life that way. This is why her blog is dead in space now. Because reality has caught up to you my dear on all fronts.
God is already giving you his plan for you Stacey.

He is punishing the fuck out of you for what you've done.
And it isn't like you don't know it either.

(Meanwhile? As I type this? Stephanie is literally cursing out Ryan about shit that is way above and beyond that boys ability to control or comprehend. She is literally cursing at him about having to do math homework with him. Where I know her background, so before anyone even attempts it she was always fucking around and fucking anything that moved and ultimately got pregnant with some random dude. Random dudes don't take care of children. They don't own up to children. Especially when they were laying down with a woman who simply wanted to fuck. It is pointless to even keep a child in that situation, but? She decided to do so anyway. We won't get into the drugs she was doing too. And this is why I said it is pointless to argue about the Gender War crap. Because it is amazing how that flies out the window when MEN HAVE THEIR SHIT TOGETHER. It's amazing how that comes to a screeching halt in a hurry. And that within itself is also why I have done nothing about actually contacting you Stacey. Because I am NOT PREPARED. I have made it clear that IF YOU CONTACT ME THEN I WILL ACCEPT THAT AS YOU HAVING LEARNED HOW TO CONTROL YOURSELF AND TAKE RESPONSIBILITY FOR YOUR OWN ACTIONS.

And I add that for clarity. But now that I just heard that nonsense next door? I'm done with this post. I have a lot I want to type, to explain why I am stopping now, but? It is already after 9:37pm EST. And I need to be up by 5am EST again. I don't like knowing that you are wasting away over there Stacey. And worse, trying to convince yourself and others that you are not. God? Had a plan for you and you blew it up on your own. You come here everyday knowing full-well that all it would take is for you to pick up a phone and call or email me. Yet in typical fashion for you, your ego is more important. I'll say it again. We're getting OLDER. Not Younger. And you already know that I am notorious for literally disappearing without a trace. You're going to come up on here looking for your daily fix of mixed-emotions and check-in-check-out. 

And you'll be told that the blogsite you're looking for no longer exists.
I am well-aware that you know where all of my other internet related whatever's are.
Because you demonstrated that side of yourself to me as a psycho-stalker chick before.
And before anyone gets bent out of shape about what I just typed, too many women talk shit and play cool in front of their girlfriends and family's but are up online following their man and seeing where he goes online. So stop with the attempt to misinterpret what I typed and accept the fact that today's woman will stalk a man just as fast as a man stalks a woman.
With that typed.
I typed what I needed to type.
And yes.
I did see a recent pic, Stacey.
So you already know that any time I see a picture of you I can literally read what is actually going on with you and that will never change until one or both of Us is dead.
9:50pm EST...?
Lemme get off this computer and go to bed.
And yes, I still love you. And you know that and that is part of the reason why you come up on here.
But no....
I am not.
Fixing this.
You already know what you must do to fix it.
Feel free to continue not to.
It's a waste of time in the end.
But it is time that you are willingly choosing to waste.
Annnnnnnnnnnd, now....

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