Friday, September 11, 2015

Redone Williams Works Contact Me Page!

Good Morning from Upper Darby!

The Contact Me Page on the website? What can I say besides, it needed some help. I went on ahead and just WUNG IT! Cuz wingin it would be too good of a word;

PictureHey everyone, Byron Maxwell here...!
   Wait, whut-the-f&%k...!?
   At the very... back end of the website...!? Standing here in a cheap black background, because clearly only the women get any real work done for them. And when are you gonna finish the pictures of My Meteors, you don't even have any pictures of My Women. But you've got Orion's crazy-cohorts all over the place?
   And I get stuck on the Contact Me Page,GREAT!  No one uses this page, man. And you have a bunch of Contact Me buttons all over the place, you know that right? That defeats the purpose of an actual Contact Me Page, you know that right!? Do you have the faintest idea what the hell you're doing?
   Don't you have any friends with website design experience or something?Something? Anything at all...?
   When are you gonna finish those free stories? How about Me and My Meteors and the rest of Crusader Base? HURRY UP AND GET SOME MORE CONTENT UP ON HERE MAN! CHOP-CHOP!
   You can contact My Creator if you want. Tell'em to hurry his ass up and get some more content up on this tumble-weed town of a website. Williams Works? On what, wasting time! Get the new stories up man, what the F*%K!

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