Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Don't Kill the Messenger!

OKAY!? Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh? I had no idea that once again, Raven Symone's stupidity was actually deeper than I thought. OR ANYONE ELSE FOR THAT MATTER! To be as blatantly DUMB as she is, where even Corey Holcomb talked about encountering her and her girlfriend and him being able to see that even her girlfriend was like "Bitch get offa me. You're embarrassing me in public wit chore clingy-bitch-ass!"
When Raven Symone said she wouldn't hire a Black Person with the name Watermelondrea? I had NO IDEA that Watermelondrea is a FICTIONAL YOUTUBE CHARACTER! o_O? Portrayed by a gay, BISEXUAL? Bisexual! Blackman? O_o? Yeah, this is why I said Don't Kill the Messenger. Because the response by Tre Martin was spot on, but Raven Symone essentially REVEALED that she either heard about or watches/knows about Tre Martin's youtube channel and his Watermelondrea CHARACTER. Where it appears as though he took A SHOT at Raven Symone in one of his previous youtube skits and she decided to shoot back on the View. To see the fact that more and more TV-personalities and people are ACKNOWLEDGING YOUTUBERS says something. But Raven Symone's stupidity really has to be stopped. This Nigger-Traitor needs to GO!

Here is the video;

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