I'm sick as a dog, but I'll be ready to roll out tomorrow morning, you can COUNT ON THAT! Just wanted to give a shout out to My Mother for reminding me last night that I've got A LOT OF THINGS GOING ON ALL AT ONCE AND I NEED TO STOP CONSTANTLY TRYING TO DO IT ALL AT ONCE! From the blogsite, to the website, to the short and full-length stories, to the artwork, to the T-shirt designs, to my shitty-health and nagging injuries, to My Son and My Ex-Wife! And no, they are not last because they are least priority. They are what occupy most of my time and energy and thoughts because My Ex-Wife is non-cooperative even though there is nothing to gain from it and never was.
I've dodged two Scam-Job opportunities where I learned the hard way from last year when I got my identity stolen and then had a nice talk with some of the more unseemly side of the underworld for doing me dirty like that. So over the last two days some fools have sent me "supposed job opportunities" to work from home and make big money shipping and receiving packages. The same scam the last bastards got me with from Long Egg Surveys last year near the Thanksgiving/Christmas time of the year. So no. Not. Fallin. For THAT ONE AGAIN!
So when my mother and I talked last night she just pointed out that I have a LOT OF STUFF THAT I AM ACTUALLY DOING and she was concerned that I'm pulling myself in too many different directions and not giving myself a break when I make mistakes. I'm extremely critical of myself, which is another reason why I hate when people I think I can trust try to run bullshit game on me. I don't have time for games going nowhere. Especially NOT NOW! I typed a long-journal entry to my son last night too, just letting him know why it is taking me so long and the mistakes THAT I MADE. And HOW HE CAN AVOID THOSE MISTAKES. A lot still hinges on me getting back my parental rights though and it never ceases to amaze me how hard it is to find free legal representation when you're a Blackman trying to get their child/children back.
Nobody lines up to volunteer services for that. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH! Either way, I'm getting closer and closer, My Son!
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