Sunday, October 11, 2015

Oh Yes, I am AWOKE and I'm Working RIGHT NOW!

Right now I am listening TO THIS;
Because it is appropriate while I am typing up the backstory of Black Fox Diana and how she came to become Base Commander of Crusader Base and one particular group of ARCs underneath her command that were meant to be a disruption from day-1! This particular theme is really centered around the Leader of The Mutts. As well as The Mutts themselves, who were originally EXP-ARCs, Experimental Artificially Created Lifeforms. That the Imperial American R&D and Psych Department decided they needed to study to see if they could figure out a means of being able to withstand A REAL INVASION from Underworld-Realm and the Mang of Underworld-Realm in particular.

The Humans of Alternate-Earth 2015 don't really know much of anything of Underworld-Realm and do not have any REAL-TIME INFORMATION on it either. What they DO KNOW is that all it took was ONE Tanis-Dragonoid SPY! Posing as a Businessman. And a bunch of CLONED-WATERED DOWN, MANG! To fuck up human development and interfere in matters all across the planet as HE saw fit!

So they decided to do some experimental work to try to UNDERSTAND and figure out just what the fuck they are up against, or!? Could potentially be up against. This led to the creation of the ARCs that would ultimately become the present-day Mutts. And mind you, their name actually comes FROM THEM. And it was a conclusion they reached after finally being Linked again to another human-male, Byron Maxwell;
Initially when they were created they were designated EXP-ARCs, but in typical White-American style they were under the impression that their EXP-status was because of their strange experimental powers. EXP-ARCs are actually TYPICAL for Counterstrike as a GLOBAL ORGANIZATION. But each country affiliated with Counterstrike does its own EXP work.
   The American Empire, concerned more about the long-term potential of invasion from Underworld-Realm and the possibility of REAL MANGS storming across dimensions and raiding earth! Decided to use THEIR EXP for psychological and social studies to figure out whether their control methods they'd scientifically bred into them, worked. To figure out how they interact with humans over long duration's of time. Expose them to being able to START OFF in regions where they could use their full powers with NO CONCERN for human-life, collateral damage, or anything else, except for carrying out the mission! Finding out how Links with humans work and is it a complete metaphysical-effect/affect. Or is it selective. Is it random. How does the persona of the human effect/affect them and vice-versa! Can they use their Link with their human Handler to override the Handler? Or influence him?
   They also made sure to SPECIFICALLY keep the Mutts to ONLY HUMAN-MALES. And they only picked Handlers from among the Imperial American Counterstrike Forces (IACF) that either would not question the order to disregard human-life and collateral damage. Or Handlers who were exactly like the Mutts and wanted only to be able to use their powers to full potential with no regard for human-life and collateral damage.

The IACF then dispatched the Mutts to the troubled Southeast Asian-American Territories and turned them loose without a moments concern or thought of the population there. This region is now present-day Thailand, Vietnam, Cambodia and Laos! The region was conquered by General Frank Landers during the time of what we know in the real world as the Vietnam War. And this is another reason why it is taking me so long to get this free story up! Because making sure enough of REAL HISTORY is CONNECTABLE to My Storylines where some readers won't see or understand it. While other readers will. It takes time to correctly mesh a fake reality THAT HONESTLY COULD HAVE HAPPENED. With the real one we live in so that my particular style of writing works and WORKS PROPERLY!

You don't have to be a history major to read my works. You can just like sci-fi fantasy with some real drama and enjoy yourself. You can even be a total pervert and enjoy it because the characters are ultimately RELATABLE. Relatable isn't in Google's dictionary, really? >_< Sigh....
EITHER WAY!? I've found that when I was doing catfight stories for Stonerage's site, his site went through the roof and I started getting emails from readers. Because it wasn't just mindless ASS-N-TITTIES for the sake of MINDLESS ASS-N-TITTIES! I like ass-n-titties. Nothing wrong with that. But MINDLESS ass-n-titties?
Nah. I can't do that.
I don't want to, either.
But I do like ass-n-titties.
Ultimately however, as many women find out when dealing with me and men in general.
We like a woman with a brain to go along with her ass-n-titties....

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