Media Blacks Out Pentagon Report Exposing U.S. Role In ISIS Creation

The report proved that the growth and expansion of ISIS was a direct result of arms being sent by the U.S. to anti-Assad Islamists, with the strategic U.S. intention of toppling the Assad regime in Syria.

In a story reverberating across the world, last week award winning journalist and scholar Dr. Nafeez Ahmed exposed startling information about U.S. complicity in the creation and rise of ISIS, as contained in a recently declassified Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) report.
Read the story blacked out by corporate media on the secret US intel report revealing who really created ISIS 
Possibly more terrifying than the report itself may be the fact that this information has been virtually blacked out across global mainstream media.
This silence speaks volumes as to the weight of this information. It illustrates the complicity of the English-speaking media, in collusion with government, to keep people ignorant of the harsh realities of U.S. style realpolitik.
Spoke to national newspaper interested in story-they concluded it was too 'difficult' to run 
'at this late stage' 
The stunning report, dated August 2012, proved that the growth and expansion of ISIS was a direct result of arms being sent by the U.S. to anti-Assad Islamists, with the strategic U.S. intention of toppling the Assad regime in Syria.
The report stated, “major forces driving the insurgency in Syria” comprise “the Salafist, the Muslim Brotherhood, and AQI [al-Qaeda in Iraq], showing explicitly what elements were providing the true velocity of the insurgency.
Although the U.S. has held to the official line that only moderate rebels are being armed in Syria, figures such as Presidential candidate Rand Paul stating that “war hawks” in congress were responsible for the rise of ISIS, to Vice President Joe Biden stating (start at 1:30:00), that there were no “moderate rebels,” say otherwise.
“The secret Pentagon document provides extraordinary confirmation that the US-led coalition currently fighting ISIS, had three years ago welcomed the emergence of an extremist ‘Salafist Principality’ in the region as a way to undermine Assad,” Ahmed said.
In an interview with Josh Cook of Truth In Media, Ahmed stated:
“I spoke to a major national newspaper here in the U.K. and what was 
interesting was they were quite sympathetic to the line of inquiry,

but just felt like they couldn’t cover it. And it wasn’t that they were told

they couldn’t cover it. The journalist that I spoke to who is a senior

journalist that I have a lot of respect for was very sympathetic to

what I was saying. He literally said to me look – I actually could

sense that there was this fear that I shouldn’t be talking about this,

this is going to far – is the document really strong enough? He didn’t

feel confident.
“There is almost like an unspoken recognition I think in the mainstream

media (White and White-Jewish Media) that there are certain things we

are not allowed to say. The idea that something as despicable as ISIS

could actually been foreseen or facilitated deliberately, which is really

what is implied by this report quite clearly.
“It’s almost too much,” he said. “It goes against the grain of so much

we take for granted. So many assumptions about not just American,

but Western kind of supremacy and the benevolence of our

government that we would never do anything like this … it’s a

big kind of leap.
“On the one hand I think that journalists are scared and worried

about pushing boundaries to that extent. It does raise a concern

that there is an absolute silence on this issue, especially in the

English speaking media. It raises real questions about what is behind that silence?”
People have a right to be informed about the undertakings of a government operating in their name and the press has a duty to expose that which is intentionally obscured from the view of the public by those in power.
When the press is afraid or complicit in hiding these facts from the American public, then we, as a nation, are in a much greater danger than anything ISIS presents.
Please share this story to help get this vital information out to as many people as possible, as people deserve to know what actions their governments undertake in their name!
Check out the full interview with Dr. Nafeez Ahmed below:
This article was originally published by