Thursday, September 10, 2015

Dergen Welker and the Shilla-Prime Sphere....

Good Evening from Upper Darby!

I've been working most of this afternoon and evening on finally getting My Characters in order alongside with getting work done regarding bills and such. A few people asked me who is the guy on my profile and I never got around to it, so? Guess I will do that now.
Dergen Welker is a mercenary. As you may or may not know, the entirety of my ebook series is actually interconnected! Thus the reason why it is called World Within Worlds. Dergen Welker comes from the Shilla-Prime Sphere.
   This dimensional-world is closest to Underworld-Realm and like Underworld-Realm, the Shilla-Prime Sphere or the SPS for short! Developed without the intervention or assistance of any of the Primordials.
   This of course is why the SPS and Underworld-Realm is overrun with powerful races of people, because they had no Primordials to cap their abilities or powers.
   Dergen Welker is a veteran from the 3rd Whore Demon Invasion of HELL. HELL is one of the Underworld-Realms and is the homeland of the Whore Demons and Devils of Underworld-Realm. The All-Female Whore Demons rule HELL and tend to dominate the smaller and weaker Whore Demon Devils who are their male counterparts and overall chattel forces.
   Once the 3rd Invasion ended, Dergen Welker returned to his homeland and fought remnant Whore Demons and Dragons there. In the end, he became involved in the political power vacuum created from the 3rd Invasion and served on the side of the Dissident Movement against the Sechzig Empire.
   Born a commoner, part of the reason why Welker left the Sechzig Empire was because of its caste-class status. The 3rd Whore Demon Invasion allowed him to respond to the Shilla-Prime War Councils, Call to Arms. Which was not something that the Sechzig rulership and nobility could ignore.
   Many commoners left Sechzig and returned to find the empire in ruins and fighting both remnant invaders from HELL, alongside of a rebel movement to dethrone the Sechzig-Family and create a new government based on representation. Welker joined the Dissidents and helped overthrow the Sechzig, but fortunately enough had enough experience to see the infighting ahead, so!? He became a mercenary and abandoned the Dissident Movement directly after their rebellion succeeded. This allowed him to remain in good standing, but get out before the backstabbing started! With the collapse of the entire region, it is now everyone for themselves, creating a literal wealth of opportunities for Dergen. He has his own mercenary group and has collected quite a few favors and allies which allows him to occasionally form an actual mercenary-army. But due to Dergen's own lack of actual ambition it never lasts, because he often times gets bored with being "the Leader".  
   Dergen comes off like a slacker and a lazy-good-for-nothing on purpose, sometimes, because he has seen how power changes people. Even when the cause started off as righteous. Many have correctly surmised that Welker always quits his ambitions because he does not wish to become a despot like many of the people he'd worked with in the Dissident Movement. Others simply believe he's just a lazy-idiot who doesn't wanna be bothered with long-term responsibilities like leading others or ruling a region, either way!?
   He could care less.
   As long as the credits clear and the gold is good, makes no difference to him....

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