Wednesday, September 9, 2015

That's Right It's Back, A New Post about WHEN SLAVES ATTACKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK!!!!!!!!

LET'S HIT IT! You know!? One thing that has ALLLLLLLLLLLLLWAYS PISSED ME OFF! Is when Black People decide to DEFECT to wherever or whoever's camp and then try to guttersnipe like they give TWO-FUCKS about Other Black People. I wasted my time reading this Zipporah Gene's garbage and I was like?

All of this shit going on over here in Nazi-America and this Disgraceful Black Brit-Bitch wants to try to pretend like Black Americans are STRAIGHT-JACKIN Black Africans of all of their shit!? Then trying to be a sarcastic dumb-ass to boot, bitch-please shut up! PLEASE! Most of what she said made NO SENSE, oh you Black Americans you're stealing and shitting on all of our shit!

Uhhhhhhhhh? Are you by chance fuckin around with a Whiteman? And if you're so fuckin Pro Black African Culture then why isn't your youtubes and vlogs or whatever about YOUR ACTUAL AFRICAN CULTURE AND NOT ABOUT EATING FOOD FROM HERE THERE AND EVERYWHERE? Then? The fact that you and the entire world CAN NO LONGER LOOK THE OTHER WAY about how shit is SO SWEET FOR BLACK PEOPLE HERE, then?

You really think the shit you just said, you think NOW? Right now? Now is the time to say the SILLY SHIT THAT YOU SAID, meanwhile? In TYPICAL INSENSITIVE WHITE FASHION YOU ADMIT IN YOUR POST THAT YOU KNOW THE SHIT YOU'RE SAYING IS PETTY. That, is acting White. Which I've talked to you all about before. This woman believes that talking about how when White People culturally appropriate it is THE SAME AS Black People culturally appropriating from EACH OTHER?

This is a typical tactic used by a White Power Supremacist, so it is even worse when used by a supposed Black Person. Then the very subject she speaks on? She tries to be a smart-ass talking about how using African culture is a POPPIN THING right now, showing how YOUNG, SPOILED, IGNORANT AND STUPID SHE IS! I am almost 44-years old and I have seen Black People dressed in West African attire for most of my life at SOME POINT OR ANOTHER. I have lived around, gone to school with AT ALL LEVELS, worked with, fought beside, talked, hung-out with and been friends with Black Africans from all over Africa.

Bitch you need to shut the fuck up. For real. But you know what, I'm gonna post good ole Nigger-Traitor Zipporah Gene's post right now and since I had to have MY EYES BURNED BY IT, I PASS THIS ON TO YOU FOR YOUR READING PLEASURE, but note!? You have Walter Scott now being VILIFIED by Slager's attorney's, even though EVERYONE SAW IN THE VIDEO THAT SLAGER SHOT SCOTT IN THE BACK! AS HE RAN TO GET AWAY FROM HIS FILTHY LYING-ASS! Everyone THEN SAW SLAGER TRY TO PLANT HIS TASER ON MR. SCOTT'S DEAD BODY, AFTER SLAGER HAD BRUTALLY KILLED HIM! But Zipporah Gene wants to talk about DUMB-SHIT RIGHT NOW, where if there is any cultural appropriation, IF I'M TO PLAY THIS CHILDISHLY STUPID, PATHETIC ATTEMPT FOR WHITE-ATTENTION!

Because that IS all that THIS IS ON HER PART. I'm supposed to now sit here and TALLY-UP how much appropriation was done by Africans towards Black Americans? Really? That's what I'm supposed to do? Fuck outta here Slave. Go back to hangin out with your White Friends and just enjoying life. Go and do what you're doing and BE YOU. Stop wasting OUR TIME pretending like you give two-fucks about African this and African that. While you're living in London and have enough money or WHATEVER to jet-set and play around. Take that fuckin money and move back to whichever part of Africa YOUR PARENTS CAME FROM AND LIVE THERE AND THEN I MIGHT ATTEMPT TO CONSIDER TO TAKE YOUR TIRED TRIFLING-ASS SERIOUSLY. Here is her bullshit hit-piece and bear in mind, I have ALWAYS FOUND that Black People who CLAIM they never had any racial incidents happen to them are the BIGGEST FRAUDS AND WORST OF THE WORST! They seek White Approval at all cost and tend to have A LONG HISTORY OF BEING WHITE PLAYTHINGS and I do mean it as I typed it. Pay attention to the wording and even the statement at the end, too. Just copying this crap took FOREVER! >_< So I'm sorry for the multitude of errors, but just having to keep looking at this pathetic White-Worshippers phony-ass words, started putting me to SLEEP. Yes, to sleep! Goddamn, Yawn-fest, trying to make sure everything was in order for this post. Here is the bullshit;
Black America,

please stop appropriating

African clothing and tribal marks.
Yes, that means everyone at Afropunk too.

For the life of me, I need to know:
Can Black people culturally

appropriate one other?
It’s a nuanced question that seems to either set tempers aflare or create vacuums of 
silence in a room but, after going through pictures taken at the latest Afropunk Festival
, it’s definitely one that I have to ask. (Timing is everything and this bitch has none. 
But then again? Maybe that is NOT BY ACCIDENT. It is amazing how Nigger-Traitors
 happen to open their mouths or show up at the wrong time to do dumb, distracting shit!
 To fuck up the whole mood with a question that could be asked IN PRIVATE. But the fact
 of the matter is that this bitch clearly doesn't have any REAL BLACK FRIENDS, now? 
Heh-heh-heh, be careful. Beeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee, careful. Be careful. Cuz you know
 that's a trap when I type REAL BLACK FRIENDS)
And if Blacks can, why is the disgust and uproar surrounding this ongoing phenomenon only reserved for 
instances when White people 
appropriate us? (To Ask THAT QUESTION actually tells any Right-Minded Black Person
All they need to KNOW about Her. Can I explain this, answer this, IN DETAIL, YES I 
CAN! But no, I will not. Because if she's AS BLACK AFRICAN AS SHE CLAIMS, she 
wouldn't have said that stupid shit in the first place. Period. 
All she is, is another Chocodile)
Chocodiles are the same as Twinkies.
A Twinkie is an Asian who sells-out 
Asians to Whites where they look Asian on the Outside.
But they're actually WHITE on the inside, just like a Twinkie.
When I first heard about the Asian Twinkie it was FROM Asians 
who were berating the crap out of another Asian for doing what Zippy here is doing
I realized that a Black Person doing the same thing would be
a Chocodile!
Black on the Outside, but WHITE ON THE INSIDE! 
I ask this because Black Twitter is littered with countless examples of the uproar that 
ensues when White people appropriate Black culture. Words such as fancy dressmockery and profiteering are thrown around quite freely, but no one 
seems to realize that this selfsame violation is committed against us Africans — 
all under the guise of tribal fashion and connecting to The Motherland. (Smarmy, snarky
snide, sarcastic and very White-ish. Bitch go marry a Whiteman and go away now!)
Yes, I know that African-inspired prints are poppin’ right now (Future Fox News Reporter
Zippy Zipporah Gene "Cuz you know how those Niggers get it on an poppin Todd, 
right!?" insert fake laugh and then "Back to you at the studio, Todd!") and many African designers have chosen to showcase certain styles to the global fashion scene, but it 
appears to me and my African friends that it’s been taken a step further. (Ohhhhhhhhhhh) 
I understand that, for the most part, many of my own Black American (Nigger) friends 
are well meaning (Savages, they're so well-meaning, oh-my-God when's tea-time, Bitch 
you literally fuckin type like a mixture of a Valley-Girl and a Rich-White Snob, how the
African fashion, but the end result is still the same:
You take a cultural dress, 
mark or trait, 
with all its religious and historical 
connotations, dilute it, and 
bring it out for occasions 
when you want to look ‘trendy’.
Ask yourself, how exactly is that any better? (Sohhhhhh? According
to HER? It is a religious/historical connotation that is diluted by 
being worn on specific occasions, where she is accusing someone 
of wearing the item on a SPECIFIC OCCASION? Am I speaking 
White enough, because I TRY to avoid bullshitting people, then 
she says this FUNNY-ASS LINE NEXT)
I’m not trying to start a war
(Yes you are cowardly Nigger-Traitor, yes, you are) 
but I would just like you all to realize the hypocrisy of seeing 
someone wearing a Fulani septum ring, rocking adjellaba
painted with Yoruba-like tribal marks, all the while claiming that 
this is meant to be respectful. It’s a hodgepodge, a juxtaposition,
 a right mess of regional, ethnic and cultural customs and it 
screams ignorance and cultural insensitivity. (Bitch why not just 
come out and say I don't like Niggers wearing the shit THAT I 
Yes, that’s right, even when worn by Black people. (So when is 
she going to devote herself to the boatload of POSTING that 
highlights all of the stolen artifacts housed in British Museums 
for THEIR ENRICHMENT and viewing pleasure? So you want 
your culture back, then go and get the tangible items that you
can, from White-Brits, bitch. And see how fast they deport your
ass, mysteriously, of course! Mysteriously.) 
I know it looks cool and the wearer looks unique, but if you look 
at it for what it is, it’s still cultural appropriation.
It’s basically like a White Australian guy with dreadlocks, 
Ta moko, wearing Batik. They are all Islanders after all. So he’s 
not being offensive, right?
Africans may not be as vocal as Americans when it comes to appropriation rights. And I get that Black America’s history is one marred with so many injustices that I would never claim to understand (Fuck Off, phony-bitch). The emergence of a unified voice that is strong and proud is one that I respect and continue to applaud, but please also understand the need for us to be heard, too. Please don’t trample our rights fighting for yours.
On the scale of global issues, I admit this is petty, but it is something that should still be addressed.
Image created by Omar Victor Diop

It won’t be long before Zara 
starts selling tribal face paints. 
They already sold dashiki-styled
prints, so why not?
It’s time we all took a break and thought about what it is we’re wearing.
We are in an age of discourse and discussion in which Black people from all around the world can get together and discuss issues that matter to us. A phenomena that has by and large been created thanks to Black America. I don’t mince my words when I say that you’ve paved the way for intelligent discussion on things that shouldn’t have ever been but the world has taken as norms.
So now I am highlighting this:
Image created by Omar Victor Diop

If you’re not from an African tribe, 
please leave off wearing the tribal marks. 
Otherwise you’re participating in the 
very thing you vehemently 
speak out against.
I know the irony and how weird this sounds, because of the influence of rap, jazz, and hip hop — Black American culture, around the world. Thanks, but I’ve heard that argument ad nauseum (Like I said, this woman is nothing but a Negro-Bedwench, trying to do a hit-piece for her White friends and "family's" approval. Africans already copy ALL THE VARIOUS ELEMENTS AND ASPECTS OF BLACK CUSTOMS AND CULTURE EVEN THE NEGATIVE ONES, NOBODY OVER HERE IS WRITING SHIT TO COMPLAIN, SHUT THE FUCK UP!)
My response to that is:
If it’s done to you,
is it then okay to do it to me?
If you don’t dress like that everyday, or have any REAL affiliation, then please tell me how it isn’t fancy dress?
I stand by my words.
I’m sorry, it’s not futuristic, or cool — it’s our culture. 
Sure we may not wear Ichafus on a day-to-day basis anymore, but that doesn’t mean their significance to us is lessened. These things are reserved for funerals, births, weddings . . . significant rites of passage — vital points in our lives that we share with our community and people. It is how we express ourselves in the collective.
It is should not be a fashion statement 
to create shock or awe.
Black people or otherwise.

We are THOSE PEOPLE. Come at us.
(This last part is a disclaimer that I did NOT add)
The views of the author are not those of the photographer of the images, used only to highlight the beauty of African art and culture.

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