Thursday, October 8, 2015

MelinaPendulum Stumbles Into THE REALITY OF LITERATURE! And the Escalator... of Books...!

I always chuckle when Black People come across that AHA-MOMENT where they realize that they've been QUIETLY CONDITIONED FROM DAY-1! Where the Foundation of everything is still centered on the fact that Without Stability there can be No Prosperity. With No Prosperity, there can be No Empowerment. Without Empowerment?
Then you are powerless.
And, blind.

Now!? What EXACTLY am I talking about with all of this? In the following video MelinaPendulum a Black youtuber, English Major I believe, realizes something that, once again. I understood once 9th grade hit and is really the reason why I haven't honestly read FOR THE SAKE OF READING, since high school. The last real NON-HISTORICAL book I read was...?
The Thrawn Trilogy of the Expanded Universe of Star Wars.
My idea of a GOOD BOOK?
When I was in high school a good book centered around Mythology.
Thus, to answer Paul Chew, that's what is up with the Cat-Bitches, reow;
I liked to read Mythology.
But at the same time when I was younger than 9th grade I read;
Romance of the Three Kingdoms!
What, SON!?
Most kids below 8th grade wouldn't touch Romance of the Three Kingdoms with a ten-foot pole! But when I saw that MASSIVE 1,000+ PAGE BOOK OF MADE UP CHINESE HISTORY!? I HAD TO HAVE IT!
At the same time I also read ANYTHING that had to do with War.
No seriously.
My Mother was slightly concerned.
"What? What are you reading?"
"The Battle of Midway."
"Wait, WHAT!? Why are reading about WWII!?"
"Cuz. I wanna be a Leader of Men and fight bloody conflicts FOR THE FATE OF THE WORLD!"
"You gettin a beatin for that."

She didn't give me a beating, she was just confused as fuck about certain things I would say AND DO. Where? She would ask me "WHY DID YOU LET TYRONE KICK YOU IN THE BACK LIKE THAT AND ALL THAT STUFF!?" and just like now, you ask me a question. I WILL answer you "Because I used to pick on Tyrone when we went to school together and this was the only way I knew how to make up for bullying him."
And she wasn't happy about that "SO YOU LET HIM BEAT YOU UP!?"
"Mom? I bullied him for years and I was wrong. It was THE LEAST I could do, because I deserved it."
To say she was mortified is an understatement. But I explained it to her some more where it was simply about FACTS. I did THE WRONG THINGS because I was pissed about what was going on with My Sister's Father and I took it out on Tyrone and anybody else I came across, but? I told her flat out "That's not who I want to be. Anybody can lash out because things aren't right in their life. I shouldn't have taken out MY PROBLEMS on Him when I should have DEALT WITH THE SOURCE OF MY PROBLEMS. Which didn't have anything to do with Tyrone."

I then proceeded to go back to reading my books. And most of books were about the various military battles throughout the world, WEIRD FOR A KID, YES! Not EEEEEEEEEVVVVVVVVVVVVVVEN GONNA LIE! And I also had COMIC BOOKS! HA-HA! Thank God I grew during the time when A BOY, COULD BE A BOY! YEEEEEEEEEEESH! >_< I can ONLY IMAGINE HOW MANY PSYCH-EXAMS I'D GET IF I WAS BORN NOW!?

So to see the video of, and for the record? My Ex-Wife did tell me "Shawn is...? Well? He's constantly thinking, always thinking, always WATCHING AND OBSERVING AND ASKING QUESTIONS!"
Mmm-hmmmm, mmmm-hmmmm, that's My Son all right.
MIND YOU!? I warned her before he was BORN, REPEATEDLY! Right after he was born he did the typical baby stuff, but on the 3rd day he begin exhibiting My Habits
"Why does he keep staring at me? And MY GOD HE DOES NOT SLEEP AT ALL!"
And I was like "But? I told you he wouldn't. I only sleep the amount that I sleep cuz my health is shot now. He doesn't have my health problems, so? That baby ain't sleeping no time soon. And be prepared for LOTS OF STARING. LOTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTA STARING. He's trying to figure out just what the fuck is going on around here. He'll stop in a few weeks once he's comfortable with where he is."

And sure enough?
Few weeks later, no more staring.
Still wouldn't sleep though.
So I started reading to him.
I read to him Chancellor Williams the Destruction of Black Civilization!
What, it's a GREAT BOOK!
And he ATE IT UP!
And my Ex-Wife was like "I can't believe he HONESTLY LOOKS LIKE HE'S, HEY HE'S LOOKIN AT ME LIKE HE'S ANNOYED!?"
And I told her "Cuz you're interrupting. He can't listen to what I'm reading to him while you're talking at the same time. He's still a baby for God's sake." HAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!
Bottom line is!? Many of us as Blacks don't realize till it's well after the fact that Literature? Is DOMINATED BY WHITES. This comes from the fact that we don't have any stable infrastructure in place to BUILD UP OUR OWN LITERARY ARTISTS!
The multitudes of ways that things are White dominated and influenced is actually very creepy and frightening. I was watching a Japanese TV-show long time ago and the Japanese students were pissed because Shakespeare is mandatory reading. So they're in the library, and REMEMBER, this is a Japanese, JAPANESE, TV show. Their library FOR THIS SHOW was filled with White authors! FILLED WITH THEM. FILLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLED! Filled! And the Japanese students were talking about THE FACT that they had SO MANY WHITES IN THEIR JAPANESE LIBRARY!

Like I said before, other Races and Places see these things as well, BUT NOW FOR OUR FEATURE PRESENTATION!
And for the record, Romance of the Three Kingdoms when I was a child was NOT TRANSLATED FULLY. So I read the abridged version and knew something wasn't right with it. I didn't finally get the chance to read THE ENTIRE VERSION until the late 90's. Another personal fun-fact, I grew up CONSTANTLY BEING READ TO AND READING. Whether it was My Mother, Father, Sister's Father, Grandfather, Grandmother, Uncle Teddy, Uncle David, Aunt Shirley, Aunt Tootsie, Aunt Maggie and countless others! Sitting here typing this I remember the fact that I had a black TRUNK! That I put all of my books into alongside whatever toys I had. I read mile-markers. Billboards. Airplanes. Signs on Cars, doors, PEOPLE'S MINDS! If I SAW IT I READ IT! Even the articles when I found My Sister's Father's porn-mag stash underneath his reclining chair! I READ IT ALL! THE ESCALATOR OF BOOKS!

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