Monday, September 7, 2015

Good Morning from Upper Darby!

Getting ready to drag my broken down body through this workout. Then head out for the day and get this work done. I finished the pencil drawing for the Mang-Queen last night, but I'm not going to post her until I have completely, completed her. I still have to do the PAGAN-Mang drawing and the Counterstrike ARC-Mang drawing. I'll then post a post to the Williams Works Website to tie all of that together and show how the Mangs of Underworld-Realm from Book-Zero, ended up in the Pagan Wars-series where Manmade Sheep is the first story in that series.

Of course since Book-Zero takes place in Underworld-Realm and Manmade Sheep takes place in an Altered-Earth 2015, otherdimensional-travel clearly took place since Mang do not actually come from earth. I also started the drawing of Charles Pagan, who is the original agent from Underworld-Realm who was tasked with setting up an intelligence network on earth and given Mang-genes to begin bioengineering Mang on earth. Charles Pagan is of course a Tanis Dragonoid and had to have his physical size altered to be able to blend in with normal humans. He is also the Founder of PAGAN-CORP.

And I'll see you in 4 - to - 8 hours pending on how long it takes to get this work done.

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