Saturday, June 27, 2015

Lashid4u vs. Rachel Dolezal

Good Morning from Upper Darby!

Here is Lashid4u and her IN-DEPTH ANALYSIS of the entire Rachel Dolezal Debacle. She literally spares NO EXPENSE in completely exposing this Fraud White-Bitch who INTENTIONALLY pretended to be a Blackwoman to exploit the multitude of SERIOUS SITUATIONS we face on the regular as Black People here in Nazi-America AND ABROAD.

This Whitewoman was as cold as the other side of the pillow in meticulously lying and creating one wild story after another while coming from a family that clearly plays the Liberal White Savior Card to the detriment of Black People. Allegations AGAINST members of her family are also either pending or have past where her parents love to adopt Black Children and then commit all kinds of closed door crap to them while talking that White Jesus Christian Crap and yes, I said Christian Crap. The fake religious people GET NO LOVE from me, because I honestly can say they are the scum of the earth and I destroy them whenever I get the opportunity.

Call me harsh, however I've encountered too many "religious dirt-bags" over the last few years where this is what I think of these useless fucks;
I don't and WON'T listen to anymore JESUS-BULLSHITTERS. And Rachel Dolezal's parents and family in particular are as scummy as bed sheets after a porno shoot!

With that said!? Here is Lashid4u's youtube getting into this White-bitches guts and removing her useless-ass ovaries! And yes, I typed that. And yes, fake religious people piss me off that much.

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