Friday, June 26, 2015



What? Confused? Why does it say good morning when you know it's night time here in UD (Upper Darby)? That's because for MY SA(South African) PEOPLE IT'S MORNIN TIME! YEAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!  
What's going on over there in South Africa!? 
Still got the rolling blackouts?
So DO NOT fall for "Ohhhhhhhh, if the Blacks weren't in charge then we wouldn't have electrical outages and shortages, WAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!"

The meaning of Life is LEARNING. So LIKE IT OR NOT!? GOTTA LEARN WHAT NEEDS TO BE LEARNED! You think the rest of the world GOT TO WHERE IT HAS GOTTEN TO, INSTANTLY!? Stop it! The rolling blackouts are ANNOYING, the bigger problem is dealing with the CRIME RATE. That is something we have the same problem with in OUR COMMUNITY HERE IN NAZI-AMERICA, HOWEVER!? Unlike US? 

Since you HONESTLY ARE A BLACK COUNTRY, you have something that we Black Americans DO NOT HAVE! You have the HONEST CHANCE TO FIX YOUR CRIME PROBLEM AND SOLVE IT. We however are a COUNTRY INSIDE OF A COUNTRY, which means we will always be subject to Whites ATTEMPTING AND IN CERTAIN CASES SUCCEEDING in INFLUENCING OUR CRIMINAL ELEMENTS. Until we re-establish Our Lost Black Private Sector and can get Blackmen EMPLOYED AGAIN. Because rest assured that is the same issue in South Africa, Blackmen, unemployed. Black Young Men, unemployed, and resorting to BANDITRY. This is why Whites and OTHER PLACES-N-RACES ALWAYS SEEK TO KEEP MEN-N-BOYS EMPLOYED. 

Because as Men, regardless of Race-n-Place, when we are UNEMPLOYED AND/OR DISSATISFIED then we have a tendency TO LASH OUT AT OUR ENVIRONMENTS. Thus unemployed men instead of BEING AT WORK, will resort and de-evolve into BANDITS, criminals, to STEAL AND TAKE WHAT THEY EITHER CAN'T GET WITH A PAYCHECK FROM A JOB THEY DON'T HAVE, OR!? And this is how you ultimately weed out the bandits who are bandits OUT OF NECESSITY VERSUS, the Bandits who are Bandits because...!?

They're Bandits. 
The Men who simply WANT TO STEAL, they will not stop once the environment changes and they can now EARN AND HONEST LIVING. That my friends is an ACTUAL CRIMINAL THERE. These types of men will keep committing criminal acts solely because THAT IS WHAT THEY WANT TO DO. Even when honest work and an honest living can now be had. So don't fall for the whole these are just HORRIBLE PEOPLE STEALIN FOR THE SAKE OF STEALING! 
Cut that White-propaganda shit out.
I DON'T AGREE with the way South African police are used.
But I'm not stupid as to why the police aren't out in force clubbing and killing every Black criminal and much of it has to do with LOW RESULTS BY THE ANC AND NOT WANTING TO TURN THE BLACK MASSES AGAINST THEM. Some of that shit IS STRICTLY THEIR FAULT, WHILE OTHERS!? Like this power grid situation? Heh! The Whites set up the system to ONLY BENEFIT THEM. THEN THEY GOT PLENTY OF SUPPORT FROM ALREADY STABLE WHITE EUROPEAN AND NAZI-AMERICAN AID. Something that I know some of you would like TO FORGET ABOUT. 

It's easy to set shit up quick when you know you will get SUPPORT FROM OTHER MORE STABLE RELATIVE-COUNTRIES who SUPPORT WHITE POWER AND WHITE SUPREMACY "You keep them Niggers in line down there! HERE'S SOME MONEY! We can fight it out later, but I see them kaffirs creepin up on you over there, so HERE'S SOME GUNS! SOME FOOD! MUNITIONS! NUCLEAR WEAPONS! YOU NAME IT, WE'LL HELP YA! Within reason though!"

Mind you, Whites used to come to South Africa TO BE REMINDED OF HOW THINGS USED TO BE IN MANY OF THEIR HOMELANDS. But some people would like to forget that. They would come to Apartheid South Africa where THE WHITEMAN IS KING! Or the WHITEWOMAN IS QUEEN! And the niggers and the kaffirs are seen, but never heard. This isn't about, ohhhhh, lemme bring this up SO BLACK PEOPLE CAN GET A PASS, FUCK OUTTA HERE! This is to REMIND SOME OF YOU THAT IT TOOK TIME TO TURN SOUTH AFRICA INTO THE WHITE PARADISE IT WAS, where it was HELL ON EARTH FOR RIGHT-MINDED BLACK SOUTH AFRICANS! 

White Europeans and White Americans, GAVE TO THE WHITE ESTABLISHMENT THERE WHILE THEY TALKED THEIR SHIT, EVENTUALLY. Eventually. About HOW WRONG shit was there. Yet they did NOTHING. Just like what you see happening in regards to here in Nazi-America. Mass-TONNAGES OF STATS are flooding out of the country that PROVE that White Americans ARE CONSTANTLY INTERFERING IN OUR BUSINESS HERE! And then they've HISTORICALLY KILLED AND DESTROYED BLACK PEOPLE WHO HAVE BUILT SUCCESS AND STABILITY and then said....
Yeahhhhhhhhhhhhh.... And that White State Rep from Oklahoma, a state where the Whites, when the state was being founded. WERE LIVID THAT BLACKS HAD SUCCESSFULLY SETTLED THERE AND BUILT TOWNS JUST LIKE THE WHITES. There response? They then HUDDLED TOGETHER IN SECRET and passed laws with GRANDFATHER CLAUSES in them! These clauses were meant TO BLOCK BLACK PEOPLE FROM VOTING FIRST! Then they passed laws LITERALLY STATING that if Your Grandfather WAS A SLAVE, then YOU COULDN'T OWN LAND! 
HAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH! SEE HOW THAT WORKS! They first got PISSED! Because the lies they tell ONE ANOTHER ABOUT US, are DISPROVEN BY US! So they then tried their normal tactics of RUNNING BLACKS OFF THEIR LAND! That didn't work! So then they said we'll just have a SECRET GET TOGETHER AND PASS SOME LAWS TO BLOCK THEM FROM VOTING. Of course this leads to conflict, BUT THEY VOTE AMONGST THEMSELVES ANYWAY! Sound familiar? If it doesn't, that's cool, if it does, then you know that Whites are good for claiming SOMEONE ELSE'S ELECTIONS ARE FALSE, HOWEVER!? They are the masters of RIGGED VOTING SCAMS. 

Once they finish the Voting, they then have laws on the books BLOCKING BLACKS FROM VOTING! I'm actually laughing because the shit is so PETTY and CARTOONISH. So for any Black South Africans ashamed of Jacob Zuma and all of that, HIS TYPE OF SHITTY LEADERSHIP HAS EXISTED AMONG WHITES AND EVERYONE ELSE. A shitty-leader is a shitty-leader and it IS NOT CONFINED SOLELY TO OUR PEOPLE. So work on GETTING HIM OUT OF THERE, but don't try to ABSORB THE BULLSHIT OF "That's just the way Black Leaders are." DO NOT FALL FOR THAT! DO NOT. FALL FOR THAT! 

In the youtube above that Whitewoman WAS A TEACHER and now here she is A STATE POLITICIAN AND NOW WE ALL GET TO SEE HER BIGOTED TRAIN OF THOUGHT SO!? What kind of teacher do you think she was towards Black-students? Yeah, EXACTLY. So now!? How many Black-minds do you think THIS BITCH! FUCKED UP! Yes there is work to be done, but the work and the time and the effort, IT ISN'T GONNA MAGICALLY DELICIOUS DO IT ITSELF! And this is what happens when you're forced to try to cram 100's of years INTO AN IMMEDIATE RESULT OVER 20-YEARS? 25? Really? No seriously, REALLY? So 25 divided into 100 goes how many times again!? 

-_- Well that ain't good.
Apartheid OFFICIALLY EXISTED FOR HOW LONG AGAIN? Hmmm? Are you gonna fall for it, can I sucker you into it, are you gonna fall for it!? How long did Apartheid OFFICIALLY EXIST? Note the words, see? I'm giving you a FREE LESSON IN WHITE CUSTOMS AND CULTURE, FREE! Note. The words. How long did Apartheid OFFICIALLY EXIST. Which means what was going on PRIOR TO THIS OFFICIAL EXISTENCE OF APARTHEID? What, Black People were living GREAT WITH WHITES IN SOUTH AFRICA? Is that how it was? WAS IT!? See this is the slick talking SHIT! That Whites do TO EACH OTHER. This doesn't actually have ANYTHING TO DO WITH ANYONE BLACK ANYWHERE.



I gotcha.
Apartheid OFFICIALLY EXISTED since 1948 I believe. However? What was going on PRIOR TO THAT? Things were PEACHY-KEEN, ay? Everybody was getting THEIR FAIR SHAKE!? Right? See? If you dove on the OFFICIAL DATE of when Apartheid started and "ENDED"? Then? I gotcha. Jussssssssssssssssssssssst like the Whites did. ^_^!!!! Yeahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. So South Africa was founded in when? Again, BE CAREFUL OF THE TIMELINE AND WORDS USED. Otherwise?

I'll getcha again.
The trouble actually STARTED, as usual. In 1647 because a group of shipwrecked Whites, TWO. From the Dutch East India Company. Look at that, TWO WHITE PEOPLE, CAN LITERALLY LEAD TO THE ENSLAVEMENT OF AN ENTIRE RACE-N-REGION OF BLACKS. And this is another reason why Whites fear us as A PEOPLE, regardless of region. Because in MANY INSTANCES. Whites were not SAVAGELY ATTACKED BY US OR OTHER NON-WHITES. But the moment they found out that "Hey!? That place hasn't DESTROYED THEIR ENVIRONMENT WITH TOXIC TECHNOLOGY LIKE WHAT WE CREATE." and that is CRITICAL! That is CRITICAL TO REMEMBER. Whites tend to create technology that is TOXIC in the long-run. This is another thing that we as Black People everywhere need to ACKNOWLEDGE AND MOVE AWAY FROM AND REPLACE with OUR OWN INNOVATIONS AND CREATIONS IN TECHNOLOGY. That won't leave the earth burned out and unable to sustain life. But check this out;
By the early seventeenth century, Portugal's maritime power was starting to decline, and English and Dutch merchants competed to oust Lisbon from its lucrative monopoly on the spice trade.[29] Representatives of the British East India Company did call sporadically at the Cape in search of provisions as early as 1601, but later came to favour Ascension Island and St. Helena as alternative ports of refuge.[30] Dutch interest was aroused after 1647, when two employees of the Dutch East India Company were shipwrecked there for several months. The sailors were able to survive by obtaining fresh water and meat from the natives. They also sowed vegetables in the fertile soil.[31] Upon their return to Holland they reported favourably on the Cape's potential as a "warehouse and garden" for provisions to stock passing ships for long voyages.[30]
In 1652, a century and a half after the discovery of the Cape sea route, Jan van Riebeeck established a refreshment station at the Cape of Good Hope, at what would become Cape Town,[32] on behalf of the Dutch East India Company. The Dutch transported slaves from Indonesia, Madagascar, and India as labour for the colonists in Cape Town. As they expanded east, the Dutch settlers met the southwesterly migrating Xhosa people in the region of the Fish River. A series of wars, called the Cape Frontier Wars, were fought over conflicting land and livestock interests.
Great Britain took over the Cape of Good Hope area in 1795, to prevent it from falling under control of the French First Republic, which had invaded the Dutch Republic. Given its standing interests in Australia and India, Great Britain wanted to use Cape Town as an interim port for its merchants' long voyages. The British returned Cape Town to the Dutch Batavian Republic in 1803, the Dutch East India Company having effectively gone bankrupt by 1795.
The British annexed the Cape Colony in 1806, and continued the frontier wars against the Xhosa; the British pushed the eastern frontier through a line of forts established along the Fish River and they consolidated the territory by encouraging British settlement. During the 1820s both the Boers (original Dutch, Flemish, German, and French settlers) and the British 1820 Settlers claimed land in the north and east of the country. Conflicts arose among the Xhosa, Zulu, Sotho and Boer groups who competed to expand their territories.
So now, just THAT SNIPPET!? If the Native Blacks, would have KILLED THOSE TWO SHIPWRECKED DUTCH FUCKS!? Who knows what South Africa would be today. Bear in mind that it is SUBTLE. And EASILY OVERLOOKED, but it was Black South Africans who traded vegetables with those 2-dutch fucks and never ran up on them and slaughtered them. This is another thing that Whites, has turned into a monstrosity among us. Our COMPASSION FOR OTHERS. And this is why I said, if you CAN'T UNDERSTAND WHITE CUSTOMS AND CULTURE, THEN? You can't even BEGIN TO DO BUSINESS WITH THEM, let alone try to TALK WITH THEM. Because wordplay and double-talk are STANDARD for them FROM WHERE THEY CAME FROM. And why didn't the Blacks kill those 2-dutch fucks?

Because Black South Africans had plenty. And this is ANOTHER THING that Whites and All Black People, don't have in common. MOST OF THE WHITE RACE that has GONE ABROAD AND CONQUERED, come from the Subcontinent of Europe. It is small. They've used MOST OF ITS RESOURCES. And that was the main reason why they then started launching SEA EXPEDITIONS, and not just land expeditions. They needed MORE RESOURCES. Because they'd WASTED THEIRS ON THEIR STUPID WARS WITH ONE ANOTHER. They come from a small, cramped place. While all of us, did not. Your outlook on life is going to be RADICALLY DIFFERENT when you grow up with plenty of room to grow and work and play and harvest, versus growing up with cramped, dreary conditions. No room for adults or children, let alone livestock. No land to stretch out or even explore or if you disagree with the rulership...? You just, literally. Pack up your shit. Look around in whatever direction... And just gooooooooooooooooooooooooooooh... and whatever you find, is whatever you find. Wherever you land, is wherever you land. You could do that in Africa. You cannot in Europe.

With all of that said, cuz I have to get to work.


Aging US Power Grid Blacks Out More Than Any Other Developed Nation

By  @MeaganKay on 
The United States endures more blackouts than any other developed nation as the number of U.S. power outages lasting more than an hour have increased steadily for the past decade, according to federal databases at the Department of Energy (DOE) and the North American Electric Reliability Corp. (NERC).
According to federal data, the U.S. electric grid loses power 285 percent more often than in 1984, when the data collection effort on blackouts began. That’s costing American businesses as much as $150 billion per year, the DOE reported, with weather-related disruptions costing the most per event.
“Each one of these [blackouts] costs tens of hundreds of millions, up to billions, of dollars in economic losses per event,” said Massoud Amin, director of the Technological Leadership Institute at the University of Minnesota, who has analyzed U.S. power grid data since it became available in the '80s.
“The root causes" of the increasing number of blackouts are aging infrastructure and a lack of investment and clear policy to modernize the grid. The situation is worsened by gaps in the policies of federal and local commissioners. And now there are new risks to the grid from terrorism and climate change's extreme impacts, Amin said. 
Also, demand for electricity has grown 10 percent over the last decade, even though there are more energy-efficient products and buildings than ever. And as Americans rely increasingly on digital devices, summers get hotter (particularly in the southern regions of the U.S.) and seasonal demand for air conditioning grows, the problem is only getting worse.
While customers in Japan lose power for an average 4 minutes per year, customers in the American upper Midwest lose power for an average 92 minutes per year, and customers in the upper Northwest lose power for an average 214 minutes per year, according to Amin’s analysis. Those estimates exclude extreme events like severe storms and fires, though those have been increasing the past two decades.
“We used to have two to five major weather events per year [that knocked out power], from the ‘50s to the ‘80s,” Amin said. “Between 2008 and 2012, major outages caused by weather increased to 70 to 130 outages per year. Weather used to account for about 17 to 21 percent of all root causes. Now, in the last five years, it’s accounting for 68 to 73 percent of all major outages.”
The power grid, which could be considered the largest machine on earth, was built after World War II from designs dating back to Thomas Edison, using technology that primarily dates back to the '60s and '70s. Its 7,000 power plants are connected by power lines that combined total more than 5 million miles, all managed by 3,300 utilities serving 150 million customers, according to industry group Edison Electric Institute. The whole system is valued at $876 billion.
The utility industry has talked for years about updating its infrastructure into a “smart grid,” a makeover that could cost between $338 billion and $476 billion, according to the Electric Power Research Institute. A smart grid would allow utilities to monitor customers’ use of electricity remotely, from a central location, rather than requiring on-site monitoring from gauges at homes and businesses.
In 2009, the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act invested $4.5 billion for electricity delivery and energy reliability modernization efforts—matched by private funding to reach a total of $8 billion— in the electric sector to begin the large task of modernizing America’s aging energy infrastructure to provide more reliable power. 
Amin estimates that a smarter grid could reduce costs of outages by about $49 billion per year and reduce carbon emissions by 12 to 18 percent by 2030. 
As the electric sector continues deploying smart grid technologies, resiliency and reliability will continue to improve, a U.S. Departement of Energy official told IBTimes.

Severe Storms Leave Nearly 400,000 Without Power on East Coast

Public transit was disrupted

(TRENTON, N.J.)—Powerful storms that plowed through eastern Pennsylvania, New Jersey and Connecticut downed trees and power lines, leaving nearly 400,000 customers without electricity and disrupting mass transit service in both states Wednesday.
In Pennsylvania, PECO says more than 165,000 homes and businesses were without power. Chester and Delaware counties were hardest hit, and officials said full service might not be restored until the weekend.
Forecasters are trying to determine whether straight line winds or a tornado caused most of the damage. The National Weather Service says a 71 mph wind gust was recorded at Philadelphia International Airport.
The PATCO Speedline between southern New Jersey and Philadelphia was not operating during Wednesday’s rush because of power problems. Trains were expected to be running after midmorning. New Jersey Transit has suspended service on its Atlantic City rail line.
The Southeastern Pennsylvania Transportation Authority suspended service along some regional rail lines.
Four people sustained minor injuries when a building collapsed in the Fishtown section of Philadelphia.
In New Jersey, nearly 210,000 homes and businesses were without electricity Wednesday morning after the storms, some packing 75 mph winds, thundered through the region.
Gloucester, Camden and Salem counties were among the hardest hit areas. Complete utility restoration could take several days.
The NWS is investigating whether a tornado formed in parts of Gloucester County.
Strong winds ripped off part of the Deptford Mall’s exterior. More than 30 animals were left stranded when a pet shop roof fell in in Gibbstown.
Parents and students scrambled when the storms formed as the Egg Harbor Township High School graduation ended.
There are no reports of injuries.
In Maryland, Montgomery County Police say a 79-year-old man died Tuesday night after his pickup truck hit a downed tree in Beallsville after storms swept through.
Connecticut’s two largest utilities reported more than 19,000 customers lost power, with outages in Durham, East Haddam, Monroe, Redding and Ridgefield.
In New Hampshire, the fast-moving storm knocked out power in in Colebrook, Columbia, Pittsburg and Stewartstown, but most service was restored before morning.
The strong storm system was the same that had spawned tornadoes in the Midwest, including at least nine in northern Illinois.
As the storms moved through southeastern Pennsylvania on Tuesday evening, the sky blackened and commuter train service was halted beginning at rush hour. Amtrak suspended its Northeast Corridor and Keystone services from Washington through Philadelphia and on to Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, but restored service about two hours later.
Haters gonna hate, fuck'em! 

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