Monday, October 5, 2015

White Exploitation without Explanation or Remorse, Haiti vs. the EVIL Red Cross of Nazi-America...!

You know...?
I have been sitting on this and sitting on this, digging around every so often and finding the typical bullshit. You know what. Lemme!? Lemme make myself some lunch first. Because THIS POST is gonna take a hot minute. And I haven't eaten yet.
You know, I talk to you Black-Ladies and Black-Gents about how OUR OWN DECISIVENESS REGARDING OURSELVES, Black Empowerment. Black Nationalism, Our LACK OF AGGRESSIVENESS. Allows Whites to pretend like they are doing their jobs and it is just US and Our "incompetence" that is the reason why we're not getting anywhere. But shit like this whole Red Cross vs. Haiti, where once again Whites USE US as a SHIELD! While they RIP OFF OTHER WHITES and then BLAME US FOR THEIR CORRUPTION AND TOTAL LACK OF HUMANITY.

By continuing to not AGGRESSIVELY COME TOGETHER AND PURSUE BLACK POWER. It allows Lazy, Conniving, SCUMBAGS AMONG WHITES, the opportunity TO EXPLOIT US! From the Drug-Dealing Clintons to the Self-Serving Bush Family. The White Elites and their 1% Lords and Masters, alongside White-Jews and of course, the Nigger-Traitors and Slaves. We cannot continue to be passive and calm while all of these different parasitic scumbags are feasting on Us.


It is THESE THINGS that are the bedrock of Black Violence and Hostility! Because NO ONE LIKES TO BE EXPLOITED AND THEN THE GUILTY-PARTIES GET TO SKIP THEIR ASSES ON UP THE ROAD AND NOW A BAD SITUATION FOR US BECOMES NOT ONLY WORSE!? But also a massive PR-Nightmare that further maligns Our Reputation as a People! Even as I type this am I supposed to be naive and stupid enough not to believe that after x-amount of times of this shit, VIOLENCE BECOMES THE RESPONSE. From constantly getting FUCKED OVER AND LAUGHED AT AFTERWARDS!

This is where the VIOLENCE from Us comes from. It is from being used and exploited and then MOCKED AND RIDICULED AFTERWARDS! Now? For me? There comes a point where YOU HAVE TO STOP BEING ANGRY AND CIRCLE THE WAGONS. It is the ONLY REASON why I am still alive today. Because I WAS RAISED TO BE HONEST AND ASSESS MY SITUATION FOR WHAT IT IS. You cannot be raised to be bitter and angry under this kind of continuous psychological assault and be able to even type what I am typing so far or do what I have done so far.

REALITY! Shows that Blacks who ARE RAISED TO BE BITTER AND ANGRY cannot ENDURE, NOR SURVIVE the types of situations that I have typed to you all about. Without ultimately GIVING IN TO TEMPTATION AND DOING SOMETHING SO SURE FIRE TO FAIL, that it is actually LAUGHABLE that a Black Person would even TRY TO SUCCEED IN A SITCH THAT IS SO OBVIOUSLY SET UP TO FAIL! The Red Cross has made A LOT of promises to the Black People of Haiti. And they've INTENTIONALLY left them in the lurch!

It is this kind of bullshit that People try to pull on us, where THIS is where the what the fuck does Black on Black Crime have to do with Nazi-Cops ARBITRARILY KILLING BLACK PEOPLE. When SUPPOSEDLY their job is to HELP ELIMINATE CRIME, NOT FUCKIN COMMIT THEM! The same thing goes with the Red Cross. They are BLATANTLY using the fact that Haiti has had its own share of Bad Black Leadership, TO JUSTIFY FUCKING OVER THE ENTIRE PEOPLE AND COUNTRY OF HAITI! AND THEN GET AWAY WITH IT!

Now?! For me!? -_- Ain't shit to talk about. Notice, I didn't type, there isn't shit to talk about. There is not shit to talk about. But? There ain't SHIT, to talk about. Where THIS HAS TO DO WITH MY UPBRINGING AND THEN MY OWN BELIEFS AND DECISION-MAKING, once I became self-aware enough to decide WHO AM I GOING TO BE. For me? Yo, I see why this is happening. My own flaws and fuck-up's are being used against me, as JUSTIFICATION! For scumbags to come and PREY OFF OF ME AND ON ME! That is what is going on IN A NUTSHELL with this bullshit with both the Red Cross vs. Haiti and with Us as Blacks OVERALL! Everyone tries to JUSTIFY FUCKING US OVER BY SAYING "Look at how you're doing this or doing that?!?!? TO YOURSELF!"

Okay, I get it. And so YOU KNOW, what I just explained is another version of; What About Black on Black Crime?
Where that is THE REALITY. People are USING OUR OWN ISSUES TO JUSTIFY FUCKIN US OVER. So how do you stop that!? Well, we have A NUMBER OF OPTIONS! Number one being, does the mass-majority of outside help only show up to ADD TO OUR PROBLEMS AND/OR EXPLOIT US!? If yes, then!? Anyone showing up to SUPPOSEDLY HELP!?
....Should be attacked and robbed the moment they show up.
Yes. You read that right, and why?

Well, barbaric or not, nobody from OUTSIDE OF US is going to come running if they know "WAIT!? AW, SHIT!? We, uhhhh!? We can't exploit them because now they simply attack on-sight! So!? Yeah, LET THEM ROLL AROUND IN THEIR OWN SLOP SHIT AND CRAP THEN!" now? For me? With THIS SUGGESTION? The line I just typed IS ACTUALLY THE ULTERIOR MOTIVE and end result that I want. Part of the reason why we can't get anything done is because we have too many OUTSIDERS, "supposedly", helping us. What I just typed creates the BYPRODUCT OF ISOLATION. Which means we either fix OUR OWN PROBLEMS or we end up dead.
Yeah, you read it right. Nobody outside of US is going to risk coming NEAR US, since they know anyone NOT US, will be attacked. So it simply will become a thing of, fuck those Blacks. They're too fuckin violent, I can't even con their asses because they simply kill at will the moment they see anything REMOTELY not Them.

The downside is of course, it pushes the We Are Violent Savages and all of that. And of course it means nobody else will be helping us out AT ALL. However!? It FORCES US into a state of ISOLATION. And it also forces us to have to face US. Who we are. What we've become. And honestly decide are we going to live or die. I've used this TYPE of Tactic before with other Black People in a number of situations and no, the attack part was AND is not, ALWAYS PHYSICAL IN NATURE. Just so you know. You can attack a person on more than just the physical level and produce the result and reputation of people understanding that you are not to be fucked with. Look at that? Just to even get into this ONE OPTION? Look at how much typing it took and takes. I haven't even included the article yet.

Guess I'll do that now. And no, I did NOT go and get something to eat yet. Because I realized that I needed to GET THIS OUT AND ONTO POST, simply because I knew it would take some time to type it all up. And it's still not the same as honestly talking to people. Hmmmmmmmmmm, I dunno. I'm still not too keen on youtube videos. Either way!? Lemme post the article so you can see why I typed this ONE OPTION, because of course there are others that We can use. But a course has to be set for a ship to sail to and ultimately reach a destination-purpose, just like a person has to decide what they want to do and then start doing it to produce a result! You know what!? Lemme post the article in THE NEXT POST! Because this one IS LONG ENOUGH. And FOR THE RECORD? Plans cannot be carried out when there is no assessment of who is For, Against, With Us, A Part of Us, An Enemy/Enemies, etc! With NO HONEST INTERNAL-ASSESSMENTS, then everything else is irrelevant. When a Person and/or a People are SERIOUS about doing something. The First Thing they do is make AN HONEST INTERNAL-ASSESSMENT. What they have. What they don't have. What they NEED. What they want. Etc-etc. Always keep that in mind. You can't execute a plan and accomplish an objective without first doing AN HONEST INTERNAL-ASSESSMENT. The next step is to then do an HONEST EXTERNAL-ASSESSMENT. Once these two CRITICAL STEPS ARE DONE?

Then you can get down to planning......

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