Thursday, September 10, 2015

New Mang Picture and some Mang Background.....

Good Evening from Upper Darby!

As you know the Mang of Underworld-Realm are a direct catalyst to why the humans of earth have any superhuman abilities at all. The crossover between Underworld-Realm and earth is rooted to an intelligence gathering operation by the long since gone Tanis Dragon Dynasty of Tanis Island. The head of this intelligence gathering op was Charles Pagan, a Tanis Dragonoid who has long since fled back to Tanis Island due to humans discovering that nuclear energy disrupts otherdimensional-travel.

The human governments of earth would rather deal with the consequences of using nuclear power to disrupt or at least keep at bay, any further otherdimensional interference in human matters! Especially from the likes of Underworld-Realm where the inhabitants are insanely powerful in comparison to the humans of earth.

Counterstrike is a global organization created to protect earth from Underworld-Realm intrusions, but mainly to clean up Charles Pagan's mess! PAGAN-CORP, which is now run and ruled by bioengineered PAGAN-Mang Clones that he used for everything from subversive ops, to actual public relations and recruitment.

However, since PAGAN-Mang are not ACTUAL Mang. But nothing more than bioengineered-clones created from Mang-genes. Actual Mangs from Underworld-Realm would not react kindly to these abominations of their bloodlines. Something that both PAGAN-CORP and Counterstrike are fully aware of, thus the reason to keep Mang from Underworld-Realm off earth at all costs! The following picture is one of an actual Underworld-Realm Mang, where she of course looks like the cat-woman that Mang are. While the bioengineered knock-offs of earth look like earth-women for all intents and purposes.

Mang are known for their physical-abilities. Combative customs and culture. And ability to generate massive amounts of arcane-energy usually for destructive purposes. They possess enhanced-senses and a short-range ability to detect arcane-auras, emotions and thoughts. Since Mang cover the entirety of Underworld-Realm and since the fall of their empire during the Primordial-Prehistoric Time, they now have various ethnicities of Mang with varying physical and arcane-abilities. All Mang however, still center their culture and customs around combat and conquest, making them a lethally-deadly race towards modern-day earth;

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