Wednesday, September 9, 2015

IACF Elite-General, Lancelot Landis

Good Evening from Upper Darby!
Lancelot Landis is one of the characters from the Pagan Wars Series. The upcoming free stories mention more about his grandfather than him. But they do drop hints of his existence as a threat to Crusader Base of Camden City, because Crusader Base is filled with failed 1st Generation ARCs that were supposed to go there to be slaughtered, one way or another. Not to excel under Byron Maxwell. 

Lancelot is especially a threat to Byron Maxwell, because Maxwell was supposed to have been Indoctrinated during his formative years. But was able to overpower his GLA recruiter Karima, due to training he was given by the PAGAN-CORP recruiter that had tried to get him to join them. Indoctrinated are verified threats to Imperial American interest, due to their ability to be modified by PAGAN-CORP into Altered-Humans and their own questionable stance towards the Empire.

Indoctrinated are unaware of this and are usually caught up in attempts by PAGAN-CORP and Imperial American recruiters attempting to literally recruit the person or people, into joining their respective side. 

Those recruited by the Imperial American recruiter are taken to what they think is a normal school or facility for the purpose of training them. But it is really about brainwashing them first, before allowing them to proceed onwards to be modified into an altered-human. Anyone who cannot be Indoctrinated is disposed of and the necessary cover story is created to assuage the family, who are in turn, eventually, disposed of as well. Because of the fact that they were able to produce someone with talent that could be used by PAGAN-CORP and the family itself already has a questionable allegiance or situation regarding the Empire. Lancelot at times has been called upon to hunt down and clean up situations like this.

Lancelot is also an enemy of Orion the Hunter and those who took over and restored Camden City after the state had abandoned it. He sees the continuing rise of altered-humans, exo-armored knights and otherdimensionals, as a threat to Imperial American interest, as well as his own. A skilled milpol-strategist, Lancelot portrays himself as a mere military man, but is far from it;
Lancelot Landis is the grandson of famed Imperial American RETIRED Supreme Commander, Fredrick "Frank" Landers. Lancelot was actually a member of the Landers family and followed both his grandfather and his deceased father, Lance Landers, who died from complications of the Human-Hybrid Project Program.
   Lancelot dropped the Landers name when his grandfather Frank mocked and ridiculed his father Lance as weak, because his body rejected the Human-Hybrid modifications, killing him. 
   While Frank Landers was critical during both WWII serving under the likes of Eisenhower, Lancelot's father Lance not only did not live up to Frank's Legacy. He also failed to live up to Frank's expectations. 
   Lancelot grew up watching his father being constantly bullied and tortured by his grandfather. But his own father made it understood to him that he intended to live his own life and reach his own goals, not Frank's.
   Lancelot however saw that while his father was a "good man", no one respected him. Yet they revered his grandfather. Lancelot would ultimately grow closer to his grandfather more than his own father and come to the conclusion that the real reason why his father was trying to "live his own life". Was because his grandfather's shadow of service to the Empire was too big for him to live up to. Add to that the fact that his father's accomplishments were also too small to overpower his grandfather's accomplishments! So his father had to manufacture a lie to deal with the fact that he couldn't cut it!
   Lancelot on the other hand excelled and was among the first to qualify for the 3rd Generation Class of the Human-Hybrid Project Program. Everything that his father wasn't, in regards to living up to the Legacy of Frank Landers, Lancelot was! And everyone recognized him for it. By the time he was a sophomore in high school, he underwent the Human-Hybrid treatment and successfully survived! Exhibiting many of the natural A-grade affinities that his grandfather has. This drew him and his grandfather even closer together and tore him and his timid father further apart.
   Lance, desperate to win his son's love and approval back! Pushed himself through the Human-Hybrid treatment again, sealing his own fate. The Human-Hybrid Project Program was still extremely unpredictable and relied heavily on stolen PAGAN-CORP technology and science! Alongside still unstable Neo-Martian biogenics. Exposure to the process the first time drew out the maximum abilities of the subject and advanced their human-abilities based on their DNA and complete metaphysical-persona. 
   Emotionally distraught.
   And psychologically desperate!?
   Lance Landers had no shot of surviving the process for any prolonged amount of time a second time around, even if he wasn't killed outright by the initial treatments! By the time Lancelot found out it was too late. As for Frank Landers, he reacted with disdain because of the fact that he knew His Son was aware that one cannot undergo a second treatment. If you manage to survive the first time around, then whatever and however you have evolved, then that's it! Modern-day bioengineers now know that the old Human-Hybrid Project Program was actually using modified Mang-genes as the basic catalyst to handle all of the massive changes that subjects underwent.
   From increased physical abilities. 
   To unlocking genes within the subject that allowed for increased bone density and hyperdense-skin! Right down to returning the long since locked ability for humans of earth to once again generate arcane-energy and manipulate ambient arcane-energy found in the world around them. A second exposure by another set of modified Mang-genes after the initial set from the first treatment had already modified the subject!? Always led to an internal struggle on the DNA-cellular level between the two sets of modified Mang-genes. One where the subject never survived and was always torn to pieces internally. Lance, blinded by desperation, was determined to win his son's favor back and his own father's too! By being the first human-being to survive two treatments. 
   Which of course....
   ...He did not....
   Throughout the ordeal Lancelot did his best to make amends with what time he and his father had left, however? His grandfather was ridiculously nasty and bitter, right down to his father's passing through death's door. Disgusted with his grandfather's old-time tough-love routine! Lancelot would change his last name legally to Landis to prevent his grandfather from gaining anymore prestige. And to go forward for the rest of his life living under the family name that he had decided on and would give power to. His grandfather's disrespect towards his father in his last days would cause the bitterness that last to this day between grandson and grandfather. But it has also been the driving cause of Lancelot's successful Middle East and Soviet Expeditions. As well as his battles against both the South African and Congolese Empires. All the while still fighting against PAGAN-CORP and continuing to push the agenda of the American Empire....

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