I remember when I was a senior in high school. And by this point we had taken over Our High School, as far as we being the Black Students. And no, that is not a typo. It's not an exaggeration. But I was coming down to the cafeteria for lunch and I can literally hear a whole bunch of commotion and crap as I got closer and closer where I recognized that it was "the Usual Suspects".
The Black Nation of Islam students arguing with the Resident Black Christian and these 3 of them were making enough noise where you'd have thought it was 10 people instead of just 3. So I come over to the table and ask them what the hell are they screaming and yelling about, now mind you!? My first instinct was to see what the White Faculty and Staff were doing before I did anything else. They were sitting at THEIR TABLE across from Ours, being disgusted and pissed. But not going over and saying anything, because they were paying attention to what these 3 were arguing about.
So I sit down and ask them what the hell are they so heated over and I find out that they have the whole table in an uproar over whether or not Malcolm X went to heaven because Muslims do not accept Jesus Christ as Their Lord and Savior.
So I'm thinking to myself, you gotta be FUCKIN KIDDING ME!? So the first thing I said was "Can you tell me what the White People are doing right now, while you 3 disrupt Our Table with Your Debate?"
So EVERYONE LOOKS OVER AT THE WHITE FACULTY AND STAFF TABLE and the Whites, because they were already murmuring and head-pointing when they saw me coming down the hall to come into the Caf, so I'm like, okay. I get it. So they're sittin back listening to Us air Our Dirty Laundry in front of Them. We're gonna have to have a talk about that again, because we might have a PHYSICAL stranglehold on the school. But that's it! And physical intimidation and FEAR don't last, nor are they enough to keep power over anyone or anything, anyway.
So I reminded these guys to take a gander over at who's peepin and that's when ORDER was restored. Like I've said, I don't know anything about all of this begging and grovel Whites and I didn't become REMOTELY ASSOCIATED WITH SHIT LIKE THAT, till I tried to buy into all of this "LOVE SHIT" where I was dumb enough to think that because I love some self-hater. Somehow this Nigger-Traitor isn't gonna stab me in the face. And yes, I love My Son, but yes. I am calling His Mother, My Ex-Wife, exactly WHAT SHE IS. And if more of honestly stopped trying to make shit work with the Nigger-Traitors we'd have more like-minded Black People producing Black Families and Children where they grow up in households and among an Extended-Family that UNDERSTANDS THAT GROWING YOUR FAMILY'S POWER WITHIN THE COMMUNITY FOR OUR COMMUNITIES IS A GREAT THING. Not this convoluted con-game that Whites have taught us, THAT THEY DON'T FOLLOW by the way, that working FOR AND WITH FAMILY, IS THE WORST.
And note that Whites didn't start pushing that SOCIAL MESSAGE, until WE BECAME "INTEGRATED". Don't believe me? Look at THEIR BLACK-N-WHITE TV SHOWS AND SERIES!? Bonanza! Dennis the Menace, Father Knows Best, etc! All you saw was FAMILY, FUCK THE WORRRRRRRRRRRRLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD! And it didn't matter HOW FUCKED UP THE WHITE FAMILY WAS OR IS. But then as soon as we were able to HONESTLY INTEGRATE all of a sudden they started producing more and more shows and social messages that FAMILY-SUCKS!
I'm willing to wager that just like now, WE, meaning Black People, watch TOO MUCH TV THEN, JUST LIKE WE DO NOW. Where this is the reason why I included Dr. Umar Johnson's youtube where he talks about propaganda. It's also why I have repeatedly talked about the fact that Whites BELIEVE IN ACCEPTABLE. LOSS. So they will lose SOME WHITE PEOPLE to further whatever is on the agenda of that time, particularly if it is a LONG-STANDING, LONG-TERM, AGENDA.
Either way!? I reminded everyone briefly to REMEMBER THEIR SURROUNDINGS, especially when deciding to ARGUE over Black Agendas and Issues. I then kept my mouth shut and listened to both sides of the argument and what everyone else thought of what they were arguing about. And like I said, what they were arguing about to the point of ALMOST FIGHTING OVER IT, was whether Malcolm X was in heaven or hell because Muslims don't accept Jesus Christ as Their Lord-n-Savior. Which means that THE BLACK CHRISTIAN was at the heart of this "argument".
So? I simply said this;
Are either of these Religions, what have they done for Us as Black People for us to be arguing to such an extent that we're willing to start fighting, especially, in front of Whites who are eagerly watching and hoping WE PRESENT THEM with an opportunity to take advantage of...?
The stunned stupid looks were priceless and if the Iphones and cellphones with the cameras in'em existed? You damn sure know I'd have taken a picture. Because THESE YOUNG BLACKMEN, LIKE MYSELF.
We're more interested IN OUR CAUSES.
And no one else's.
So when I said to them what did these religions DO FOR US?
They already knew they done fucked it up! AND YES, I typed;
And I said ass because I needed them TO FEEL LIKE ASSES, for sitting there having the nerve to WASTE TIME AND ENERGY arguing over Religion, like well-trained White People. Where when push came to shove, the Religion goes out the window when you're trolling for pussy as a man and scamming for dick as a woman, so spare me the religious bullshit when we're in the midst of fighting for our fuckin existence. Unless?
You wanna see how well the Ghost-Dance did for the American Indian.
They were really religious and spiritual too, how'd that work out for them?
Mind you, as you read this? See if you can ask YOUR AMERICAN INDIAN NEIGHBOR HOW THAT WORKED FOR THEM.
I think you'll find a fuckin squirrel if you live here in Nazi-America, before you can find AN ACTUAL AMERICAN INDIAN to answer that.
It is up to Us, be it as INDIVIDUALS OR GROUPS, to EARN THE RIGHT OF THE SPIRIT WORLD TO HELP US, which means if you choose to sit and beg for help from beyond, while YOU DO NOTHING PHYSICALLY, then?
Why on earth would anything Beyond Our Comprehension or Senses, wanna waste ITS TIME OR ENERGY, on such a LAZY FUCK WHO SITS AROUND BEGGING TO BE SAVED BUT WON'T SAVE THEMSELVES. Here is the youtube of the music I listened to while looking back on how far away from WHO I AM I had gone. And have finally come back to full-circle.
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