Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Craigslist Lures and More Ills of Online Only-Employment Applications!

I can't make this stuff up! So the 4pm interview, NO AND LEMME SAY THIS TOO! Over here in Nazi-America you have people who LURE PEOPLE TO PLACES USING CRAIGSLIST AND VARIOUS OTHER SITES! THEN THEY MUG, ROB, RAPE AND KILL THE PERSON! Yo!? I haven't heard DIDDLY-SQUAT BACK FROM THIS 4PM INTERVIEW!

Where I just got off the phone with one of my Sworn-Brothers and he was like "What the fuck!? YO DON'T GO OUT THERE MAN! When you sent me the email earlier about the fact that this dude has DISAPPEARED!? YO!? Now the phone number to this place is DISCONNECTED!? And he hasn't responded to any emails, shit is too suspicious. Just forget that one, man."

This is where NOT HAVING BEEN in the employment game for 10+ years leads to trouble! A lot of things have changed and online only employment hiring practices and sites? Are now the normal means of applying to jobs, etc-etc! So it is no longer, go, buy a newspaper. Check the Want Ads. Call potential employers. TALK TO A PERSON RIGHT FROM JUMP STREET! Get the address, come in fill out an app. Or talk to person GET A PHONE INTERVIEW RIGHT THEN AND THERE. Yes, no, MAYBE SO. Then come in to either fill out app or get the job RIGHT THEN AND THERE from the phone interview.

Instead it is crazy shit like this. I apply to Ziprecruiter a job employment search site and post my resume. Found the Collections Associate position and applied for it. Applied for other postings. Go on about my business. Then I got this in my inbox;

Dana Masel noreply@ziprecruiter.com

6:19 PM (19 hours ago
The following message was sent via ZipRecruiter.
Dear Shawn Williams,

I've reviewed your job application for Collections Associate at Capital Accounts LLC, and would like to speak with you. Please reply to this message with some days/times that work for you, and I'll send over an interview confirmation.

Dana Masel at Capital Accounts LLC
This email was sent in reference to your application for the Collections Associate job at Hiring Company. ZipRecruiter is a third-party software provider and is not responsible for the content of this email.
So I reply, mind you, I cannot see anything wrong with this so far.

6:32 PM (19 hours ago)
to Dana
Good Evening,

I will be available starting tomorrow at 2pm to all day Wednesday and Thursday. 
Thank you.

Shawn C. Williams
So? So far, SO GOOD!
This man replies with this;

Dana Masel danamasel@usecapital.com

6:36 PM (19 hours ago)
to me
Tomorrow at 4pm.  I need a current copy of your resume and a good contact number for you.

Now? Now you see...?
Current copy of my resume? Fuck is this guy talking about? The resume IS current. Good contact number? The number, IS GOOD. Meanwhile? Do you see what is missing? Aside from the blue lettered text, he gives me NO ADDRESS OR PHONE NUMBER TO CONTACT HIM. I have a 4pm job interview TO WHERE EXACTLY AM I GOING!? HAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! I'm laughing now, but I honestly was once again following right along where? Who sends out requests for more info, but doesn't include the address of the company itself for the interview. This caught up to me around 3am THIS MORNING and I started digging around trying to locate Capital Accounts LLC and this guy Dana Masel. NOW!?

Dana Masel is a REAL PERSON. With a LinkedIn Account. He has a very thorough and long history in the collections business. Too long to be this stupid and sloppy with something as simple as interview information. So I start searching for the address on my own after sending this to him;

Shawn Williams 

Attachments6:39 PM (19 hours ago)
to Dana
And I've enclosed a copy of my resume.
So I sent him my info and still got no response.
Sent him this;

Shawn Williams 

12:27 PM (2 hours ago)
to Dana
Good Afternoon.

I just checked my email and I do not have an address to where the interview is going to be held at 4pm.
Still got NO RESPONSE.
So now I'm like "What the fuck is up with this shit?"
I finally found an ADDRESS AND PHONE NUMBER.
I call the phone number?
A disconnected business phone number? No responses to emails? Tch tch tch, somethin, somethin, JUST AIN'T RIGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHT! HAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH! That's when I called one of my sworn brothers and he was like "Nah, steer clear of this."

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