Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Stacey? The Hug... Is Coming....

Stop using

Minibus Taxi Boss Mfundo Gcaba

 to get up onto My Blog.
Just bookmark the blog and use that and stop over-inflating that articles numbers.
It is pointless to keep trying to pretend like I don't know that you're coming and going on the board with an intentional 1 or 2 clicks a day.

I get it, you're angry with me.
But you are the one torturing yourself by not picking up the phone or sending me an email and simply getting it over with so we can get up the road of life together.

No amount of fake smiling has anyone on this side of the fence convinced or fooled.
You are miserable and it is obvious.
Yet everyone else will play along with your antics over there, which is further proof that at some point or another something is going to give with you. And to be totally honest I'd rather not have that. Hashtags and happiness is only a great book title, but it isn't real life.
You keep frontin and faking and eventually you're going to hurt yourself, as if you aren't already doing that.

If you keep using that October 1st blogpost to get up on here instead of simply BOOKMARKING MY BLOGSITE, like you do whatever else you have on YOUR ANDROID PHONE. Then I'm gonna DELETE THAT POST.

So I've let you know up front.
Just bookmark my blog and stop being intentionally childish.
It isn't necessary.
And it is not my fault that you said all of the things you said about me and now you're more worried about "I can't go back now, everyone will fuckin shit all over me!"

I've warned you before about putting your emotions and ego ahead of what YOU REALLY NEED. And being pissed with me is FINE. But then PUTTING ALL THAT CRAP UP AND RUNNING AROUND TOWN BADMOUTHING ME WAS DUMB. Because unlike me, I can badmouth ANYBODY. But if I DECIDE TO ABOUT FACE!? IT IS BECAUSE I HAVE DECIDED THAT AND I COULDN'T GIVE A FUCK ABOUT WHAT ANYONE HAS TO SAY OR THINK ABOUT IT!

You on the other hand?
You're not strong like that and especially with this.
I'm not bailing you out of this one.
So you can continue to sit there and keep talking to yourself and justifying your actions or you can stop fooling yourself and stop wasting time. The choice is entirely yours, but you will not continue to just click on that article out of disgust with yourself and with me over how YOU PUT YOURSELF IN THIS MESS.
Unlike you My Love, these types of conflicts actually strengthen me.
That, is how I was actually raised. And it isn't like you don't know that already.
The more you supposedly resist, yet continue to do things on purpose to agitate and provoke...?
The more energy you create for me to convert and use for my own purposes.
You know that I already told you and meant what I said.
I will see you again.
But this time it will be on your turf, but distinctly on My Terms.
And when that day comes and you yourself have not cleaned up this mess you created with me, then?
How will you explain yourself after your friends and family see you grovelling and cowering because of fear and a paranoid imagination on your part. I don't like leaving loose ends and having situations trail behind me endlessly.
You tried to play me.
And ended up playing yourself.
Do not sit and keep believing that the day will not come before you find yourself staring me in the face. A part of me thinks you'd rather have that anyway, so it saves you the trouble of handling things yourself. And for anyone reading this, grow up.

All of you know exactly what I mean because you've seen it before. The hard-headed, shit-talking bitch who mouths off and then goes and hides in the dark and cries herself to sleep because she doesn't want to nor know how to stop saying and doing the destructive shit that has her miserable and angry with the man she honestly loves. You know how that cliche always ends. Ultimately the man confronts her face-to-face and all that shit-talking and bravado flies out the window!
And one.
Reduces her to a hysterical blubbering mess.
The Hug...

1 comment:

  1. How did it happen Geese? When did the Happiness which once was yours evaporate? Could you see the signs? Was there something in the air which gave you a hint that something was wrong? When did it start? And what will it take to regain that Happiness, that Contentment, that Life which once was yours?
