Tuesday, October 6, 2015


You know, sigh... Really!? So!? I'm about to get down to typing for the night. I decided to check my inbox and what do I find;
Hello Shawn Williams,
We have found your Curriculum Vitae via Careerbuilder job-site. At the moment we expand our business to the USA territory and can offer you a position of Transportation Manager.
The position is mostly about accepting, repacking and sending parcels with the help of the Postal Service all over the world. It’s a work at home job and does not require any start-up costs.
You do not need to relocate and can do this job from a comfort of your home.

The Transportation Manager duties consist of:
 Step 1: You receive parcels at your address.
 Step 2: You should report to the supervisor about parcels delivered;
 Step 3: You should do repackaging according to supervisor instructions;
 Step 4: You will receive a prepaid shipping labels to mail the package out
 Step 5: You should affix the shipping label provided by your supervisor to the parcel and drop it off at the nearest post-office.

You do not need to invest any money to start this job. All the shipping costs and extra expenses will be covered by our company.
You will be responsible for dispatching packages in time.
Your compensation will consist of $2400 base salary (monthly) + $30 commission per box received .
Your wage will be deposited into your bank account or mailed in a form of check at the end of each work month.
During the first weeks you will work with a small product quantity. There will be about 10-20 boxes a week.
It’s not obligatory to have any special education, you will have a possibility to gain necessary knowledge during the trial period.
Make sure to have working home and mobile phone numbers, so we could reach you through the day if we have any questions about the reports.

The candidate should have:
 1. Printer (you will need to print postage labels to ship the boxes out).
 2. Internet Access (to check your email for the information updates) and the ability to your email 2-3 times a day.
 3. Ability to receive the parcels right to your physical address (not P.O. box) from courier services such as Fedex, UPS and USPS

If you need some more information regarding the offered vacancy – you could email me with any questions.

The offered vacancy is 100 percent legitimate job, all shipped products are legal under the law of the United States of America.

Please, reply back to get more information.
Sincerely yours,
Jessica Holtz
AST Shipping
Baldersbuen 15B,
2640 Hedehusene,
So now!? I will be THE FIRST TO ADMIT! That I got got by this same SCAM! AT THIS SAME TIME LAST YEAR! I was dumb enough and DESPERATE ENOUGH! To take a previous scam offer seriously! Needless to say I WAS NOT HAPPY WHEN I FINALLY CAME TO MY SENSES! Instead of being dumb and desperate because everything just WAS NOT GOING THE WAY I NEEDED IT TO GO! This is why I typed up the post Reflecting and made it earlier tonight/today! BECAUSE WHAT A DIFFERENCE A YEAR MAKES! Because I finally stopped trying to HOLD ON TO EVERYONE AND EVERYTHING THAT HONESTLY WASN'T TRYING TO HOLD ON TO ME!

So to see THIS!? Sittin in my inbox JUST NOW!? HAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAH, no. Mind you, here is what the US Post Office HAS POSTED;

Was your package returned with this label? Criminal use various come-ons to trick you into what Postal Inspectors call
  • Did you accept a job to reship merchandise?
  • Did you accept a job to reship postal money orders?
  • Were you paid with a counterfeit postal money order or check?
  • Is your name on the return address but you didn't send this package?

Work-at-Home Scams
Criminals post job announcements on Internet career sites offering work-at-home positions—sometimes advertised as “merchandising manager” or “package processing assistant.” Duties include receiving packages and mailing them to a foreign address on behalf of a client, using postage-paid mailing labels provided via email.
The real story? It’s a scam!
If you accept the job, you’ll receive packages containing one of two things:
  • Merchandise bought with stolen credit cards—the scammer needs your help to smuggle the goods out of the country.
  • Counterfeit postal money orders—the scammer wants your help to distribute them to other scammers.
And when you receive payment—watch out! The check or postal money order you receive are counterfeits!
Sweetheart Scams
Fraudulent reshippers also lurk on dating websites. They send a few emails to get to know you and may even send photos or flowers. Once they have your attention, they ask you to help their business or family by shipping packages to Europe or Africa. They may claim to be with a charity or mission and need help in delivering “donated” items to Africa or another part of the world.
Another variation is the “lonely hearts” scam. Men, for example, will receive photos of an attractive woman—perhaps calling herself a nurse—who is looking for a husband. If you respond, the nurse claims to be in love with you and asks for money to pay for an airline ticket. If you send the money, the nurse will come up with another reason to ask for yet more money.
The real story? Both the nurse and the photo are fake — and could be the picture of your worst nightmare.
Mystery Shopper Scams
In another twist on the reshipping scam, people receive emails offering yet another work-at-home offer—to be a paid mystery shopper.
If you sign up for the job, you’re paid with a postal money order or check, told to keep your earned portion, and wire the remaining amount elsewhere. Postal Inspectors warn: Make sure the money order or check is genuine before you deposit it. If your bank identifies a money order or check as counterfeit, you may be liable for the full face amount of the counterfeit you deposited in the bank.
IMPORTANT! To verify if a postal money order is authentic, call the Money Order Verification System at 1-866-459-7822.

Should you wire money to a stranger?
U.S. Postal Inspectors say: Absolutely not! The offer may sound like a nice deal, but—as usual—it’s just too good to be true.
Criminals may offer to pay you for a work-at-home job with a postal money order or check, tell you to keep your earned portion, and request you wire the remaining amount elsewhere.
Postal Inspectors warn: Make sure the money order or check is genuine before you deposit it. If your bank identifies a money order or check as counterfeit, you may be liable for the full face amount of the counterfeit you deposited in the bank.
IMPORTANT! To verify if a postal money order is authentic, call the Money Order Verification System at 1-866-459-7822.

If you received a package with a Return to Sender by Postal Inspectors label on it, and you didn’t mail the package, you may be the victim of an illegal credit card scheme. Postal Inspectors suggest you check your account with your credit card issuer or bank.
REPORT MAIL FRAUD!If you believe you’re a victim of one of these scams, file a complaint with Postal Inspectors online or call Postal Inspectors at 1-877-876-2455 (option 4, Mail Fraud).

So NOW!?
Last year around this time!? My Book was still coming together SLOW AS SHIT! And I was DESPERATE TO FIND WORK! SO I COULD LET MY SURROGATE SON GO ON ABOUT HIS BUSINESS AND I COULD GO ON ABOUT MINE! So like a JACKASS! I responded to one of these because the header appeared to be from a REAL JOB RECRUITER! That one was better than this one, they had a REAL ADDRESS AND REAL JOB RECRUITERS WORKING FOR THEM! Or!? SO I THOUGHT THEY WERE REAL! HA! THEY WERE ALL FRAUDS!

However!? I?
Am Black!
YEAH! And yes you read that RIGHT! My Blackness, saved MY ASS! I said to myself, as these packages started rolling in "Something isn't right with this." so instead of saying "Nah, fuck that, I NEED THE MONEY!"

I was like "Hmmmm? If this is a scam job and I'm committing some type of FRAUD or WHATEVER...?! How will the Nazi-Cops and the Nazi-American Criminal System treat me? Will I be looked at as a stupid Blackman desperate to make money, while trying to finish my book? Or...? Will I have Nazi-Cops KICK DOWN MY FUCKIN DOOR AND SCREAM; GET ON THE GROUND GET ON THE GROUND! HE'S GOT A GUN! SHOOT'EM-SHOOT'EM-SHOOT'EM!"
Unfortunately, MY GUN-KATA IS KINDA CRAPPY! So I can't do any the shit Christian Bale just did! Especially with fucked up FEET! But you get my point! HAHAHAHAHAHAHHAAHHA! I kind of figured that I'd just be seen as a FUCKIN CRIMINAL WHO WAS IN ON THE SCAM and be tossed away without the key! So MY BLACKNESS and ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF HOW THINGS WORK HERE!? SAVED MY ASS! HAHAHAHAHHAHAAH! Because I was like, man!? I could USE THIS MONEY! I NEED THE MONEY!

Then I remembered the scene above and I was like "Nnnnnnnnnnnnn, but I don't need to be Gun-Kata'd Up by Nazi-Cops of Upper Darby! Soooooooooooooohhhhhhhhhhh, nah. I'll pass!" and that's some of the shit that I'm talking about, where!? REALITY!? Overrode me even THINK ABOUT CONTINUING FORWARD. I went RIGHT AROUND THE CORNER AND TURNED ALL THE SHIT IN and the Nazi-Cops were SHOCKED! Cuz lemme tell YOU SOMETHING READER! They tried to get me to ship NEW LAPTOPS! NEW IPHONES! CLOTHES! ALL KINDS OF SHIT! THAT THE NAZI-COPS HONESTLY SAID "You coulda kept this and that."

And I was like, c'mon, don't fuckin clown me worse than I've already BEEN CLOWNED! So there you go! REVENGE OF THE SCAM JOBS! Just like CLOCKWORK! And THIS TIME!? I'll PASS!
OH AND AGAIN!? This Video from the the 2002 Equilibrium movie, shows once again that in White Society the appropriate response for someone killing your loved ones and turning you into a mindless killer with lies, is to kill them. The video above closes with the main villain, appropriately named DuPont. Never mind that CHEMICAL-DRUGS are used to SUPPRESS EMOTION IN THE MOVIE, further illustrating that Whites are actually KEENLY AWARE of the Evil Among Them but do VERY LITTLE TO CHALLENGE IT, BECAUSE!?

They don't have to.
As long as they can exploit an external source or have scams, lies and bones thrown to them by their 1% Lords and Masters, then? They have no need to actively, honestly, change or challenge THEIR OWN Customs and Culture of Mass-Exploitation by Their Own Leadership, where?
Our Return to Power and CUTTING OFF of Their Ability to Freely Exploit US as Blacks?
Would actually, IRONICALLY, force them! To finally get their own house in order, too.

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