Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Building a Business is like Starting a Campfire....

Good Morning from Upper Darby!

I went on ahead and removed the other countries from my Adwords account since Weebly can't do anything in their respective currencies anyway. I can re-add them once I get My Own Website. Until that time I see no point in advertising to places where the listing-prices are in USD and not their native currencies. Of course I'm not happy about changing things around but it makes no sense to continue to advertise in countries where I generate clicks to My Website, but it doesn't generate sales because nothing can be listed in the respective currency amount of the country I am advertising in.

If there is one lesson I am learning the hard way it is having enough resources to be able to deal with logistical flaws and fuck-up's, while trying to grow your own business. It really is like starting a campfire. Have you ever built a campfire, started a campfire? I have and lemme tell ya, not. Easy. No matches, mind you. No lighter, that's what I'm talking about. I'm talking about camping in the wilderness and you pitch your tent. Then it is time to start a campfire.

I've built campfires when I used to go to summer camp when I was little. Then when I went camping as a Boy Scout and yes, I was a Boy Scout. Then I built campfires when I was college and that was the last time in my life that I was out in the wilderness like that.

Finding the right kindling material. Then I will tell you that rubbing two-sticks together, cliche as it might SOUND, that actually works. Been a long, long time! Since I had to do that. But I am seeing that, and you know? The reality is that this is MORE CHALLENGING, in actuality. Because it is eCommerce. I can't DIRECTLY SEE THE CUSTOMER. I will say that ELECTRONIC LOITERING, is real problem as far as I'm concerned. I still have TOO MANY PEOPLE who simply lurk and linger and don't buy anything and I have NO TOLERANCE FOR THAT.

I've been told now ten-different ways to Sunday "Oh, you just need to be patient. You're just starting out." -_- Bills don't care about patience. Rent doesn't care about patience and landlords don't care about my problems with not selling enough ebooks. They care about me paying my rent. And that's it. Traffic has picked up dramatically on the website. But purchases are still TOO SLOW. I still find it odd that both ebooks are only $5 and $1.50 and sales are still too slow.

What is MORE DISTURBING is this obsession over my LACK of Kindle access. A few people have complained as if I am Amazon. Or that I am LIKE THEM WHERE? I didn't tell you to give your money to a corporation that controls YOU and TELLS YOU what you CAN AND CAN'T READ ON THEIR DEVICES. And that is something that I've always found annoying and have no tolerance for anymore either. I'm no longer in the business of tolerating someone complaining to me about a DECISION THAT THEY HAVE CHOSEN TO MAKE WHEN ALL EVIDENCE SHOWS THEY'RE SIMPLY BEING LAZY.

This Kindle-issue and the fact that too many people have mindlessly supported Amazon and in MY INSTANCE, they are finding out that Amazon only supports what comes from Amazon. But it IS NOT LIKE THEY CANNOT SIMPLY DOWNLOAD MY EBOOKS AND READ THEM OFF THEIR COMPUTER. It's laziness. Pure and simple. Instead of honestly OWNING my ebooks. People would rather be on lease and loan from Amazon and its servers. Hey, I can't help you with that. All purchases of ebooks through Amazon are LOANS, because you cannot actually download and keep the purchased ebook. You simply have access to it off of Amazons-servers unless or until Amazon decides to remove that ebook from its servers. It still amazes me how people can be TOLD TO THEIR FACE "I'm ripping you off."

And people will keep right on being bothered with getting ripped off till reality sets in and now they have nothing left. Bear in mind, that I ALREADY KNOW THAT I CAN SELL MY EBOOKS. The issue is TIME. I NEED TIME TO FIND MY AUDIENCE. And time isn't exactly on my side right now. The funnier part is that a LOT OF THINGS HAVE ACTUALLY FALLEN INTO PLACE, but again the factor of TIME is playing a big part in;
Me having to weather through the next month, month-&-a-half maybe? Maybe? Where things will be SETTLED financially WITHOUT THE WEBSITE. But it is getting TO THAT POINT IN TIME where things are TIGHT RIGHT NOW. So whatever income comes in FROM THE WEBSITE, of course lessens the burdens CONSIDERABLY.

And that's why I said building a business is like starting a campfire. Can you make it through being out in the wilderness without one? For a while you can, but at some point or another you have to build a campfire for warmth, for cooking and to an extent to keep away animals. Fire is a necessary tool for survival because there is so much you can do with it and so much you can't do without it. The funny thing is that even as I TYPE THAT. I realized that because we have so many "modern amenities" the value of fire APPEARS TO HAVE BEEN DIMINISHED, HOWEVER?

The reality is that fire is still a critical part of human life. We just don't realize it until the power goes out and the water doesn't run and the gas stove gets cut off and now all of sudden that cold shower isn't looking too appealing. Can't cook your food. Can't keep warm. Can't SEE! HAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH! Then all of a sudden REALITY jumps out of the darkness and reminds you that no matter how advanced Man has become? There is still some shit that will never stop being a critical commodity for survival. When you take THAT and change it around to the topic, then you see how critical it is to own a business and/or to AT LEAST...?

Have a job.

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