Monday, June 22, 2015

Wise Intelligent ATTACKS!

Good Midnight TO YA from Upper Darby!

I don't need to say anything about this youtube song from Wise Intelligent. Everything contained in this song CAN BE GOOGLE-SEARCHED if you question the validity of His Words. The 2nd Lost Genre of Rap, Conscious Rap, was immediately targeted alongside of the Lost Genre of Political Rap because of not only songs like this. But the fact that the lyrics were BACKED UP BY FACTS. This is the Dangerous Duality that I push My People to embrace. Since Whites have smeared Our Names then that means for us to be taken seriously and listened to we have to be even more diligent in Our Research and Fact-Checking.

I knew about the Tuskegee Experiment as a CHILD. Because My Family and Neighbors talked about it. They DID NOT WAIT for Whites to ADMIT SHIT and then FINALLY DISCUSS IT. Meanwhile Our People at this time were called LIARS. CONSPIRACY-THEORIST, etc. It is not for the Victim or the Oppressed TO VALIDATE TO THEIR ATTACKER OR OPPRESSOR THEIR OWN GUILT IN ATTACKING AND OPPRESSING THEM. It is up to THE VICTIM to SEEK JUSTICE AFTER ATTEMPTING TO BE REASONABLE AND HUMANE WITH SOMEONE WHO IS UNREASONABLE AND INHUMANE.

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