Saturday, October 3, 2015

Organizing Crusader Base and its Personnel RIGHT NOW!


Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, it is October. And October, is Libra Territory, HAHAHAHAHAHHAHAAHAHAHAHHA!

I am currently fleshing out the senior-staff and brass of Camden City's Crusader Base. Mind you I have another article to post regarding Camden City, I'll get to that soon. But while I was typing out the TOP DEPLOYMENT COMMANDER of Crusader Base, who is NOT the main character Byron Maxwell. One of the things I have been working overtime to really make clear is the fact that YES. My stories do INVOLVE eroticism. But DO NOT BE FOOLED. I let someone read part of the Black Fox Diana free-story and they were shocked "I was thinking since you said your stories are erotic, they'd just be trash, but!? Yo, I'm seeing and understanding shit in here where this goes WAY BEYOND STROKE MATERIAL, MAN!? WHAT THE FUCK!?"

And I told HER "I don't do mindless shit. I'm sorry. I wasn't raised that way and I once I started being able to decide who I was gonna be? I liked what My Family taught me, flaws and all. So no, it is not STROKE MATERIAL. At least not like that and even then!? When I was doing catfight writing for Stonerage, I had a specific title-line called Erotic City-Series. So anybody who simply wanted to read 'STROKE MATERIAL' knew to look at the series-titles on my post and they'll tell you what to expect IN THAT PARTICULAR STORY. It was part of the reason why Stonerage's site WENT THROUGH THE ROOF! And he started plotting and scheming to use me to make money FOR HIMSELF!"

So as I was typing out more of Black Fox Diana's free-story. Then just, I've said it before. I don't WANT prequel type shit. I just don't throw stuff together and not look at whether it all connects. So I had to open the Word Doc for Black Fox Diana and Crusader Base and copy certain parts of the story TO HER WORD DOC! So I can flesh out and make sure her history and timeline fits WITH EVERYTHING ELSE! Set that aside. Got back to typing. Reach a good break point. WENT BACK TO HER WORD DOC! Fleshed out what I'd copied over and then started fleshing out, because I DO HAVE NOTES TYPED UP AND ON THE DOC! But I started fleshing out her top-tier commanders. And when I got to Brick-City Charlotte!? Started fleshing out her BIO-HISTORY and how she ended up getting her Latin-ARC-ass banished there!? The fact that her bio-history highlights the fact that they'd been intentionally bioengineered with SPECIFIC STEREOTYPES so that the humans who make and control them, CAN MAKE AND CONTROL THEM!?

Well!? Charlotte didn't handle that shit too well. And she had to find out the hard way that since she only has rights within A SPECIFIC SET OF CIRCUMSTANCES AND SITUATIONS, because she's not an actual HUMAN-WOMAN. Then all of her decades of risking her ass didn't mean shit when it came time for her to collect on some basic elements and aspects of life that MAKE LIFE WORTH LIVING! Translation;

She didn't like finding out that she's no different than a human-beings firearm. She's just a weapon who happens to LOOK CLOSE ENOUGH TO HUMAN. She also was told to her face that the animal-features were added to make it impossible for ARCs to hide among humans. Animal-ears and tails do tend to give you the fuck away pretty quick. Never mind the whole pickin up cars and trucks and shooting beams and blasts outta your hands and shit! That also, you know, kinda!? Gives you away too!

SO THAT'S IT! Just flyin by right quick in between breaks! NOW BACK TO WORK! BRING ON THE BUMPER BABY! YEAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!

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