Friday, September 11, 2015

Redone Williams Works Opening Page

Good Morning from I'M STILL UP IN UPPER DARBY!
This website work and this post was done to this song in the video below;
It's been a LONG TIME since I posted at this hour or was STILL UP at this time of night. Since I've been working I'm normally not up at this time so I can get up in the morning. But since I'm off tomorrow and I've been working EXTENSIVELY on the website and taking care of my bills and such! I finally have completed a bit of remodeling of my website! Here is the new opening page;
 Welcome to Williams Works!
PictureThis site specializes in Erotic, Sci-Fi, Fantasy, Drama! EROSFID, for short. I am Your Hostess, High Priestess Patra and I'll be assisting you in whichever way I can to make your stay here enjoyable. I am a member of Orion the Hunter's Royal Court of Camden City and yes it is that Camden City. We decided to step in and restore order to Camden City since the local, state and federal authorities were a bit too busy to be bothered.
   Which is, something that happens, I guess.
   My own individual exploits aside, I decided to join up with Orion because there is safety in numbers. And I'd built up a little bit too big of a reputation as an Indoctrinated-Maroon, so? There was definitely that rather large problem pursuing me, too. BUT ENOUGH ABOUT ME!
   What about YOU!?
   What's an Indoctrinated-Maroon?
   It's someone who has been medically determined by Imperial American Counterstrike Forces, the IACF. Usually without their knowledge or consent. To be capable of human-modification by any number of the processes created by PAGAN-CORP, Counterstrike itself, and a number of other legal-n-illegal organizations and lunatics scattered across earth.
   Where said person, such as me, comes from a family and/or is an individual whose...? How shall I say it? What did the official handbook say, ah yes "Indoctrination is a process designed to assist potential human-modification members whose social-standing and intellectual-ideas are questionable to the benefit and loyalty of humanity and the defense of earth against otherdimensional invasion and infiltration."
   Translation; we put vague crap in a book to sanction snatching up people who don't like the way we do things in whatever Counterstrike country this applies to. Where we will brainwash you to keep you from working with the PAGAN-clones who aren't from earth. That's Indoctrination. You get sent to what appears to be a school or facility, but really its meant to brainwash you. If you get brainwashed, then you're Indoctrinated. But you're allowed to be modified.
   An Indoctrinated-Maroon is someone who either breaks free of their brainwashing or managed to fake their way through it! Get modified. And then run or fly away as fast as possible with beams blazing and whatever unearthly modifications that you ended up getting! THANKS SUCKERS! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH, O_O?
   This site is dedicated to the various stories from mine, to those idiots at Crusader Base, taking up space! All the way to the otherdimension of Underworld-Realm, which I am very grateful to for sending spies into our world, otherwise? PAGAN-CORP would not exist and that means, Indoctrinated-Maroon or not? I wouldn't have any of these fabulous, but not-so-secret powers.
   Be sure to stop by the Blog page for updates and of course the Shop! And feel free to contact My Creator, he has nothing better to do anyway, so? Drop him a line any time. He appreciates the input! WELCOME TO WILLIAMS WORKS! 

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