Wednesday, September 9, 2015

A Message for Zipporah Gene

Good Afternoon from Culturally Appropriating from Black Africans Upper Darby!

This video is for Zipporah Gene and I need to type this right now and admit that I have ATTEMPTED to type a thorough, decent and REAL response to your post about;
Black America,
Please stop appropriating African clothing
and tribal marks.
Yes, that means everyone at Afropunk tooo.
But? I just could NOT. DO IT! I couldn't do it, so!? Since I couldn't. I decided to find someone that was of all of YOUR appropriate settings to speak for me. Especially someone who could speak in Your Language, because!? I don't wanna appropriate anything more than I have from You or Other Black Africans while you're living in London and touring Southeast Asia or Europe or anyplace else aside from the Africa that you don't quite come from. Straight from me, to you, Zipporah Gene, with Love, From Upper Darby;

This message brought to you by Black PEOPLE Against Nigger-Traitors
and the
Go Fuck Yourself Zipporah Gene in the Corner Foundation
with a grant by the
Blackwomen Anti-Negro-Bedwench Workshop
and also
Readers Like You...!

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