Thursday, September 10, 2015

Williams Works Website Mascot Updated!

Doing a lot of running around, working, trying to get MORE HOURS! Working on the website! Getting these BILLS IN ORDER to KEEP EVERYTHING ON AND UP AND RUNNING! AND LIKE I SAID BEFORE!? Now that I have the things that I need, now it is all about running around getting caught up and getting everything back to running smoothly on the bills front. Now that I have money coming in again!

The Kindle situation appears to be a done deal. And that'll help BIG TIME! My mother was just shocked just now when I told her I'm gonna cut ALL NON-ESSENTIAL ANYTHINGS so that all of my money can go towards getting BACK AHEAD ON BILLS! Transferring everything around and dealing with the situation with my former surrogate son, really fucked things up, BUT!? The things that were in HIS NAME, NEEDED TO BE TURNED ON REGARDLESS OF WHAT I'D DONE TO GET THINGS DOWN TO LEVELS UNHEARD OF! Even the Verizon Rep when I told him to turn everything off that was in My Surrogate Son's name, he was like "Wow, you really are from back in the day, HOW ON EARTH DID YOU GET HIS PHONE BILL SO LOW!?"

And I told him "Because I know when I'm being ripped off. And I know how to make people pay for that, regardless of whether they're a corporation or a person. So? The mistakes made by Verizon? I capitalized on them every time and got the monthly bill down to what you're looking at."

And the guy was still shocked that My Surrogate Son didn't understand how hard it was to pull all of that off and I simply reminded him that "The bill is in his name. So it is his account. He knows that if HE WOULD HAVE BEEN HANDLING THIS, then the bill would be thru the roof. Because he doesn't know how to talk to people, nor does he know how to barter and haggle. I did the best I could with what I had and he is grown, so? This is the price that comes with me doing things for him, where he was doing something for me, the bill was in his name. But I used the service. Now? It's time for both of us to move on, so? What is his, he has THE RIGHT to say turn it off. It is not FOR ME to argue about it because it IS NOT MINE."

And that was it.

With that said, I've been working hard and having to go through the growing pains of learning on the run, while pressed for time. Now? I have enough of the RESOURCES I NEED, so now I gotta clean up past due bills and make good on payment arrangements. As usual, rent? That one is the one that is really giving me the most fuckin problems! >_< I hate being a renter.

Here is the updated picture of Williams Works Mascot, High Priestess Patra! Patra is actually a member of the Court of Camden City and is a character from the my Pagan Wars series. All of this running around to rob Peter to pay Paul has definitely detracted from MY TYPING FOR THE EBOOKS! Putting together these posts on here IS EASY! I type and write in my memo pad for the website, where I can't just flutter-jump from one topic to the next. Here is the picture, let me know what you think of it;

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