Saturday, September 19, 2015

Excerpt from Black Fox Diana Paige Origins-0


This is an excerpt from the upcoming free to download story concerning Black Fox Diana Paige. In the excerpt the reader is introduced to Diana who is reflecting on the fact that she's had to gamble Her Master and his entire unit on a staged attack by PAGAN-CORP. In order to keep the IACF from tricking him into a one-way early retirement!

In the midst of this flashback, the character of Frank Landers and Valiant Landers are introduced where the reader gets a chance to see how things were when the entire Counterstrike Project began in the American Empire. Landers, who is the grandfather of Lancelot Landis;
Gives some interesting thoughts on everything going on at ground level. Especially since he was one of the cornerstones for events in modern-times within the Pagan Wars ebooks. Here is an excerpt from the upcoming story;

   The Caf guard-bitches did nothing, as usual. All that mattered was making sure that nobody actually used any energy and ranged powers, otherwise!? Beat each other to a bioengineered black-bloodied mess for all they cared! What mattered was sifting through the slop and literally getting to the cream of the crop. Orders were plain and simple, no energy powers or ranged powers, otherwise? Everyone, and General Landers was crystal clear with his orders, everyone! Was expendable when brawls broke out in The Caf.
   A decorated general in the Vietnam Invasion. Landers didn't bullshit over the fact that the entire Imperial American ARC-Project was something that he was fully behind, but only for as long as they kept pushing for the ARCs to be weapons and nothing more! A Greybeard General of the Empire, Landers wasn't keen on a lot of things that were going on back home while he was leading the charge to take Vietnam. He especially didn't give a damn about what he knew would have been a problem had the invasion failed, what he called, lazy Crackers and no good Niggers! He didn't like using direct templates from PAGAN-CORP, because PAGAN-CORP was part of the problem, but? Imperial American scientist weren't good enough to do everything from scratch, which pissed him off.
   "SIR!?" his ARC-adjutant barged in as usual "WE HAVE A
   Landers yanked his pipe out of his mouth "JESUS CHRIST, VALIANT!? DIDN'T THEY FUCKIN UPGRADE YOUR BRAIN WHEN YOU WERE SWIMMIN IN THAT SOUP, BITCH!?" Valiant's face turned red as she realized too late that she'd once again "HOW MANY TIMES HAVE I TOLD YOU DON'T JUST FUCKIN BARGE INTO MY OFFICE!"
   "Sorry, Master." Valiant sheepishly replied.
   But to call Landers office, an office? Is an insult to offices everywhere. Especially military ones. A World War II veteran, his office was filled with his accumulated mementos and totally unnecessary paperwork that he absolutely refused to part with. He was still certain that Hitler made it to Brazil and that the bastards were covering for his ass. His request to led a strike team into Brazil was denied for years. But his boldness and belief in the Empire was what had made his crotchety-ass the ideal warden to run this insane asylum of "overpowered bioengineered-bitches", as he called them.
   Landers refused to use the new computer systems and he was damn sure spooked by the holographic windows technology even more! All and all he didn't like the fact that they just kept piling on and piling on more and more Non-human technology and then the whole Neo-Martian bullshit had him fit to burst "What is it!?" he snapped as the tall pale blonde stood slack-jawed-gawking "Why'd you interrupt me, woman?"
   Valiant's face eased into a warm smile as she closed the door behind her quickly and made her way over to Her Father and Master. Her military uniform, if you wanted to call it that. Consisted of a light-green, short-sleeved collared shirt. With her name and rank embroidered into it, just above her left heart-tit. Or at least where her heart was supposed to be, since ARCs have two hearts, and none where a human-being's is. She was visibly excited and it showed not only on her face!? But also in the fact that her nipples were glaring back at Landers as he shook his head in disbelief "Jesus Christ, lemme guess. Another fight in The Caf?" none of them have an off-switch when it comes to fighting, he thought to himself. Those brainiacs better find a way to command-n-control that or else this could become a problem down the road. He made quick mental note to sit down with Kessler the Kraut and remind him of the fact that ARC's get horny-n-happy way too easily when they think there's blood to spill, including their own "Which one is it?" he asked her.
   Valiant licked her lips and came to an abrupt stop at the front of Her Master-Father's desk. She quickly adjusted her light-green thigh-skirt and then abruptly blurted out like a two-year old "The Black Caf this time and its Alma and Diana!" she didn't hide her excitement as she added "Nobody has stepped in to break it up, father. So it looks like the conditioning has finally taken affect on both sides of the experiment."
   Landers stuck his pipe back in his mouth and nodded slowly "Looks that way," he muttered "it looks that way."
   Valiant wasn't sure why he was "What's wrong, Father? I thought you'd be pleased?" what am I missing? I must be missing something.
   Landers took a slow drag on his pipe and savored the sensations of the tobacco, for what it was now worth. It was weird now. And he hated it. Everything was weird now. From all of those treatments and chemical baths he'd gone through. He couldn't just enjoy his pipe anymore now that he'd gone through human-modification, so he had to have the chem-boys do some work on his tobacco so he'd at least be able to enjoy it a little. 
   Valiant tried not to stare too hard at him, as she kept trying to figure out why Her Master-Father wasn't pleased that the Black-ARCs were finally responding like the White-ARCs. Human... conditioning, was what he wanted, sooooooh?
   He sat back in his chair, making sure not to let on that he was watching Valiant's reaction. He could see her working out what was wrong and he'd told her repeatedly that she telegraphs too much when she's thinking. It's literally written all over her face, he'd always told her. Yet here she is again, telegraphing. He wasn't sure if this was a natural side-affect due to the fact that she's not actually a human-being and didn't grow up from a baby to a girl and all the rest of that. I guess they're just stuck with whatever flaws they have... I guess.
   Valiant Landers had been created from General Landers own DNA as a reward for not only his hard work for the American Empire. But also as a bribe to get the ole coot to come on board and stop disrupting progress with his doomsday talk of ARCs overrunning everything and everyone and ultimately taking over the planet! But every time he saw ARCs respond like a broke toy over things that a normal human-being would just come out and say they don't understand. Or they don't get it? ARCs just keep trying to plod along to figure it out on their own while literally showing they're stumped, Diana and the others are doing great. But the amount of time and energy it takes to get them fully-functional and immersed in human-like reactions? He didn't wanna see another fuckin bean counter bitching about how much shit was costing to get the Black-Ops ARCs up to snuff!  
   "I'm doing something wrong, aren't I Father?" Valiant finally asked.
   Landers was about to give her a verbal pat on the ass, till he looked up into her eyes. Her sparkling blue-eyes held that gleam in them that caused him to smirk. Then he told her calmly "Stop trying to cheat by readin-my-mind, girly."

   Valiant immediately covered her mouth with both hands and cursed "Shit!" then she quickly bowed and lowered her head low "I'm sorry, Father! I didn't mean to!" 
   He chuckled and one-eyed side-grinned her as he replied "I betchu say that to all the boys."
   Valiant blushed red and couldn't help but smile back and laugh "I'm not that kind of girl, Father!"
   And to that!?
   He nodded sharply in agreement "True enough, cuz girls can't toss tanks, honey!" Valiant nodded emphatically as Her Master-Father stood up and said "Now let's see Diana kick some ass in the Caf, okay!?"
   Valiant could barely contain the look of blood lust in her eyes "Yes, Father!"
   But while Landers played it off, the only thought he was having was the fact that? If those idiots can't curtail the Mang-genes towards violence and confrontation, then we're screwed....  

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