Monday, October 5, 2015

Rise of the Temp Agency and the Ills of Online Only Employment Hiring

Now!? See!?
YO!? I just got an email from a Temp Agency and spoke to an agent there where I'm like "Whut? How the fuck!? Why would you bother to call me when the Client WANTS IMMEDIATE COLLECTIONS EXPERIENCE and I've been on the shelf for 10-years! I haven't done collections in 10-years! And my fuckin resume SHOWS THAT! YET YOUR GREEDY BUM-WHITE-ASS FUCKIN CALLED ME ANY FUCKIN WAY!?"
The fuckin guy SENDS ME AN EMAIL! I respond BY EMAIL! Then I'm like, FUCK IT! Lemme call this temp agency back and see if I can get a job interview NOW! LIKE RIGHT NOW! Because that is what they put on the email notice, he sent me this;
We have an outstanding opportunity for a Collections Assistant at a leading center city law firm.  This is long term contract assignment expected to last until the end of the year possibly longer.  The ideal candidate will have previous AR or collections experience in a law firm or professional services environment.
Russ Booth
AllStar Staffing Group

Russ Booth
Branch Manager
AllStar Staffing Group
215-953-1012 (office)
And see like I said, PEOPLE! I don't come up on here and BULLSHIT YOU! By telling you "cute little stories" and LIES! NO! Things I put up here, I HAVE PROOF OF! >_< ANGRY! And yes I am angry because I need to switch jobs LIKE YESTERDAY! So this ASSHOLE! I fuckin call him RIGHT NOW! And I'm callin to talk TURKEY! Let's DO THIS!
Then good ole Russ is like "Well, uhhh, Shawn? Your resume says that you haven't done collections since 2002. Is this an old resume?" 
Wait, so does that mean that muthafucka's post AND LEAVE THEIR RESUMES UP ON MONSTER.COM FOR-FUCKIN-EVER!? WHAT THE FUCK!? Then I realized, ohhhh, he's one of THOSE KIND OF TEMP-AGENCY ASSHOLES. He ASSUMES that everybody is as lazy as everyone else to simply LEAVE THEIR RESUME UP ON!?

So I was like "I'm currently working." I give him my new job IT IS NOT COLLECTIONS. This is why I have been applying to ENTRY LEVEL collections and office jobs. Because MY WORK HISTORY IN THESE AREAS IS OUT OF DATE! I meant what I said, I have NOT WORKED SINCE 2002. My website and my new job ARE LITERALLY MY NEWEST ENTRIES BACK INTO THE JOB MARKET! And I am finding out the hard way that Whites? The looks? The sound of their voice, where it is like "Wait!? How can you, Blackman Shawn, you must have been in jail! BLACKMEN CANNOT NOT BE WORKING FOR SO LONG WHEN MINE PASTY WHITE-ASS MUST DO SO! YOU HAVE CHEATED SOMEHOW! WHAT PRISON WERE YOU IN!? THIS IS A LIE OF SOME SORT! A SCAM, A CON! YOU ARE BLACK, AND A MAN, THUS YOU CANNOT POSSIBLY NOT HAVE WORKED THIS LONG! WHAT WELFARE ARE YOU ON!? HOW MANY WHITES HAVE YOU KILLED AND ROBBED!? SURELY YOU MUST HAVE BEEN IN JAIL! MY GOD!? DO OTHER BLACKS KNOW HOW YOU'VE DONE THIS!? SECURITY!? SECURITY!?"
Uhhhhh, yeah.
I gotta go.

So good ole Russ is like "Well, it's a Center City Law Firm."
And I'm like "Yes, I know." meanwhile, this same fuckin law firm IS ALWAYS LOOKING FOR A COLLECTIONS SPECIALIST! Last time I was dealing with THAT SORT OF DEATHTRAP was when I worked for Yellowbook USA, where THEY DON'T ACTUALLY COLLECT FROM THEIR CUSTOMERS! I was hired to collect money in their FINAL DEMAND DEPARTMENT. But the lazy-SCHEMING FUCKS! Didn't DO ANY ACTUAL COLLECTIONS! They instead believed in the tried and true White-Collar Con-Game of REVOLVING DEBT. Where they let customers pay just enough to keep doing business, but never PAY THEIR BILL IN FULL. Well!?

I didn't know anything about that, so!? I did my job. And that caused fuckin problems in a hurry! With the salesmen and women "HEY WHY DID YOU CALL SO-N-SO AND FORCE A $500 PAYMENT OUTTA THEM!? THEY WANNA CANCEL NOW!" 

Me; "Oh really, they haven't made more than a $50 payment since this account started and their balance is in the $2,000 range now. I'm supposed to demand $500 or close their account. What are you talking about?"

And you can guess the fact that the sales people were tied in to these DELINQUENT CUSTOMERS! And whenever they went bad, the sales people would pick up small rinky-dink checks TO HELP WITH THEIR RESIDUAL SALES PAYCHECKS! So these FOOLS! Were letting BAD DEBT SIT ON THE BOOKS ON PURPOSE TO MAKE THEIR SALES AND RESIDUAL SALES COMMISSIONS! >_< Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!!!!!! So I warned that if there is ever a mass amount of these Final Demand Debtors who decide not to pay!?

I totaled it up and tried to DO MY JOB with the horrible White-Bitch who was my supposed boss. I showed her the fact that they'd accumulated ENOUGH REVOLVING DEBT THAT IF ENOUGH OF THEM SIMPLY REFUSED TO PAY THE WINDFALL WOULD BE MASSIVELY BAD! For the record, that place is out of business now. ^_^!!!!! And yes, I am happy about that. Because they were tacky, take it away AL!
For Russ to call me and not even give two fucks to say "Wait? This guy's resume might actually be UP TO DATE." never mind that the law firm he's calling for has been having this fuckin issue since 2011! I've literally seen this same Center City Law Firm CONSTANTLY SEEKING A COLLECTIONS REP. They are CLEARLY LIKE YELLOWBOOK USA! AND LEMME TELL YOU SOMETHING, NO FUCKIN WAY! I'M OUT! I'LL NEVER WORK IN THAT KIND OF ENVIRONMENT AGAIN, REGARDLESS OF THE HIGH SALARY! THAT SHIT WAS LITERAL HELL!

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