Thursday, June 11, 2015

McKinney Pool Incident UPDATE - Brandon Brooks Talks About What He Filmed

Good Afternoon from Upper Darby!

Here is a youtube from off of Dr. Boyce Watkins youtube channel, CHECK HIM OUT HERE!
Whew! It's nearly 2pm here and I'm taking a break from pro-reading From Child to Man. >_< I really wanna just get this book up on Amazon, but I gotta make sure that EVERYTHING IS IN ORDER! Because this is going to be my first published work. I say all of that because I'm looking at this whole thing with the McKinney Pool Incident and it really shows that WHEN YOU DON'T HAVE POWER AND CONTROL OVER YOUR COMMUNITY, then anyone can do anything to you and then JUSTIFY IT.

From Child to Man is finally going to give me something I haven't had in 13-years.
MY OWN FINANCIAL VEHICLE BUILT BY ME, FOR ME-&-MINE. This will allow me to be able to take care of My Responsibilities as a Blackman and continue to create a career as a Black Writer where I can build something that MY SON can inherit and I can honestly teach Him about, among other things.

I've always been a "cash" man. Meaning I believe in buying things WITH CASH, NOT CREDIT. The current system punishes for that, but so be it. I'm NOT INTERESTED in Feeding the Monster and I AVOID IT whenever I can, as I should. Like I posted I have a debit card, not a credit card. My Long-Term Planning has paid off as My Credit has not been ACTIVE IN 13-YEARS. So I got confirmation of THAT when I got my phone services switched into My Name and they had to do a credit check and everything cleared. What does ANY OF THIS have to do with the McKinney Pool Party Incident?


Because that situation wouldn't have taken place if more of us as Black Americans INVESTED MORE IN OUR BASIC DAY-TO-DAY ECONOMIC ACTIVITY and then POOLED IT WITH OTHER BLACK PEOPLE. Then we can build OUR OWN COMMUNITIES, LIKE WE USED TO HAVE. With OUR OWN POOLS IN THEM and then we don't have this kind of NONSENSE where a BUNCH OF WHITE PEOPLE intentionally attack Our Children and then play stupid, meanwhile?

Because the Whites OWN-N-CONTROL MCKINNEY, how many times do you think THEY ENFORCE POOL RULES-N-REGS AMONG THEMSELVES? How many times do you think they tell OTHER WHITES THERE, only 2-people per pool pass, NO EXCEPTIONS! -_- C'mon. How many times DO YOU THINK THEY DO THAT TO EACH OTHER? When you own-n-control, YOU DECIDE who gets to slide, and who doesn't. When you DON'T OWN-N-CONTROL, then you DON'T GET TO DECIDE SHIT, EXCEPT FOR HOW FAST YOU'RE GONNA RUN FROM COMMANDO-ROLLING COPS. Here's the video;
Mind you, that BECAUSE Brandon Brooks WAS THERE WITH BLACK PEOPLE, then HE WAS TREATED in a manner to LET HIM KNOW;
You hang with the Niggers, YOU'RE GONNA HANG, with the Niggers.
This is Whites ENFORCING THEIR CODE OF CONDUCT AMONG THEMSELVES. I've seen it my entire life and it is RARE that the Whites subjected to it DON'T FUCKIN BUCKLE AND FOLD UP AND FLEE WITH OTHER WHITE PEOPLE. Because they find out real quick that Other Whites will CUT THEM OFF FROM JOB OPPORTUNITIES. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. LOANS! Their ENTIRE LIFE CAN AND WILL BE DESTROYED, and then it comes down to what I have always said since high school;

How can anyone FIGHT FOR US, when WE DON'T HAVE THE MEANS TO EVEN TAKE CARE OF OURSELVES, LET ALONE THEM. If we don't get OURSELVES IN ORDER, so that we are SELF-SUFFICIENT, then NO ONE NON-BLACK, no matter who they are. Nobody can fight for a people who can't even sustain themselves.

I type this because some Black People are falling for "The Young Whites" are COOL AND BETTER AT RACE RELATIONS AND DON'T PUT UP WITH BIGOTRY. Well? To that I say exactly what I did my research to look into back in high school and I found that if you go back 30-years? You find that this was said BACK THEN, ABOUT THAT GENERATION OF WHITES. At the same time that Black People said "THINGS ARE GETTIN BETTER!" then you go back ANOTHER 30-years and you find the same thing that THAT GENERATION OF WHITES ARE BETTER AT RACE RELATIONS AND BLACK PEOPLE ARE SAYING "Things ARE GETTIN BETTER!" and you go back ANOTHER 30-years and you will find that THAT GENERATION OF WHITES IS BETTER AT RACE RELATIONS AND BLACK PEOPLE WERE SAYING "Things ARE GETTIN BETTER!" then you go back ANOTHER 30-years  AND YOU FIND THAT THAT GENERATION OF WHITES WERE GREAT AT RACE RELATIONS TOO and Black People WERE TOLD "Things ARE GETTIN BETTER!"

It is not for Whites to "BECOME BETTER", it is FOR US, to MAKE IT BETTER. And you make it better by HAVING YOUR OWN SOCIOECONOMIC & MILPOL-MATTERS IN ORDER. Otherwise you get that rinse-n-repeat paragraph just above this one where SOMEONE ELSE WHO IS ALREADY IN A STABLE POSITION is RELIED UPON TO MAKE YOUR LIFE BETTER. When YOU ARE SUPPOSED TO BE DOING THAT, not waiting around on them.

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