Monday, September 7, 2015

9/6/2015 Tariq Live - The Empowerment Mindset

Good Afternoon from Upper Darby!

Well, put my time in and A LOT happened today where I was reminded of why I had to say to my Former Surrogate Son "ANYBODY CAN WORK!" I'm gonna keep it vague FOR NOW. But I got a chance to get put into the thick of things and be tested on whether what I used to say to him is something I MYSELF COULD HONESTLY DO AND LIVE BY! And lemme tell you something people!?

Got it done. Got it done, got it done, got it muthafuckin done! And I handled myself accordingly and got properly recognized for having the skills that he just doesn't have. So I'm feeling good that I was able to LIVE UP TO WHAT I WAS TEACHING HIM.

Now, lemme post the latest Tariq Live;

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