Friday, October 2, 2015

Wondering Where I Disappeared To?

Good Morning from Upper Darby!

WHEW! That was the world's LONGEST COMMERCIAL BREAK EVER WASN'T IT!? HAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAAHAH! Lemme tell ya something!? I made that food and sat down. I'm feelin pretty good about having lost so much weight and continuing to push forward, but I slept like shit last night after I found out that the job interview was a scam job. It honestly annoyed me THAT MUCH that there are Whites out here still coming up with "Marketing Jobs" and "Inside Sales" jobs, meant to scam and lure anyone into them. Where people all across Nazi-America are REALLY PISSED AND FRUSTRATED.

I just don't understand why PEOPLE, not just Whites, but My Own as well. Yo? The climate right now is PURE-D HOSTILITY. People are flippin out and freakin out over damn near anything. Nazi-Cops are killin at will. Politicians are LITERALLY STEALING with NO REMORSE from anyone. So to still be out here "making up jobs" where you know that what you're doing is just an attempt to shuttle and sucker people in and out. Use'em with claims of "opportunity". While lying on the phone and claiming "salary will be discussed by the manager". When you know you don't have a salary because everything is commissions.

I was able to be suckered because now these "Marketing" jobs have started to call themselves CUSTOMER SERVICE JOBS. >_< But thankfully I realized who calls themselves 7 Marketing when they're customer service. -_- And for me to miss that once they replied, and oh yeah they had all the bells and whistles. Till I typed their name into google and looked for job reviews on them. Then the bells and whistles went like this;
I thought about how would I have reacted, once I found out that it was a bullshit opportunity?
Now? I'm not gonna pull out a gun and start blasting, relax people. But as you know my feet are fucked up. And today, I have to work and I'll be on them for the entire time. To travel during rush hour BY PUBLIC TRANSIT, only to find out shit was a scam job and they got me? Uhhhhhh, no, that wouldn't...? That wouldn't have gone over well with me. And mind you I've already been told since I started working "Yo...? Are you like...? Losing fuckin weight already? You seem like you're already? It's like you already have lost some weight."

Broken down body or not, I don't like being forced to make moves that I know I have to make. But I don't like the rate of exchange of something being worth it vs. the bullshit I'll have to deal with in doing what I am doing. I've never had a problem with doing what I've needed to do, but I've always had a problem with putting up with stupidity and bullshit that MAY COME WITH the situation and circumstances. My health deteriorated, like I said, because I kept on trying to force myself to be more accommodating and going-on to get-along. So travelling first thing on bad feet, only to find a bunch of bullshitting Whites at the end of it all smiling and talking shit like I'm some idiot who can't see they're conning me?

Now, I know I SHOULDN'T HAVE allowed any of that to disrupt my sleep. But the fact that people are so shamelessly unconcerned about respecting the climate and understanding that now isn't the time to be playing games, bothers me. So I didn't sleep well. Then got to my doctor's appointment and had everything confirmed for me that I was being treated bare minimum due to my lack of insurance. Had blood taken out where I didn't wanna give up the blood at first and the nurse was like "Whut? Where is the...!?"

And no. I am not joking. Lying. Or exaggerating. She kept trying to get blood for the tests and finally said "Your veins are really, big?! How in the world?!" this was another reason why I got pissed at Stacey's youngest brother Bradley for calling me the Guru of Life. I hate when non-disciplined phony "Men of God", run their fuckin mouths yet they've never spent one moment in meditation. Never spent one day trying to self-discipline. And never met with people who could teach them such things, but then they think I'm supposed to give a fuck about their supposed religious beliefs while I can blatantly see they are morally bankrupt and spiritually, dead.

Again, as usual, I don't type shit that I cannot prove or do not have proof of. The nurse was absolutely astonished when she couldn't draw blood and kept trying and kept failing. Then when she finally was able to, she noted the fact that "Why is it coming out so slowly...?" and I told her "Because I don't want to give it to you." mind you it was childish on my part. Because I knew now that I had insurance I could get my blood work done. But there was a part of me that was still pissed about what'd happened where, yes, I have another potential job op lined up. AND THIS TIME I DOUBLE-CHECKED IT. But even with that one?

Claimed to be collections PT in Jenkintown.
But it was actually PT in King of Prussia.
So what is in Jenkintown?
The Temp Agency offering the opportunity.
My lack of being in the workforce for 10+ years, has me like a Blackman coming out of suspended animation. Things that made sense when I left the workforce are now completely gone and some of the absolutely dumbest things are now common. And that's when I realized that that was what was really bothering. Common sense? Has been obliterated in almost every element and aspect of society here. Stupidity. Treachery. Dishonesty. And negative traits like these are now lauded, applauded and blatantly rewarded. But then people have the nerve to open their pie-holes and say "Why did so-n-so do this?" or "Why is so-n-so doing that when they know this will get'em killed!?"

It is because Wrong is Right.
And Right is Wrong.
And it is everywhere now.
Lavishly rewarded and praised.
However I don't need to be a Guru of Life to know that nothing set this way can maintain itself for long, no matter how much money, power or anything else is dumped into it to keep the river flowing wrong. At some point or another, something gives.

Once I woke up I checked my so-called pay for the last few weeks and was reminded of why I am looking elsewhere. But in all honesty? I was reminded that My Job, is Writing. So I have been typing stuff for Williams Works. I stopped to take a break. And came back here since I'd said I was only taking a break in my last post. So now everyone is up to speed. And now, it's time for me to get back to work and then go to bed. Because I have to work today. Hopefully I will get called in for the PT-job where they pay $15 an hour for 20 hours worth of work per week. I'm gonna keep looking for more work though and I'm finally almost finished the first free-story for the site. I'm gonna also review and re-read the posted stories I have too. That's it.

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