Tuesday, January 29, 2019

TBA 1-20-2019 The Wedge In The Women's Movement (False Female Empowerment & Black-American Male MISUNDERSTANDING of Our Situation)

In this broadcast from TBA?
He highlights why nothing is the Way it should be.
Because throughout this broadcast He erroneously assumes that Our Women are attempting to escape into White-American Society when They are not.

What They Have Done and Are Doing.
Is siding with Whitewomen so that They and They Alone.

This in turn allows for the ridiculous dynamics that Black-American Women suffer from, such as;
1) Most Degreed Woman in Nazi-America, while simultaneously only being worth $5.
2) Most Educated Woman in Nazi-America, while having the Highest Student-Loan Debts and still not earning more than Her White-Counterparts on Both Fronts.

Here is a Video where Taurean Reign highlights what I type and it must be seen BEFORE TBA's video so that You can further see that Our Women side with Whitewomen so that They and They alone get access and opportunities that then allow Them to have power OVER US AS BLACK-AMERICAN MEN. While claiming Victimhood and other smokescreen-tactics to hide this still unspoken Fact. That They are the Only Ones who are able to cash-in on Race-Based Initiatives because They ARE WALLED OFF BEHIND GENDER.

The Fact that most of Us as Black-American Men never realize this NOR TALK ABOUT IT. 
Is yet another reason why We are on the Bottom as We should be for not being able to see such an obvious fuckin trick of treachery when Affirmative-Action was created by Whites.

This of course goes back further than this. But Blackwomen have been seeking Their Own Power for Centuries. But They have been doing so based off of a core-group of Nigger-Traitor Bitches and the constant lure of Whites to give Them and Them Alone power and positions where at the very least They'd hold power over Us.

You cannot have centuries of oppression and loss and failures and excuses and be dumb enough to believe that pockets of traitors won't develop along with collaborators.

Here is Taurean Reign's Video first;

And He won't.
Because those stats are for White-usage only.
Our Women are getting all of these opportunities to in debt Themselves due to the Deals They've made WITH WHITES.
Which is why Taurean will NEVER find any Black-American Male stats BECAUSE WE DON'T HAVE ACCESS ANYWHERE NEAR THE LEVEL THAT OUR WOMEN DO!

That is not accidental.
That is not coincidental either.
How do You explain the sheer volume of Black-American Women in government based jobs?
Yet when all of this crap started in the mid-60's and early-70's?
Black-American Men were the majority numbers moving into these jobs.

These are easy to see through and rather insulting tricks and traps where initial placements and access was given to Blackmen which then allowed for these dimwits to think this shit would last forever. Frankly it's embarrassing, but it needs to be noted that the Blackmen who fell for this were the mass-majority WHO DID NOT SUPPORT Malcolm X, the Black Panther Party, the Deacons of Defense, Robert F. Williams and the countless Blackmen WHO UNDERSTOOD that They were fighting TO GAIN AUTONOMY.

Not Integration.

So these Dim-bulbs are the present-day dumb-ass survivors known as MALE Baby-Boomers. Youngest Brother and I encounter these scumbags who are worse than White-Supremacist. And it needs to be noted that Their Wives and Female-Peers are just as bad.

With gutless males left over from the Latter Black Civil Rights Movement. These dumb-fucks didn't think nor care that the White-Initiative Programs like Affirmative Action and even Child Support and Section 8, etc. They were too busy thinking of how to get over and preserve Their Worthless Lives. So thinking about the long-term impact and potential problems all of these White-gifts would bring. Wasn't even a part of Their Thinking, for whatever that shit was worth.

Their Female-Counterparts, however...?

They figured out quite quickly and in some instances were fully-aware of what was being given to Them. And it only required Them to keep quiet and wait. Which They did. And as time marched forward the Whites phased out easy-access for Blackmen and slowly but surely began busing in Blackwomen at ridiculous numbers. So understand these are ENTRY-LEVEL POSITIONS. Too many leading to DEAD-ENDS, but!?


Doesn't take a genius to see that this is going to lead to a MASSIVE SHIFT IN POWER WITHIN THEIR RACE, and!?
Within Their SOCIETY.
Add the Fact that Whites have been pushing Blackwomen since slavery, enticing Blackwomen with access and opportunities. This is what happens when dumb-asses claim that slavery was/is, such a big part of Their History. Yet Their Behaviors and Policies say otherwise.
Add to this.
Whites constantly murdering any Blacks who successfully CREATE AND GAIN AUTONOMY.
Which is critical to note.

It's not chess-moves.
It's an Endurance Test.
To see how long can We as a people endure having Our Achievements destroyed by Whites. Where They in turn point to the Nigger-Traitors and claim that if We ACT LIKE THOSE BLACKS, well...?

Look at all of the Opportunities They have.
Mind You this was used on Native-American Indians where Their Nigger-Traitors were called Praying Indians.
And as I have already typed and noted on this blog;
The Praying Indians were also wiped out.
By the Way.

Our Women are doing what They are doing because They gain POWER.
Over Us.
As Blackmen.
It is neither no deeper nor anymore mysterious to figure out.
I enjoyed this TBA-broadcast because countless times He highlights how race is more important than gender for Blackwomen. But much like Mr.Superboy222 he keeps insistently believing that Our Women are getting "tricked" and "deceived".

When They are not.
Who keeps willfully working with anybody and knowing how to bite Their Tongue at SPECIFIC INSTANCES?
Where We then claim that Their Behavior is SOME SORT OF ACCIDENT OF THEIR OWN STUPIDITY.
Give Our Women credit and stop acting White.
They are making moves that give Them and Them alone Power.
But the whole scheme only works for as long as Whites AS A WHOLE are not being overtly violent and hostile. Thus the reason why Blackwomen especially need Trump out of Office.

Here is TBA's-broadcast.
Enjoy it.
I know I did....

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