Taylor Swift?
She is a prototypical Whitewoman.
Am I really supposed to be shocked that some bullshit is going on around her?
I've never listened to her music. I only know what she looks like because I get bombarded with images of her. Word in the social circles is that the bitch is clingy as hell and creepy crazy. That's the supposed "word on the internet" or whatever. I don't know. What I do know is that almost every album or whatever she has some shit that has Black People lookin crazy or whatever, HOWEVER!?
We always find some Black People working with her. Kissin her non-existent ass, or whatever, so!? There comes a point and time where we have to start OUTING the Blacks that work with her and let other Black People know, yo? This White-bitch right here? AVOID HER ASS. Too much bullshit always going on with her. And that's it!
No one in THEIR RIGHT MIND would want to do a VIDEO or MAKE A SONG for Black Africans. But then do some shit that makes Black Africans look fucked up and fucked over. Hold on one second....
OHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH-KAY! I JUST LOST 1 MINUTE OF MY FUCKIN LIFE WATCHING 1 MINUTE OF THIS SHITTY WHITE-BITCH BULLSHITTIN IN HER SHITTY, STEREOTYPICAL FUCKIN VIDEO AND, all right, ALL RIGHT. Lemme >_< This song is so fuckin PATHETICALLY WEAK! A goddamn SMALL CHILD CAN RIGHT THESE LYRICS. The song and the video attempt to glamorize the same shit that we're vilified for as Black People. In the video Taylor Swift portrays yet another Marilyn Monroe-style GLAMORIZED WHITE WHORE. Who gets it on with her co-star who eventually is revealed to have been MARRIED. A Blackwoman would of course be told she should have known better and countless opinion columns and TV-exposes would be put out to highlight this fact.
Mind you, I'm typing and really couldn't care less about whether minor details are missed on my point. THE REAL POINT OF THE VIDEO IS PROTOTYPICAL WHITE-TACTICS AGAIN. We, as in White People, in this instance, Taylor Swift, will give to you NOT FOR YOU. BUT FOR THE POOR ANIMALS WHERE YOU NIGGERS JUST HAPPEN TO BE AT. The justification of the video and the theme makes it POSSIBLE TO EXCLUDE BLACKS WHILE MISREPRESENTING THAT WHO SHE IS REALLY HELPING ARE THE ANIMALS WHO HAPPEN TO BE IN A BLACK LAND.
That about wraps it up! It is no deeper than that. Taylor Swift is cut along the same line as the Whites and dumb-ass Niggers who thought Michael Vick DESERVED JAIL TIME FOR KILLING ANIMALS, BUT NO WHITE NAZI-COPS HAVE SERVED APPROPRIATE JAIL TIME OR BEEN EXECUTED BY CAPITAL PUNISHMENT FOR KILLING BLACK PEOPLE. The caps are there so that you cannot turn away from the giant joke of White Justice and understand that you are looking for an asking for FAIRNESS FROM PEOPLE WHO HAVE NEVER BEEN FAIR TOWARDS US. That's like people in Hell asking for ice water, not gonna happen. The song would have been saved by a MORE APPROPRIATE VIDEO set in MODERN TIMES and highlighting the fact that Taylor Swift's dumb-ass was in a relationship and shit just didn't work out, the end.
But that video has been made and made and remade for how long now? So then you take THAT FACT. Then the fact that the song is ONLY ABOUT HELPING THE POOR UNFORTUNATE ANIMALS TRAPPED WITH BLACK PEOPLE IN AFRICA. Where? I'm sorry but WHO EXACTLY IS DOING MOST OF THE POACHING OF THESE ANIMALS? If this was TRULY about helping THE POOR WIDDLE ANI-MALLS, then? Give the Black Forest Rangers REAL GUNS AND EQUIPMENT SO THEY CAN KILL FUCKIN POACHERS ON SIGHT!
Problem solved!
However I already told you when I talked about Nigeria and Chad vs. Boko Haram and the fact that Whites WILL NOT TRADE GUNS AND MUNITIONS WITH BLACK COUNTRIES OUT OF FEAR THAT IT WILL FUCK UP THEIR LONG-TERM ABILITY TO INTERFERE AND FUND INSURGENT-DISRUPTIVE AGENTS WITHIN SAID BLACK COUNTRIES! The same is true regarding the Poaching Problem. How quickly do you think Whites like that Dentist, would start getting GIANT HOLES BLOWN IN THEM BY BLACK AFRICAN RANGERS PROTECTING THESE RESERVES?
Then White People will be up in arms because now they can't go fuck around in the "Jungles of Africa" or some other pathetic bullshit. Taylor Swift can go CHOKE ON A DICK AND DIE! HAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAAHAHAH!
Here's the article;
Twinkie-Director coons it up at critics of Taylor Swift's Non-African African video
NEW YORK (Reuters) - The director of Taylor Swift's new music video set in Africa struck back on Wednesday at mounting criticism of the scarcity of black people in the mini-film and its romanticized portrayal of the continent.
"Wildest Dreams," a love story filmed against a backdrop of giraffes, lions, waterfalls and stunning sunsets, has been viewed more than 15 million times since it was released on Monday to accompany the American pop superstar's latest single.
Although Swift is donating all proceeds to the African Parks Foundation of America, critics have seized on the video as portraying a stereotyped colonial-era view of Africa.
"So thank you, Taylor Swift, for proving once again that African stereotypes are safe atop the pinnacle of American pop culture," wrote Matt Carotenuto, who teaches African studies at New York state's St. Lawrence University, in an article on Wednesday on Salon.com.
Director Joseph Kahn said the "Wildest Dreams" video depicted a love story on the set of a period film in Africa in 1950.
Kahn said there were black Africans in the video in background shots but that it would have been "historically inaccurate to load the crew with more black actors as the video would have been accused of rewriting history." He also noted that the video's producer, Jil Hardin, and editor Chancler Haynes are both African-American.
"There is no political agenda in the video. Our only goal was to tell a tragic love story in classic Hollywood iconography," Kahn said in a statement.
Swift, who has some 62 million Twitter followers and whose "1989" album has sold more than 8 million copies worldwide, has not responded to the criticism.
In an article for National Public Radio's website, James Kaaga Arinaitwe and Viviane Rutabingwa, who have both lived and worked in several African countries, said Swift was not the first person to use the continent as a backdrop for romantic tales.
"We are shocked to think that in 2015, Taylor Swift, her record label and her video production group would think it was OK to film a video that presents a glamorous version of the white colonial fantasy of Africa," they added.
(Reporting by Jill Serjeant; Editing by Sandra Maler and Peter Cooney)
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