Saturday, September 5, 2015

Herero Genocide by the Germans (Video from Youtube, posted by Klaus Weichhaus)

Good Evening from Upper Darby!

In this video you will see and hear AGAIN, THE FACT that Black People ARE NOT INHERENTLY VIOLENT LIKE WE HAVE BECOME NOW. The Herero actually FOUGHT THE GERMANS TO A STANDSTILL. This is something that Master John Henrik Clarke constantly talked about is the fact that Blacks could have the finest soldiery on the planet! And it is part of the reason why Whites do their best to keep us poorly armed and divided, particularly in regards to weapons technology and development.

The bottom line is this video shows that we have and still do engage in tactics and strategies meant for DIPLOMACY ONCE ALL IS ENDED AND DONE. While Whites play for keeps. They DO NOT AND NEVER WILL WANT ANY KIND OF ANYTHING WHERE WE END UP BEING ON EQUAL TERMS WHEN IT IS OVER. This is also STANDARD PRACTICE for how Whites have treated OTHER WHITES. It is the reason why Whites can KNOW FULL-WELL THEY ARE DOING SOMETHING SO UNGODLY AWFUL, but do it anyone. It is the consequences of their own customs and cultural PROGRAMMING.

Here is the video and pay attention to the EXCUSES MADE BY WHITES FOR WHITES. The Germans KNEW EXACTLY WHAT THEY WERE DOING. Modern-time Germans are KNOWN, modern-day Germans ARE KNOWN for their ATTENTION TO DETAIL. In this video you see that the purpose of allowing Von Trotha to do what he did was to BREAK THE SPIRITS OF THE HERERO PEOPLE AND INSTILL A LASTING FEAR IN THEM. So they'd never revolt again. So that they'd never revolt when Germans raped their women. Stole their cattle. Stole their land. This is what is meant by psychological warfare and programming. The purpose is to condition a response in the target/victim so that they will not resist, no matter what;

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