Saturday, September 12, 2015

The Slandering of Walter Scott

Well? Here we go again. I've had this article for some time and just let it sit on purpose. As usual, Nazi-Cop trying to use his Whiteness and the Black-criminal stereotype to slander the Black person that they killed. The new con-game is that Walter Scott was on coke, on drugs. And that before Michael Slager was seen BLATANTLY shooting a running Walter Scott in the back! AS WELL AS THEN PLANTING HIS TASER ON HIS DEAD BODY AFTER HE MURDERED HIM LIKE THE COWARD HE IS!

Now this asshole has his attorney talking about "He was on drugs! And he fought with Slager BEFORE the video showing My Client murdering the shit out of him and then PLANTING HIS TASER ON HIM TO MAKE IT LOOK LIKE HE TOOK IT FROM ME."

Murdered Black motorist Walter Scott supposedly used cocaine, supposedly pointed stun gun at ex-Nazi-Cop: Court documents claim....

A still image taken from police dash cam video allegedly shows Walter Scott running from his vehicle during a traffic stop in North Charleston
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A still image taken from police dash cam video allegedly shows Walter Scott running from his vehicle …
By Harriet McLeod
CHARLESTON, S.C. (Reuters) - An unarmed black man fatally shot by a white former patrolman in South Carolina in April had used cocaine and alcohol in his system when the police officer said he wrested control of his stun gun and pointed it at him, court documents filed on Tuesday show.
Michael Slager, 33, was fired from his patrolman job in North Charleston after being charged with murder in the April 4 death of Walter Scott, 50.
Video of the shooting captured by a bystander on his cellphone was widely distributed, and the death reignited a public outcry over police treatment of blacks and other minorities.
Defense attorney Andy Savage said he would ask a judge to set Slager free on bond.
"It wasn't just a cold-blooded shooting of a guy in the back and (authorities) knew that," the defense attorney told the Post and Courier newspaper on Tuesday.
Slager told police officers after the shooting that he had used his Taser twice on Scott after the driver ran from a traffic stop and Slager chased him to a field behind a pawn shop, according to police reports filed with the court documents.    According to Slager's account, he and Scott struggled on the ground. At one point, Scott got up, used both hands to wrest control of the Taser from him, and pointed it at Slager, the police reports said.
Slager then drew his weapon and fired what police believe was at least six shots, the police reports said.
The bystander's video showed Slager firing at Scott's back as he ran away and Scott falling, though it did not show an earlier confrontation. In the video, Scott appears to be unarmed.
Slager was indicted on the murder charge in June. If convicted, he faces between 30 years and life in prison without the possibility of parole. No trial date has been set.    Savage plans to present still photos that were extracted from the video by state and federal law enforcement officials at Thursday's bond hearing.
Prosecutor Scarlett Wilson said she would wait for evidence to be presented in court before commenting on it.
Chris Stewart, an attorney for the Scott family said the court documents are "just distraction. None of this stuff in there today changes anything whatsoever ... We all know that trace cocaine in his system has nothing to do with his being shot five times in the back."
(Reporting by Harriet McLeod in Charleston, S.C.; Editing by Eric M. Johnson, Sandra Maler and Shawn Williams)

Why the fuck isn't Slager or Dylan Roof up on trial yet?

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